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1、人教版五年级上册英语教案模块二单 元 教 学 计 划内容Module 2序号2使用人王 琳授课时间单元知识分析本模块玲玲带领我们走进了英国的超市,为他们的野餐筹备食物。在Unit1中让学生对英国的购物方式进行初步的接触和了解,要求学生掌握如何用英语询问物品的多少。在Unit2中,在学生初步掌握可数名词和不可数名词之后,结合how many|how muchdo you buy?句型进行综合运用练习。单元教学目标知识与技能区分运用how many|how muchdo you buy?句型进行购物。过程与方法学会如何用英语购物。情感态度与价值观了解英国购物方式,感受英国文化。教学重点掌握并运用句

2、型How many bananas do you buy?How much cheese do you want buy?教学难点区分可数名词和不可数名词;在生活中运用本单元重点句型进行购物。课时分配本模块分两课时进行,具体分配如下:Unit1 What did you buy? Unit2 How much cheese do you buy?2 / 28课 时 教 案主备人王 琳使用人王 琳时间课题Unit1 What did you buy?教案序号2-1教学目标知识与技能:理解和把握句型How many+可数名词 did you buy? How much +不可数名词did you

3、buy?过程与方法:培养学生运用英语获得信息、能列出参加某项活动所需的购物单及初步设计、安排活动的能力。情感态度与价值观:培养用英文表达购物愿望的意识,从而将英语运用到生活中去。教学重点How many did you buy? How much did you buy?教学难点理解、区分How many和How much。教学方法情境法,分角色互动表演教具准备实物、图画、多媒体课件板书设计Unit1 What did you buy ?How many did you buy?How much did you buy?教学反思教 学 过 程师生活动思考与调整(一)复习:复习数词160。利用多

4、媒体播放图片来帮助学生复习已学的部分数词,为下面学习新知识打好铺垫。(二)以旧引新:用手势帮助学生复习数词,以此来引出句型“How many?”,并通过图片和实物进行操练。1、T: How many? (教师出示不同数量的手指。)S: Seven.2、T: How many books? (教师出示两本课本,引导学生留意后面的可数名词要以复数的形式出现。)S: Two books.教师板书并带读,接着小组读和抽学生起来读。3、学生以两人为单位利用身边的事物进行问答练习。4、抽两对学生上台展示自己练习的结果。(三)通过句型“How many?”的操练来引出句型“How much?”,并进行操练。

5、1、老师向学生出示一幅图,图上有三个书包,让全班同学问老师:S: How Many bags?T: Three bags. 2、老师向学生出示一幅图,图上有三瓶牛奶,再让全班同学问老师:S: How many milks?T: Sorry. We cant say like that. We may say“ How much milk?”.教师板书并带读“ How much milk?”。water/ How much water?Juice/ How much juice?rice/ How much rice? Cheese/ How much cheese?老师向学生出示了一些不能用“

6、How many? ”来提问,而要用“How much? ”来提问的词,让学生找出为什么这些词只能用“How much? ”来提问3、老师带读以上几个问句,接着请学生看小黑板上的题目,让学生通过听录音来找出这几个问句的回答句,用线把它们连起来,并说说这类问句该如何回答。How much water? One kilo.How much rice? Two bottles of water.How much cheese? Six bowls of rice.How much juice? Three boxes of juice.正确答案:water/ How much water? Two

7、bottles of water.Juice/ How much juice? Three boxes of juice.rice /How much rice? Six bowls of rice.cheese /How much cheese? One kilo.教师带读。4、分组、分排进行问答操练。教师说出不同的物品,请学生正确使用How many和How much来询问数量,学生分组、分排进行问答操练。5、快速反应及抢答游戏:老师出示图画,学生根据图画来判定该用哪一个问句来问,以及该如何回答。事物数量(四)Chant:How many, how many, how many,How m

8、any apples did you want?Seven, seven, seven. I want seven apples.How much, how much, how much,How much cheese did you want?One, one, one kilo. I want one kilo.1、学生先认读单词。2、听录音并模拟录音上的语音、语调。3、学生对原来的内容进行改换,并把自己的作品读出来给大家听。(五)小结。(六)作业:向你的父母了解你家一个周末消费情况,并列出消费单。课 时 教 案主备人王 琳使用人王 琳时间课题Unit1 What did you buy?

9、教案序号2-2教学目标知识与技能:理解和把握句型How many+可数名词 do you buy? How much +不可数名词do you buy?过程与方法:培养学生运用英语获得信息、能列出参加某项活动所需的购物单及初步设计、安排活动的能力。情感态度与价值观:培养用英文表达购物愿望的意识,从而将英语运用到生活中去。教学重点How many did you buy? How much did you buy?教学难点理解、区分How many和How much。教学方法情境法,分角色互动表演教具准备实物、图画、多媒体课件板书设计Unit1 What did you buy ?How man

10、y did you buy?How much did you buy?教学反思教 学 过 程师生活动思考与调整Step1:1.1.ReviseRemember the last modules words and lessons.T:last module we learnt the “ did ”.gowent runran meetmet buybought2.Learn the new words and lessons:Show the powerpoint to the students:There are some pictures of need ,food,shopping l

11、ist,cheese,kilo.Then play a game:high low voice,it can help boys and girls recite the words.Step2T:What did you do yesterday?Ss:I did my homework.T:Please guess:What did I do yesterday?S1:Maybe you went shopping.T:Yes,you are right.I went to a supermarket.I bought lots of things,look at the board:T:

12、Can you speak out in English?Step3Today Lingling and Ms Smart go to the supermarket,too.Let usLook at it.1.Firstly,the students should follow the taperecorder,then circle the new words in the text.2.Secondly,some boys and girls can read some questions,the questions are on the board:1)Where are Ms Sm

13、art and Lingling?2)What do they need to buy?3)Does Lingling like bananas?4)How much cheese does Ms Smart want?3.Thirdly,the students should follow the tape-recorder again,sentence by sentence ,then the teacher and the studentsCan find “ What do they buy for the picnic?”They are bananas、cheese、noodle

14、s.4.Look at your books:What is on linglings hand?Ss:It is a shopping list.(list的意思是目录,清单的意思)“how many”和“how much”都是用来询问多少的意思,但在用法上有区别,how many 用来询问可数名词的数量,how much用来询问不可数名词的数量。5.Then the students should answer the questions:1)They are in the supermarket.2)They need to buy food for their picnic.3)Yes

15、,she does.4)Half a kilo.(half一半)Step41)Show some pictures on the board(apple,pear,banana,cheese,meat,milk)引导学生说出那些是可数名词,那些是不可数名词。2)Use the pictures to make some sentences with“how much”and “how many” .Homework:1Recite the words and lessons.2Make a dialogue about shopping3Find some informations about

16、 shopping on the computer.课 时 教 案主备人王 琳使用人王 琳时间课题Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ?教案序号2-3教学目标知识与技能:a.能够熟练的运用单词“bottle ,box,kilo,make a list ” 及它们的复数形式。b.能够熟练的运用句型“How muchdid you buy?过程与方法:用英语些购物单,用英语购物。情感态度与价值观:通过游戏培养合作精神和竞争意识,激发主体情感。教学重点运用句型“How much|manydid you want ?进行超市购物。教学难点掌握可数名词和不可数名词与句型H

17、ow much|manydid you want ?教学方法游戏法,小组合作教具准备单词卡片,多媒体课件板书设计Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ?bottle ,box,kilo,make a listHow muchdid you buy ?教学反思教 学 过 程师生活动思考与调整step1.Warming up 1.Greeting. T:Hello!boys and girls.S:Hello!teacher.Step 2.Revision1. Revise the sentence and the numbers.Play a game “How m

18、any ?” 两名学生同时出手指相加并问“How many ?”谁先说出就谁获胜,输的同学并被刮鼻子。Step 3.presentation1. Show thw CAI (apples ,bananas, milk, juice )T:How many ?S:five applesT:How much (板书)教师提出疑问:为什么要用“How many ?”和“How much?”怎么区分?学生思考2. Make a list.T:Oh!Im very thirsty and hungry.Have you got some juice?Have you got some meat ?S1:

19、No, I havent.T:Where can we get it ?S:supermarket.T:If we are going to go to the supermarket.What do you want ?贴在“How much ?”的后面,为下面合并句子作铺垫。Let the students make a list.3. Learn the sentence “How much do you want ?”T:Hello!What do you want ?S:I want some apples ,bananas and meat .T:How much meat do

20、you want ?(把卡片反过来合并为一个句子。How much do you want ?) Read after the teacher.四、课堂检测1. Practice the sentence课件出示 “How much do you want ?”Look at the teachers list (CAI)T:I want some apples .do you have some question ask the teacher?Lead the students ask “How many apples do you want ?Miss Du”T:I want som e

21、 meat.do you have some questionask the teacher? Lead the students ask “How much meat do you want ?Miss Du”Use the same way let the studnets ask “How much milk/juice/noodles do you want ?Miss Du”2. Design their list again( 进一步完善购物单,填上数量)3. Check out .Let the students make the dialogue.S1:Hello!*What

22、do you want ?S2:I want some noodlesS1:How much noodles do you want ?S2:2 kilos4. Show the CAI(The song)The words “apples ,pears, milk, juice” use the different colors5. Listen and learn the song.6. Let the students changs the words and the teacher check out.Let them have the competition五、课后作业1. If w

23、e are going to have a picnic,what are we going to take on our picnic,please make a list.课 时 教 案主备人王 琳使用人王 琳时间课题Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ?教案序号2-4教学目标知识与技能:a.能够熟练的运用单词“bottle ,box,kilo,make a list ” 及它们的复数形式。b.能够熟练的运用句型“How muchdid you buy?过程与方法:用英语些购物单,用英语购物。情感态度与价值观:通过游戏培养合作精神和竞争意识,激发主体情感。教

24、学重点运用句型“How much|manydid you want ?进行超市购物。教学难点掌握可数名词和不可数名词与句型How much|manydid you want ?教学方法游戏法,小组合作教具准备单词卡片,多媒体课件板书设计Unit2 How much cheese did you buy ?bottle ,box,kilo,make a listHow muchdid you buy ?教学反思教 学 过 程师生活动思考与调整Step 1:Warming upActivity1: Say a chant.Apple ,apple , I like apple. How many,

25、 how many apples did you buy? Six, six, please.Activity2: “快速反应”比赛利用物品卡片快速在学生眼前晃动,然后问:How many? 学生凭印象回答。设计意图 :学生在说chant 的时候不仅是对上节课的句型进行复习,而且还为学生创造了愉快的学习氛围。第二个“快速反应比赛”主要是激发学生的学习兴趣,吸引学生的注意力。Step 2: ReviewActivity : Guess出示某种食物的部分图片,让学生猜猜这种食物是什么。设计意图 :让学生复习不可数食物的单词,为新课做好铺垫。Step 3: PresentationActivity1

26、: listen to the tape学生听课文录音。Activity2: Listen and say听录音,说说小朋友们要购买什么。Activity3: Listen and repeat(twice)听录音,跟读课文。设计意图 :通过听课文录音,感知课文,理解句型的运用情境。并学习正确的语音语调。Step 4: PractiseActivity1: look and say学生看图片,回答问题: How much?Activity2: 编句子学生运用 How much_ did you buy? 在横线上填写正确的不可数单词。Activity 3: 进行对话练习,学生可以灵活采用不同的

27、单词。在练习中帮助学生正确掌握 box, bottle 的用法。A: Do you like?B: Yes, I do.A: How much?B:.设计意图 :学生首先是回答How much? 问题,理解句型;然后根据物品的可数和不可数完成句子,加深对重点句型的理解;最后在一定的场景中进行语音交际,灵活运用所学句型。Step 5: ConsolidationActivity: Look and ask ,then answer课件出示含有不可数和可数的物品,让学生采用正确的句型进行提问。小组之间进行比赛,看看哪个组出错率最低。设计意图 :让学生进行how many.? 和How much?

28、进行正确的提问,主要是在学生的头脑里构建可数和不可数的概念,让学生明白这两种句型的区别,能正确运用句型。Step 6: ProductionActivity: shopping 模拟商店的情景,一个学生当售货员,一个学生当顾客,模仿: A: How much milk do you want? B: Five bottles, please.进行购物对话表演。分小组进行比赛。设计意图 :设计购物的情景,帮助学生运用所学的语言知识。Step 7: summery and assessment1.让学生谈论本节课的学习重点及自己碰到的难点。2总结本节课同学们的表现。设计意图 :课文学完后,学生必须能理解本节课的重点句型。教师针对学生的表现予以适当的评价,能保护学生学习的兴趣,激发他们学习的积极性。Step8、Homework:1. 听课文录音,朗读课文。2. 与家人玩“丢骰子”的游戏。碰到可数物品要用How many?碰到不可数要用How much?设计意图 :朗读课文时巩固课文的基本途径,让学生回家后玩“丢骰子”的游戏,是为了巩固本课所学的重点知识。


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