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1、英语介词用法总结( 完整 )一、单项选择介词1 Friendship can never be a trade; , it needs the most thorough and unprofitableconcept.A in additionB by contrastC in returnD by chance【答案】 B【解析】【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:友谊永远不能变成一个交易,相反,它需要最纯粹最无利益的理念。 A. in addition 除此之外; B. by contrast 相反; C. in return 作为回报; D. by chance 偶然地。 前后两句表达的是

2、相反的意思, by contrast 相反“ ”符合语境。故B 选项正确。2 the cultural differences, the film s advertising materials should have explained, inbrief the moral behind Ne Zha s story to make it more appealing toaufodrienigcnes.A ConsideredB SupposedC GivenD Supposing【答案】 C【解析】【详解】考查熟词生义。句意:鉴于文化的不同,哪吒的广告宣传语应该介绍一下哪吒这个电影的寓意

3、。A. Considered经过深思熟虑的,属于形容词;B. Supposed猜测的,属于形容词;C.Given 考虑到,鉴于,属于介词; D. Supposing 假定,设想,属于连词。结合句意及句子结 构可知,此处用介词 鉴于符合语境。故选 C项。3 A great man shows his greatness the way he treats little man.A underB withC onD by【答案】 D【解析】考查介词的用法。借助某种方法和手段”常用“by 而with强调使用工具,常与with thismethod 搭配。4 We re planning to sen

4、d out a thousand invitationsExpovolunteers.A overB inC onD to【答案】 D 【解析】5 Shirley, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read the library.A inB forD. fromC. by【答案】D【解析】词义辨析。句意:Shirley, 一个真正爱书的人,经常把许多书从图书馆带到家里去看。所 以选D。6. G匕京) Good morning, Mr. Lee s office.Good morning. I d like to makup

5、pointment next Wednesday afternoon.A. for B. onC. in D. at【答案】A【解析】考查介词。句意:一一早上好,Lee先生办公室。一一早上好。我想预约下周三下午(和Mr. Lee见面)。make an appointment for意为 为预约”,是固定搭配,故 A选项 正确。点睛: make an appointment with sb.和某人预约; make an appointment for 为预约。7. The captain of the ship was advised to turn back _a sudden heavy s

6、torm.A. due toB. by means ofC. in addition toD. instead of【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查介词词组辨析。句意:由于突然来了一场暴风雨,船长被建议返航。A. due to由于;B.by means of通过;C. in addition to除之外;D. instead of代替,而不是。故 A选项正 确。8. When asked about their opinion about the schoolmaster ,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside younger men.

7、A. in terms ofB. in need ofC. in favor ofD. in praise of【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:当被问及对校长的看法时,许多老师宁愿看到他站在一边,支 持较年轻的人。A. in terms of就 而言,从 而论;B. in need of需要;C. in favor of支持,拥护;D. in praise of称赞,表扬。根据句意分析,C项符合题意。故选 C项。9. We charge parcels weight, rather than individual units.A. in honor ofB. in conta

8、ct withC. in terms ofD. in connection with【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查介词短语。句意:我们根据包裹的重量,而不是包裹的件数收费。 A. in honor of 为了对表示敬意;B. in contact with与有联系,接触;C. in terms of根据,在方面;D.in connection with与有关,有联系。表示根据什么计费。故选C。【点睛】rather than 是一个并列连词。用法如下:与would连用时,构成 would rather than式,意思是 宁愿而不愿”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择一个。不与would连用时,表

9、示客观事实,意为 是而不是;与其不如:它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。10 We have already discussed this plan , so next we should spare no effort to carry it out.A at lengthB at randomC at easeD at best【答案】 A 【解析】 【详解】 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们已经详细的讨论了这个计划,所以下面我们会竭尽全力的把它完成。A. at length详细地,具体地;B. at random随便地,任意地;C. at

10、ease自由自在地; D. at best 最多。故 A 选项正确。11 “ We ve never sold anyone s data, ” Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, saidBritish lawmakerDamian Collins, who released some emails between Facebook and other tech companies.A in response toB in contrast toC in proportion toD in addition to【答案】 A 【解析】 【详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:我们

11、从未售卖任何人的数据 ”,脸书CEO扎克伯格回复英国立法者 Damian Collins 说,其公开了在脸谱网和其他科技公司之间一些电子邮件的。 A. in response to 回复; B. in contrast to 与相反; C. in proportion to 与 成比例; D. inaddition to 除之外 (还 )。故选A。12 This was returned because the person this letter was addressed had died threeyears ago. A to whomB to whichD whomC which 【

12、答案】 A 【解析】【详解】考查介词+关系代词。句意:这封信被退回来是因为收信人三年前去世了。分析句子可知,the person 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作介词的宾语,而定语从句中涉及be addressto sb给“写信”。所以介词为to。故A选项正确。【点睛】定语从句中关系词的选择可考虑以下三点:(1) 一看先行词的意义,即分清先行词是指人、指物、时间、地点还是原因 (如指物时不能用 who 或 whom ,指人时通常不用 which 等 )。(2) 二看关系词的句法功能,即分清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作定语还是状语等(如作定语通常用 whose,有时也用 wh

13、ich;作状语要用 when, where,why) ;(3) 三看定语从句的种类,即分清是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句 (如 that 和 why通常不引导非限制性定语从句 )。分析本句可知, the person 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作作介词的宾语。而定语从句中涉及be address to sb给,写信”。所以介词为to。故A选项正确。13. all the seats full, he had no choice but to stand up.A ForB AsC ThoughD With【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:考查with 符合结构,句意:因为所有的座位都坐满

14、了,他只好站着。因为逗号前面的不是句子,不能用连词as, for, though ,应该用with+宾语+adj (宾语补足语),选D。考点:考查with 符合结构14. The unemployment rate has decreased 2% to 5.4%, compared with 7.4 % last year.A byB fromC withD on【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:失业率与去年的7.4%相比,已经到了5.4%,下降了2%。从句意可知此处指失业率下降了, by 可以指相差的程度,选A。考点:考查介词用法15. His remark was considered

15、to be quite , because it deepened the gap between twoparties and caused more conflicts.A out of place B out of mindC out of question D out of order【答案】 A【解析】【详解】考查介词短语。句意:他的评论被认为是不恰当,因为它加深了两党的间隙,导致更多的冲突。A. out of place 不适当,B. out of mind 发狂,疯狂 C. out of question 没问题,D. out of order 秩序混舌L。 由 “deepene

16、d the gap caused more conflicts 可知: out of place 不恰当 “符 合句意。故选A项。16. Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves half an hour.A. byB. inC. forD. until【答案】B【解析】本题的关键是the train to the airport leaves火车将要离开;在这句话里使用了一般现在时代 替将来时,表示按照车站的时间表列车进出。实际上本句是一个将来时,四个选项里只有“in+段时间”可以和将来时连用。句意:Jane很着急,

17、因为去机场的火车半小时以后就要出发了。故B正确。17. The ancient Silk Road China and Europe has become an ideal place for studyingand traveling.A. amongB. alongC. acrossD. between【答案】D【解析】试题分析:考查介词。句意:中国和欧洲之间的古代丝绸之路现在已经变成了一个学习、 旅游的好场所。between.and.在和之间,故选 D。考点:考查介词18. Rose was wild with joy the result of the examination.A. t

18、oB. atC. byD. as【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查介词辨析。句意:罗斯对考试的结果欣喜若狂。A. to至ij; B. at因为;C. by通过;D. as作为。固定短语:be wild with joy at.因为而欣喜若狂”。故选B。19. With the help of curriculum reform, students enjoy a variety of after-school activities, up to half are aimed at strengthening their physical strength and building up their

19、 confidence.A. to whichB. of whichD. in whichC. from which【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查定语从句。句意:在课程改革的帮助下,学生享受各种各样的课外活动,其中多达一半的活动旨在增强他们的体力和建立他们的信心。 up to half are aimed atstrengthening their physical strength and building up their confidence. 是一个定语从句,先行词是after-school activities ,文中表示 在中”,所以用介词of,故选B。20 (天津) Bob th

20、ought he couldnt go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went .A at first B after allC above all D at random【答案】 B【解析】考查介词短语辨析及语境理解。句意:鲍勃认为他不能去参加聚会,因为他不得不写一份报告,但他终究去了。 A. at first 起初; B. after all 毕竟,终究。 C. above all 首先;D. at random 随便地。根据前面的转折连词可知,与前面情况相反,故选B。点睛:本题侧重考查在特定的语境中辨析短语的能力。对于短语而言,没有捷径可言,只有老老实实的记忆。考生除了要充分利用特定语境理解词义,还需要重点关注他们用法上的区别。


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