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1、不定代词用法总结1)some, any 的用法some和any通常用于表示不定数或不定量,修饰复数可数名词或不可数名词。some 表示几个;一些;部分”,多用于肯定句;而any表示一些;什么;任何;”, 对用于否定句或疑问句中。如:* He asked me some questions.(他问了我几个问题。 )* Some of the bread has been eate n.面包已吃了一些。)* Are there any stamps in this post office?这个邮局里有邮票吗?)* I didn t have any cigarettes, so I went ou

2、t to buy sc我没有香烟了,所以出去买了一些。)2)复合不定代词的用法a. 不定代词some, any, no与-one, -body, -thing可以组成九个复合代词。它们是:some oneanyoneno onesomebodyanybodynobodysometh inganythingnothing这些复合不定代词只有名词的性质,可以作主语、宾语等。b. 因为some一般用于肯定句,any般用于否定句或疑问句,no表示完全否定, 因此由some, any, no与-one, -body组成的复合代词的用法也一样。c. 第二部分为-one和-body的复合代词只用于表示人,它

3、们的形式是单数形式,但有时可以用they或them指代。* There is some one in your office. Can you hear them talki ng?你办公室里有人。你听见他们说话了吗?)d. 第二部分为-thing的复合代词只能用于指物。如:* There was somethi ng wrong with the car so he had to stopped it.* He looked at me and didn t say anything. * Nothing can be done to save her life.e. 这些复合不定代词如果有

4、其它的形容词修饰,形容词必须后置。如:* Somebody important has arrved, I m surgmportant 修饰 somebody)3)none与no one的用法区别None和no one都表示 三者或者三者以上的另一个”,但是用法不一样。None既指人也指物,它常与of短语连用None of us failed the exam.I have read none of the books.在回答以how many,how much开头得疑问句时要用 noneoNo one只能用来指人,不能指物,且不能与of短语连用,回答以who开头的疑问句时要用no one。

5、No one knows the an swer to the questi on.4)all, every, each, other, another, either, neither, botha. every只有形容词的性质,在句中作定语。常用于修饰单数的可数名词。表示 每 个;各个”还可以表示一切”* After the strong wind every flower in the garde n was gone.every 还可以和-one, -thi ng, -body 构成复合不定代词,即: every one, everyth ing, everybody。其中,every

6、 one和 everybody用于指人,意思一样,都是 每人; 大家” 形式上表示单数意思上可以表示单数也可以表示复数。everything用于指物,意思是 每件事;一切”,形式上表示单数意思上可以表示单数也可以表示复数。如:* One can t have everything. * Everything goes well with me.* The tow n is so small that everybody knows everybody else.注意: 在使用 every one时要注意和 every one相区别。every one是一个不定代词而every one是一个词组

7、,前者只能指人而后者既可以指人也可以指物。请注意下列例句:* Every one will be here except Patrick. (every one 指人)* Every one of the children will get a gift. (every one 也指人)*We played several matches against the visitors, but uniuckily lost every one. (every one 指物)b. each的意思是 每个;各自的”可以指人,也可以指物。如:* I leave home at 7 a.m. each d

8、ay. * Each of them has received a letter.由于each和every的意思相近,都表示 每一个”因此要特别注意它们的区 别。each所描述的对象至少是两个数目中的每一个,而every所描述的对象至少是三个数目中的每一个;every着重强调整体的含义而each着重强调个别;every 只能作形容词放于名词前而each可以作形容词、代词和副词。如:MU9J1 klLUWShe Ills to tlu.- liis job-(每一个人都知道应该做什么 /他的工作。)(在这两个句子中用 every和each都可以)*You can see a lot of new

9、 shops on each side of the street.因为街道只有两边因 此不能用every)*Each has too coats. (each 是代词不能换用 every)c. other可以指人也可以指物,表示另外的人或事物”,其后可以接单数或复数的名词;此外,other也有复数形式,是others。如:* He has two brothers, one is a teacher, the other is a doctor.*Some children like milk chocolate, other children prefer plain chocolate.

10、*We should not think only of ourselves, we should think of others first.d. an other的意思是 另一个;再一个;又一个”,通常只能修饰单数的名词或代词, 泛指不定数目中的另一个”。* Would you like to try ano ther kind of drink? * I dont like this hat; please show me ano ther.注意:other和an other都有 另外的”意思,要注意它们的区别。首先一般来说,两者中的 另一个”是the other,不定数目中的 另一个”

11、是an other。 如:* She has a book in one hand and a pen in the other这里表示两只手中的另一个 因此用the other)* This cup is broke n. Get me ano ther, please.其次,other的后面可以接单数或复数的名词而an other的后面只能接单数名词。如:* He has other brothers. * I am not very well today. Tell them I will go and see them ano ther day.第三,other有复数形式,泛指别人时通

12、常不加冠词;而表示其他的人时常要 加定冠词;而an other没有复数形式。* Some went to the People Park, others visited the zoo. * Could you tell theothers that Ill be late?5)many, much, few, little, a few, a little, a lot of, lots of 这些词都可以用来表示数 量,但它们的用法也应当注意。a. many和much这两个词都表示 许多;大量”,它们的比较级和最高级是 more和most。它们的不同在于:many只能指代或修饰可数名词 的

13、复数,much 般只能指代或修饰不可数名词。如:* “ D(you have any books on English grammar? ”“Yes, but not m这iy的 ”(many指代上文的books)* Much time will be saved if you plan your work very well. (time 是不可数名词, 因此用much)b. (a) few和(a) little a few和a little是一对用作表示数量的不定代词的固定词组,它们具有名词和形容词的性质,它们的意思是 少数; 少量”,都表示肯定的意思。它们的不同点是:a few指 代或修

14、饰可数名词的复数,a little指代或修饰不可数名 词。如:* Only a few of the children in this village can read.(因为 children 是可数名词的 复数因此用a few)* There was a little rain just now and the air is fresh now. (rain 是不可数名词因此 要用 a little)few和little表示否定,意思是几乎一点没有”,相当于notman或notmuch 和a few和a little 一样,few指代或修饰可数名词的复数而little指代或修饰不可 数名词

15、指代或修饰不可数名词。如:* Few visitors enjoyed the trip to London, (few 修饰的是可数名词 visitors)* There is little to be done about it.(关于这件事没有什么可做的了。)(little 指代索要做的事情)few的比较级和最高级是:fewer,fewest; little的比较级和最高级是:less, least。c. a lot of 和 lots of这两个词组的意思都是 大量的;许多的”,后面既修饰能可数名词复数也能修饰不可数名词,many和 much使用。如:people siood ther

16、e washing ilie basketball match(许多人站在那里观看篮球比 赛。)a lot可以于动词之后作状语。如:* Thanks a lot.(非常感谢。)* “ Dcyou have any English books? ” “ Sorry, dont, but there are a lot in the school library. ”(你有什么英语书吗? ”对不起,我没有。但是学校图书馆里有很多。”)*Smok ing a lot is bad for your health.(抽太多的烟对健康有害。)练习:1. I bought flowers on my wa

17、y home.2. of them have left for England.3. I asked her forpaper, but she didn t .have4. of the boys has a book.5. I m busy and I havehomework to do.6. student has an English-Chinese dictionary in our class.7. She can t dance.8. Tom didn t finish homwork. .did his sister.9. of my parents are teachers

18、.10. of the students in Class 3 have gone out.11. I have got ten pencils. Two of them are red , theare blue.12. There isin the room.13. of the students is afraid of difficulties .14. She held a pen in one hand and his notebook in the.15. I m new here, so I havefriends16. We must be quick. We havetime left.17. -A latest English newspaper, please!-Only one copy left. Would you liketo have?18. The bag made in Shanghai is better than themade in Guangzhou.


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