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1、八年级英语初中英语第三册unit_7练习及答案初二(上)英语第七单元评估试题 一( 填写所缺字母:10, 1. The doctor asks him to eat l_ meat because he is too fat. 2. I dont like fishing, and he doesnt like fishing, e_ . 3. He is good at s_ in the sea. 4. Go along this road, and take the first t_ on the left. 5. There are ten floors in the building

2、, and he lives in the n_floor. 6. We are busy c_the classroom. 7. Please keep the door c_ when you leave the room. 8. He runs f_ in our class. 9. You must look after y_ at school. 10. Morning is his b_ time in a day, but hes quite free in the afternoon and evening. 二( 用所给词的适当形式填空:10, 1. Would you li

3、ke _ football? (play) 2. Im glad _ that. (hear) 3. There _ a meeting tomorrow.(be) 4. Let Tom _ to school by bike. (go) 5. The Greens _ lunch now.(have) 6. I dont know what _ about.(talk) 7. The lift _ people to go up and down. (take) 8. Why not _ a little earlier. (come) They have some problems _th

4、ere. (get) 9.10. He _finish it now. (not need) 三( 选择填空:25, 1. We live in a city _ Ningbo. A.call B.calls C.called D.calling 2. Why doesnt he use the lift _ the last three floors? A.for B.to C.on D.at 3. My _ brother is _ than Toms. A.old, older B.older, older C.elder, elder D.elder, older 4. There a

5、re many _ in the library. A.kinds of book B.kind of book C.kinds of books D.kind of books 5. We play the game _ a ball _ this. A.with, like B.of, like C.like, like D.in, on th6. Paul gets _ the lift and goes up _ the 12 floor. A.into, to B.into, on C.out,in D.out of, on 7. My father makes _ in a _ f

6、actory. A.shoes, shoes B.shoe, shoe C.shoes, shoe D.shoe, shoes 8. Hell meet you at the _ of the city _ 10 oclock. A.middle, at B.centre, at C.middle, in D.centre, in 9. Theres going to _ a football match this afternoon and I have two tickets _it. A.have, for B.have, of C.be, for D.be, of 10. Its a

7、fine day _ climbing the hill. A.for B.on C.of D.in 11. _ we go skating? A.Lets B.Let C.Would D.Shall 12. She is _ a good singer and a _ good dancer. A.quite, very B.quite, quite C.very, quite D.very,very 13. Which is _ popular game in China, basketball, football or table tennis? A. most B.the most C

8、.more D.very 14. I am _ better at _ than him. A.more,swim B.many,swimming C.much,swimming D.much, swim 15. _ on the farm is an exciting thing. A.Work B.Working C.Works D.Worker 16. His mother is ill .Thats _ he has to stay at home. A.what B.when C.where D.why 17. He often asks John _ him. A.to help

9、B.help C.helps D.helping 18. We are going to _ a football game. A.look B.watch C.see D.read 19. -_ do you go to school? - By bike. A.how B.Where C. When D.How 20. _ all the animals the elephant is the biggest one _ land. A.In, on B.Of, on C.In, on the D.Of, in 21. There are _ in the building, and he

10、 lives on the _. A. eighteen floor, fifteenth floor B.fifteen floors,eighteenth floor C.eighteen floors,fifteenth floors D. eighteen floors,fifteenth floor 22. Tom is six years old and he _ seven next year. A.will B.will be C.is going to D. is going to be 23. Which floor in this building do you live

11、 _? A.in B.on C.at D.for 24. Which bike do you like _, the black one or the green one? A.good B.well C.better D.best 25. _ something about your school, will you? A.Say B.Tell C.Speak D.Talk 四( 从(B)栏中找出(A)栏适当的答语:10, (A) 1. Shall we meet outside the park? 2. Would you like to come to supper this eveni

12、ng? 3. Why dont you come with me? 4. How does Lily go to school every day? 5. Who is taller, Tom or John? 6. What are you going to do tomorrow? 7. May I borrow your pen? 8. Are you free tomorrow? 9. What day is it today? 10. What are the boys doing? (B) A. Ive no idea. What about you? B. Certainly.

13、Here you are. C. Yes, why? D. Its Tuesday. E. No, lets meet inside. F. Id love to. But I must ask my mother first. G. Why not? H. They are doing their homework. I. Tom is. J. By bike. 五( 句型转换:5, 1. Ann does exercise every day. (一般疑问句) _ Ann _ exercise every day? 2. Be late for school. (否定句) _ _ late

14、 for school. 3. It takes me two hours to finish my homework. (划线提问) How _ does it take _ to finish your homework? 4. He plays football on Sundays. (用tomorrow替换) Hes_ to _ football tomorrow. 5. Can you tell me how to get to the shopping centre? (同义句) Can you tell me the _ _ the shopping centre? 六( 根据

15、所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词:10, 1. 大象要比老虎大得多。 An elephant is _ _than a tiger. 2. 你最好明天去。 You _ _go there tomorrow. 3( 他使用电梯来上上下下( He uses a lift to go _ and_ . 4. 离他家大约有200米远。 Its about two_ _ from his home. 5. 他是最佳跑步运动员之一。 He is one of the_ _. 七( 完形填空10, Everyone _1_something _2_ the sun, _3_and the earth(地球).

16、 The moon is big, and the earth is _4_ than the moon. The sun is _5_ of all. Its very hot. It gives _6_ day and night . Only some people know this fact(事实). And there are a lot of stars in the sky. Some are bigger than the sun and some are _7_ than _8_. The sun is yellow. Many starts are yellow,_9_.

17、 But some stars are red. Some are orange. Some are white. Others _10_ blue. 1. A.kknow B.knows C.will know D.is knowing 2. A.of B.with C.about D.at 3. A.the moons B.moons C.a moon D.the moon 4. A.biger B.smaller C.bigger D.smallest 5. A.the biggest B.bigger C.smaller D.smallest 6. A.our B.we C.ours

18、D.us 7. A.bigger B.hotter C.smaller D.heavier 8. A.one B.it C.that D.sun 9. A.also B.so C.too D.there 10. A.is B.are C.am D.looks 八( 阅读理解:10, New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds

19、 of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there, and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jibs, to study at good schools

20、 and to receive good medical care(医疗). But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities, others do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living th

21、ere. 1. In big cities people can _. A. go to different kinds of museums B. see all kinds of plays and films C. buy things from all over the world D. A, B and C 2. Which of the following is true? A. Big cities are not clean and safe enough. B. People can easily find good places to live in big cities.

22、 C. People can always have many chances (机会) to find work to do. D. All people like to live in big cities. 3. In this passage the writer thinks it is right for people _. A. to move to big cities B. not to move to big cities C. to move to big cities without thinking of any problems D. not to move to

23、big cities before they think over the problems of living there 4. This passage doesnt tell us that _. A. Paris is an exciting place for people to live in big cities have a lot of serious problems B.C. big cities are all very dirty D. usually people can get better medical care there 5. Which is the b

24、est title (题目) for this passage? A. Big Cities B. Interesting Things in Big Cities C. Good Schools in Big Cities D. New York, London and Oaris 九( 书面表达: 10, 1(要求: 运用提建议的表达方法编写一段60字的对话。 2(内容:你是Tom,明天是星期天,你打电话给David约定明天去动物园的时间,地点,等。 _ 8、加强作业指导、抓质量。初二(上)英语第七单元评估试题答案 一( 填写所缺字母:10, (6)二次函数的图象:是以直线x=h为对称轴,

25、顶点坐标为(h,k)的抛物线。(开口方向和大小由a来决定)1. less 2.either 3. swimming 4.turning 5.ninth 2、在教师的组织和指导下,通过自己的主动探索获得数学知识,初步发展创新意识和实践能力。6. cleaning 7.closed 8. fastest 9. yourself/yourselves 10.busiest 二( 用所给词的适当形式填空:10, 第二章 二次函数1. to play 2. to hear 3. is going to be 4. go 5. are having 6. to talk 7. takes 8. come

26、9.(in) getting 10.doesnt need to/neednt 三( 选择填空:25, 同心圆:圆心相同,半径不等的两个圆叫做同心圆。1. C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.A. 7. C 8.B 9. C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13. B 14.C 15.B 16. D 17.A 18.B 19. D 20.B 21.D 22.B 23.B 24. C 25. A 四( 从(B)栏中找出(A)栏适当的答语:10, 1.E 2.F 3.G 4.J 5.I 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.H 3、观察身边的简单物体,初步体会从不同角度观察物体所看到的形状可能是

27、不同的,学生将经历从立体图形到平面图形的过程,认识长方形、正方形、三角形、圆等平面图形,初步体会面在体上,进一步发展空间观念。五( 句型转换:5, (1)二次函数的图象(抛物线)与x轴的两个交点的横坐标x1,x2是对应一1. Does, do 2. Dont be 3.long, you 4.going play 5. way to 六( 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词:10, 11.利用三角函数测高1.much bigger 2.had better 3.up down 4.hundred metres 最值:若a0,则当x=时,;若a0,则当x=时,5.best runners 七( 完形填空10, 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B 八( 阅读理解:10, 1.D 2. A 3.D 4.C 5. A 如果一条直线具备下列三个条件中的任意两个,就可推出第三个.九( 书面表达: 10, 略


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