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1、不定冠词的用法不定冠词有a, an.(表示一”)后面跟 可数名词单数,如a dog, an orange a+辅音开头的可数名词, 女口: a teacher, a birda university (所大学)a useful booka one-eyed horse (一匹一只眼睛的马)+元音开头的可数名词(这里的辅音和元音只单词的发音而不是字母)常见的元音字母开头的可数名词有:an orangean applean eggan actor(男演员)an actress女演员)an elephantan umbrella(雨伞)an houran honest man (个诚实的人)an I

2、talian(意大禾U人)an American boyan interesting movie (一部有趣的电影) an exciting book (一本有趣的书)have a look (看一看)have a rest(休息一下)have a good time (玩得开心)have a (high) fever 发(高)烧have a cold(感冒)have a headache/ toothache / stomachache 头 /牙/胃痛)once / twice a week (每周一次 /两次)have a try (试一试) a few/little (少许,一点点) i

3、n a hurry (立刻)have a meeti ng 开会) a lot of (很多) in a minute (分钟后)go for a walk(散步)after a while (过了一会儿) take a bath (洗澡)练习:、选择填空()1. We can t seesun atn ight.A. a; /B.a; theC. the; /D. the; the()2. Is CanadaEn glish speak ing coun try?A. /B.aC. anD. the()3. There refew mistakes in your homework. Don

4、A. a; aB.a; theC. the; theD. /; thet makesame mistakes aga in.an English teacheran Australian (澳大禾U亚人)an engineer(位工程师 )an eight- year- old boyan English speaking country(个讲英语的国家)an importa nt match(一个重要的比赛)另外,以下字母用 an,如:There is anin the word student” 字母:aeiofhlmnrsa”的用法用法 1 第一次提到某人或某物前,e.g: Once t

5、here was a cat king in the woods.用法 2 表示一,相当于 one e.g: I want to buy a dictionary.用法 3: “a+序数词”表示 又一,再一” 。如, He would like to try a third one. (再一次) 用法4:某些固定词组中。()4. There ispicture onwall. I likepicture very much.A. a, the, theB. a, the, a C. the, a, a D. a, an, the()5. Itsexcit ing way to shop on

6、the Net.A. aB. anC. theD. /()6. En glish isIan guage. It isimporta nt tool.A. a, a B. a, an C. the, an D. a, /()7. Tom ishon est boy. We all like him.A. aB. an C. /D. the()8. There is “ f” and “ u” in the word “ four ” .A. an, aB. a, a C. an, an D. a, an()9.young should care for and helpold .A. The,

7、 a B. The , the C. A, the D. An, an()10.moon moves aroundearth, and they both are smaller tha nsun.A. The, the , the B. A, an, a C. The, an, the D. The , the , a()11. She has orange skirt.skirt is nice .A.a;TheB.an;TheC. an;AD.the;The()12. Beijing is beautiful city . Its capital of China .A .a;aB .t

8、he;theC./;theD.a; the()13. Sha nghai is in east of Chi na .A./B .anC . aD.the()14.Sometimesweak candefeatstrong.A. /; /B. the; theC. the; aD. /; the()15. At that time Tom wasone-year-old baby .A . aB . anC . theD. /二、用定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a,an)填空1. The car is running about sixty mileshour.2. Joh n isclever

9、est boy in his class.3. Gree ns will come to see you tomorrow.4. Here isblack blouse,blouse is hers.5. Joh n iscleverest boy in his class.6. This isbook you gave me last week.7. Atage of five, he read a lot of books.8. Tom and Lucy are ofsame age.9. Theres“ u” and“ s” inword “ use ”.10. Is Can adaEn

10、 glish speak ing coun try?11. There is x inwordsix12. Yellow River issec ond Ion gest river in Chi na.13. March isthird month in a year.I failed again, I ltrythird time.14. He often saysrich should helppoor.15. -What can you see by the lake?-can seeold man sitting on the chair.16. There segg on the plate.egg is for you.17. Chaffs iseight-year-old boy, but he can play the guitar very well.18. doctor told me to takemedici ne three timesday19. The small tow n lies onYan gtzi River.20. They went to Peoples Park, but we both went toPeoples Cinema yesterday .


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