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1、小学-英语-上册-打印版Unit 2How much体现思想:体现综合运用能力和语言交际的能力Teaching aims知识技能熟练掌握分寸11 20的读法掌握how much-的句型能用英语询问价钱过程方法通过角色表演等方法,培养学生综合语言运用能力通过学习语言知识,培养学生对知识的迁移能力和发展思维的能力情感目标通过询问价钱的练习,培养学生商品经济中具备一定能力培养文明礼貌的言谈举止Teaching emphasisNew words: eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen t

2、wenty doll train and so onNew structure : how muchTeaching different运用本单元的功能句进行会话Lesson 1Teaching aims通过学习新单词,增加学生的词汇量,使学生乐于开口说英语,说新的 单词,把学习兴趣保持住Teaching emphasisNew wordsTeaching differentRead the new wordsTeaching processStep1GreetingRevisionDraw objectHow many - are these?Read the number 1-10 and

3、 spell itPlay a gameFinger gameStep2Introduce the new numbersEleven object on the boardListen to the tape Eleven 11 e-l-e-v-e-nListen, Read , ElevenSpell e-l-e-v-e-nTeaching it in the same wayTwelve Thirteen Fourteen TwelveThirteen Play a game “touch it ”Step3Read the number in pairsCheck itTake out

4、 a cardRead and spell HomeworkWritten the new number for five timesBlackboardFour fourteenFive fifteenSix sixteenSeven seventeenEight eighteen Nine nineteen教学反思大多数学生都能认读新单词,但有些学生对十二和二十的读音容易混淆,应在 课后加强练习。Lesson 2Teaching aimsBy study the text to do the structure “how much - “and answer“It s $ - 二 enco

5、urage to act outTeaching emphasisHow much -It sTeaching differentMake the dialogueTeaching processStep1Review the numberSet the senceThe price of something in English say“how much- “The vocabulary for train ,kite,ball and robotStep2Model the dialogHow much is the kite please?It is 8 yuanRepeat and m

6、ake dialogStep3StoryTalk about the story in ChineseListen and answer the questionLook at the picture as they listenRepeat itHomeworkListen the tapeBlackboardHow much -It s 教学反思学生对单词twelve thirteen fifteen这三个单词的读音不是很准确,应加强练习。Lesson 3Teaching aims1能够运用how much做对话2能听懂物品的价格并连线3能用英语计算二十内的加法Teaching impor

7、tant1能够运用how much做对话2能用英语计算二十内的加法 Course 1 revision画一个机器人火车风筝分别表出价格指着玩具问how muchis the boat? 学生回答:it s eleven yuan同样的方法一起复习 how much is the (kite)? It s ( ) yuan2 look at the page 18 have the students repeat the question and answer in a class drill把学生分成两组做对话练习,并鼓励用其他物品替换练习3听一听连一连look at page 18 and

8、say what s this ?listen and match4算一算,描一描look at the page 19 and answer: how muchis 5 and 6 弓I导学生回答:It s eleven并找出单词eleven连线Home work完成19页的抄写并图上颜色课后反思:学生的学习兴趣浓厚,用英语做加法,学生的积极性很高,掌握得很 好。Lesson 4Teaching aims1能辨别字母e的两种不同的读音2 能用 how much is the ?问答3能运用自己的物品做对话Teaching important1 能辨别字母e的两种不同的读音2 能用 how m

9、uch is the ?问答Course1把字母e写在黑板上老师说两个带有 e的单词,其中一个带有长音e令 一个带有短音e ,让学生认真听并看老师的口型并找出不同。并跟读。2播放elephant 和pen的录音,问学生是长音还是短音,并跟读,同样的步骤学习其他单词3听音练习4和booky大叔一起读5句型学习发给学生几个卡片把价钱写在后面,并运用 how much is it? 提问价 钱,其他学生竞猜如果谁猜的对那么卡片就属于他()6指一指说一说Writing blackboard课后反思:大部分学生掌握了字母的发音规则,并能够跟读音规则拼读单词。Lesson 5ReviewYou can p

10、lay a Bingo game here to review the numbers learned in this unit.Read and write the priceCheck that the children write the correct price for each object,then have them read each price aloud, Its (fourteen)yuan,让学生找到对应的价签,读出来用同样的方法完成其他几幅图Lets chant将歌谣念给学生听,并用手依次指每个单词放录音,学生跟着说,鼓励学生哼唱或跟着节奏拍手An additional activity: read and matchHomeworkask the children to color the pictures on page 22Lesson 6Uncle Bookys storytime 告诉学生将要听一个故事 放录音 让学生在故事中找熟悉的词语Snap读单词游戏Self-assessment25页独立完成Set homework看 Uncle Booky s Storytime


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