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1、教学小学英语资源与评价四年级上答案小学英语资源与评价四年级上册(Book 7)答案Module 1 Unit1 Lucy lives in London. 基础过关 1. Listen and tick or cross. (听课本第2页的内容判断?或)? () ? (?) ? () ? () ? () ? (?) ? (?)2. Read and write. (读一读写一写) make_ makes cook_ cooks like_ likesfinish_ finishes wash_ washes study _studieshave_ has do_ does go_goes3.

2、Read and clirle,读一读圈一圈, ? Yesterday I was( at )Buckingham Palace . ? Ive got a picture (of )Zara and me. ? She is (telling)me about China. ? It was my birthday (on) Saturday. ? He (plays) football everyday. ? Where (does) your grandma live ? 4. Read and write.,读一读写一写, ? Yesterday was Saturday. We we

3、re in the City Library. ? She was ten last year . She is eleven this year. ? They are doctors. Last month they were students. ? It is cold today,but yesterday , it was warm. 能力提升 5. Choose the right answer. ,选择正确的答案填在括号内。,?(B) ?(B) ?(A) ?(C) ?(C) 6.Read and write (读一读仿照例子改写句子) ? He likes Chinese foo

4、d. ? Mr Smith lives in New York. ? She is a good pupil. Unit 2 Ive got a new friend. 基础过关 1. Listen and write the words.,听课本第4页内容补全句子。,?still ? AprilI ?weather ? short ? photo2. Think and write. ( 根据课文内容写一写。) ? I also like football and watching TV. ? I am nine years old. I like music and dolls.? I l

5、ike basketball. I love computer games. My favourite food is hamburgers. 3. Ask and answer.,问一问答一答, ? I live in Daqing. ? I go to swimming every weekend.? My favorite food is fish. ? Im from Dalian. 4. Unjumble the sentences. ,连词成句, ? She also likes traditional Chinese food. ? They are seeing a new f

6、ilm now. ? What do you do on Sunday ? ? I have got a photo of you. 能力提升 5.Find out the wrong, then correct. ,找出错误写出正确表达,? (B) plays ? (A) is ? (B) doing ? (B) like ?(A) lives Module 2 Unit1 This computer is beautiful. 基础过关 1. Listen and choose. ,听课本第6内容选择填空。,? (B ) ? ( A ) ? ( B ) ? (A ) ? (B ) ? (

7、A ) 2. Read and write. ,读一读写一写, Cleaned_ clean_ cleaning painted _ paint _paintingListened _ listen _listening 3. Look and complete the sentences. (看一看完成句子)? finished/did her homework ? climbed ?cleaned our classroom ?play the erhu 4. Choose the right answer. ,选择正确的答案填在括号内。,?( A ) ?( B ) ?( B ) ? (

8、B ) 能力提升 5. Read and fill in the blanks. (读一读, 用所给词的适当形式填空)? visited ? clean ? did ? going to go ? finishes6. Read and choose.,读一读选一选, ?( B ) ? ( A ) ? ( C ) ? ( B ) Unit 2 It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan. 基础过关 1. Listen and number. ,听课本第8页内容排序。,( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 4 ) ( 2 ) 2. Read and wri

9、te. (读一读, 写一写) ?phoned ?painted ?cooked ?helped ?watched ?listened3.Choose and write.,选一选写一写。, ? played ? playing ? play ? plays 4. Read and answer. ,读一读答一答, ? I watched TV at home. ? She skied last winter holidays.? He played the violin last weekend. ? We played basketball. 能力提升 5. Read and write (

10、读一读仿照例子改写句子) ? Xiao Qiang played computer games yesterday. ? I walked to school yesterday morning. ? I usually dance with my friends. ? My mother cooked fish last night. Module 3 Unit1 She didnt walk to school yesterday. 基础过关 1. Listen and choose. ,听课本第10内容选择填空。,? (A) ? (B) ? ( A) ? ( B) ? ( B) 2. U

11、njumble the sentences. ,连词成句, ? Her father didnt read newspaper last night . ? They visited a farm yesterday. ? Your brother didnt go to school by bus. ? Mike usually goes to the park with his sister. 3.Look and complete the sentences. (看一看完成句子)? My friend didnt learn Maths yesterday ? His father di

12、dnt wash his car last week. ? The boy played basketball before class yesterday. 能力提升 4. Read and Choose. ,选择正确的答案将标号填在括号内,?( A ) ?( B ) ?( B ) ?( C ) 5. Read and write. ,读一读仿照例子改写句子, ? She didnt swim in the river yesterday. ? She didnt read an English book yesterday. ? Her grandma didnt live in Hang

13、zhou last summer. ?My mother didnt clean my room this morning. ?May didnt finish her homework yesterday. Unit 2 I didnt play football. 基础过关 1. Listen and complete . (听课本12页内容补全句子。)?play football ?didnt play football ?ride my bike ? ride it ? raining; stayed 2. Read and answer. ,读一读答一答, ? I watched T

14、V yesterday. ? I usually go swimming on Sundays. ? My brother played football yesterday. ? My brother usually does his homework on Fridays. 3. Read and circle. ,读一读圈一圈, ? painted ?was ?gets ?doing ?didnt 4. Read and Choose. ,选择正确的答案将标号填在括号内,? ( C ) ? (A ) ?( B ) ? ( C ) ? (B ) 能力提升 5. Read and choos

15、e.,阅读短文, 补上漏掉的单词, ? (C ) ?( D ) ?( B ) ?( B ) ?( A ) Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper. 1. ? invented ? paper ? Chinese ? print ? right ? printed 2. ? invent ? paper ?print ? important ? printing ? people 3. ? learned ; didnt learn ? played ; didnt play ? washed ; didnt wash ? went ; did

16、nt go B 4. ? B ? C ? B ? A ?5. ? Yesterday, I watched TV. I didnt play football. ? Yesterday, I went to school. I didnt go to the park. ? Yesterday, I phoned my grandpa. I didnt ride a bike. ? Yesterday, I cleaned my bed. I didnt draw a picture. Unit 2 He invented this bicycle in 1839. 1. ( 3 ) ( 1

17、) ( 4 ) ( 2 ) ( 5 ) 2. ? invented ? didnt invent ? didnt invent ? invented3. ? important ? paper ? are printing ? bicycle ? printing4. ? cooks ? didnt invent ? go ? jumping ? be ? made5. ? Look at the man on the bicycle. ? He invented this bicycle in 1839. ? Chinese people are very clever. ? We prin

18、t books and newspapers. ? I printed this nwespaper. 6. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Module 5 Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall. 1. ? T ? T ? F ? T ? T 2. ? was ? saw ? buys ? yesterday ? had ? Did 3. gowent eatate seesaw buybought is,amwas4. ? We went to the Great Wall. ? We saw lots of mountaints. ? We had a good

19、time. ? We bought you a present. ? Its a picture of the Great Wall. 5. ? went ? learned ? played ? had ? had ? watched ? went Unit 2 I wore warm clothes. 1. ? B ? C ? A ? C ? B 2. ? wear-wore ? fall-fell ? dodid? learn-learned ? have-had ? walk-walked? climb-climbed ? eat-ate ? finishfinished3. ? C

20、? C ? A ? C ? C 4. 3 1 2 4 5 5. ? No, it wasnt. ? They went to the supermarket. ? No, they didnt. 期中自我检测 Listening Part 1. Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你听到的单词) ? C?A ? C?C ?A?A 2. Listen, and choose. (听问句选择正确答) ? A?B ? A?A ?B 3.Listen and fill the blanks(听音,用单词的正确形式填空)does -didnt -cleaned-washedhelped

21、Writing Part (笔试部分) 4Read and Choose. (找出不同类别的单词) ?C ?D ? D?D ?D 5. Look and write (看一看写出下列单词的过去式) wentsawhadbought ate wasmadeinvented washedhelpedwerecame 6. Translate.(翻译斜体部分, ?玩的高兴 ?起床 ? 走着去学校? 和玩 ? 看 ?中国人?5点半 ?许多 7. Choose and fill in the blanks. (选择填空) ?A ?C ?B ? A?C ?A ?A ?A 8. Connect the se

22、ntences. (连词成句) ?Im reading a letter. ?I have got a new friend. ? I finished my homework. ? Yesterday was National Day. ?Was it a school trip yesterday? ?Chinese people invented paper. 9. Read and choose. (读问题选择正确的答语) ?C ?E ? D?A ?B 10. Read and choose. (阅读理解判断正误T or F) ? F?F ?T ?T ?F?F 11. Read and

23、 choose. (阅读理解) ?B ?B ?B ?A ?A 听力原文 1. Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你听到的单词) ? We are good friends. ?I washed my trousers. ?Lets go to the park. ?Chinese people invented printing. ?Was it a school trip yesterday? ?I want to buy a present for you. 2. Listen, and choose. (听问句选择正确答) ? Where does she live?

24、?What did she do yesterday? ? Was it a school trip? ?What did you do yesterday? ?Thank you! 3.Listen and fill the blanks(听音,用单词的正确形式填空)On Saturdays, Daming usually does his homework. But yesterday he didnt do it. He cleaned his room, he washed his trousers, then he helped his mum. Module 6 Unit 1 It

25、 didnt make gold. 1. 4 1 8 2 3 6 5 7 2. ? gold ? food ? took ? made ? take ? make 3. ? good ? helped ? was ? painted ? help ? took ? gold ? make 4. ? He had a (magic) paintbrush. ? He painted food for the old woman. ? Yes, he did. ? He painted gold. ? It was a snake. 5. ? have ? had ? goes ? is maki

26、ng ? make6. ? Yesterday I made a cake. I didnt read books. ? Yesterday I played football. I didnt watch TV. ? Yesterday I rode a bike. I didnt read a newspaper.Unit 2 He didnt come back 1. ? angry ? didnt ? helped ? away ? painted ? was ? went ? come 2. ? help- helped ? is-was ? take-took? say-said

27、? paint-painted ? go-went? come-came ? run-ran ? make-made3. ? The magic paintbrush didnt help him. ? He took Ma Liang away. ? So Ma Liang pained the ship. ? He didnt come back. ? The bad man went to sea in his ship. 4. ? B ? A ? B ? B ? C ? B 5. ? He finished his homework yesterday. ? He didnt fly

28、a kite with his mum yesterday. ? He played the drums yesterday. ? He didnt sing songs yesterday. 6. Yes, I did. 或No, I didnt. Module 7 Unit 1 Did you break your toy? 1. crying, fall, didnt, break, toy, No, didnt, see, I, did, saw, Dont.2. ?He is cryfing. ?No, he didnt. ? No, he didnt. ? Yes, he did.

29、 ? He saw a monster on the TV. 3. ?crying ?see ?break ?fall ?help ?phoned 4. ?Yes, I did. ? Did you finish your homework? No, I didnt. ?Did you read a book? Yes, I did. ? Did you play basketball? No, I didnt. 5. ? A ? B ? A ? C Unit 2 There were three children. 1. ? was, monster ? had ? were, childr

30、en ? wanted ? ran, cried ? eat 2. ? Tom didnt break his toy. ? Amy didnt go to the Great Wall. ? The monster didnt eat the children. 3. ? children ?kites ?balls ? monster ? an ?wanted4. ? There were three children. ? The monster wanted to eat the children. ? The monster didnt eat the children. ? Did

31、 you break your toy? ? There was a big monster. 5. 前部分略,后部分参考范文: Yesterday, I didnt go to the zoo. I finished my homework. I didnt watch TV. I helped my mum. Module 8 Unit 1 What did she play? 1. ? ? ? ? ? 2. ?gold ? practise ? last ? flute ? music ? competition3. ( 4 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 7 )

32、 ( 8 ) ( 6 ) 4. ? B ? A ? E ? C ? D 5. ?A ? B ? B ? A ? B ? B 6. ? She played the flute. ? This girl won a gold cup. ? I visited my grandparents. ? Some English children came to China last week. ? I can play the flute too. ? Did they come for the music competition? ? When did they come? 7. Last Sund

33、ay, I didnt go to school. I didnt go to the park. I finished my homework. I washed my trousers. Then I cooked noodles. The noodles were very nice. I watched TV. Then I went to bed at nine oclock. Unit 2 Where did you go? 1.? Yesterday, Where ? went ? What, see ? saw ? Where ? didnt, stayed 2. Where,

34、 went , When, came, What, saw 3. ? He went to the airport. He saw a plane. ? He went to the farm. He saw a cow. 4. ? was, is ?go, went ? see, saw ? eat, ate 5. ? Anna is an American girl. ? No, she didnt. ? She went to bed at 9 oclock. Module 9 Unit 1 What happened to you? 1.? 2. ? F ? F ? T ? F ? T

35、 ? T 3. ? went ? bought ? put ? fell off ? happened ? did ? came ? had ? cried ? gave 4. ? C ? B ? C ? B ? C ? A 5. ? What happened to you? ?Sam and I went for a bike ride. ?So we bought a watermelon. ? Sam put the watermelon on his bike. ? I fell on the watermelon. 6. ? B ? A ? B ? A Unit 2 I bumpe

36、d my head. 1. ? happened ?bumped ? fell, over, hurt, knee ?cut, finger2. ? cut ? fell ? happened ? bumped ? hurt 3. ? B ? C ? B ? C ? C 4. ?I didnt fall over. ? I didnt hurt my knee. ?This girl didnt cut her finger. 6. ? She cut her finger. ? What happened to this boy? He bumped his head. ? What hap

37、pened to this monkey? It fell off the tree. Module 10 Unit 1 Ive got a stomach ache 1.Listen and tick(听第38页录音选择正确答案) ? B ? C ? A ? B ? B ? C 2. Choose. (选择) ?B ?C ?B ?A ?A ?B ?B ?B 3. Translate.(翻译句子中画线的词组。) ?进来 ?巧克力饼干 ?吃药 ?30块饼干 4. Match.(连线) ?D ? C ?B ?A 5. look and write. (看一看写一写) chocolates bisc

38、uits medicine toothache hamburger sweets 能力提升 6. Corrct the wrong answers.(改错) ?A dodid ?A eatate ?A WhatWhats ?B hamburger-hamburgers?B getgot ?A biscuitbiscuits Unit 2 Wang Feis got a cold 基础过关 1. Look and choose(看一看选出下列每组单词中不同类的一个)?C ?D ?D ?D 2. Look and write(看一看, 写一写) ?toothache ?headache ?stom

39、achache 3.Choose. (选择填空) ?A ?B ? A?A ?B 4. Put the words in the correct order.(连词成句) ? How many biscuits did you eat? ? She stayed at home. ? Whats the matter? ? Shanshan isnt at school. 能力提升 5. Read and choose.(读一读选一选。) ? B? A? B? A Review Module 基础过关 1. Listen and circle(听一听,圈一圈) ? A?B ?B ?A ?A?C

40、2. Listen and choose. (听录音,写出你所听到的单词。)?fever ?cut ?happened ?cup ?break?gold 3. Look and write.(看一看,写一写) paperhandmedicine kneescupwatermelon 4. Circle the different words.(圈出不同类的单词。) ?D ?A ? D? D? D 5. Look and write(写出下列单词的过去式) ?helped ?ate ? bought? made? went?was?were?saw ?did6. Choose the right

41、 answers.,选择正确的答案。, ?B ? B ?B ?A ?A ?B?B?B 7. match. (连线) ?B ? D ? F ? A ? C ?E 8. Read and choose.,读一读选一选, Was-go-didnt-was-wasnt-stayed-watched-did-helped Go-didnt-played-made-was 能力提升 9. Connect the sentences. (连词成句) ?Whats the matter? ? What happened to you? ? Did you see a scary thing? ?This ba

42、d man didnt help people. ?It was my birthday on Saturday. 10. Read and correct. (改错。) ?B-come ? B-rides? B-did?B-crying? C-mountains11. Read and answer the questions. (读一读,答一答) ? They drank the wine. ? They drew a snake. ? He drew some legs. 听力原文 1. Listen and circle(听一听,圈一圈) ? ate ?do ?my ?fall ?go

43、t ?day 2. Listen and write. (听录音,写出你所听到的单词。)? Shes got a fever. ? I cut my finger. ? What happened to you? ? Look, this girl won a gold cup. ? Did you break your toy ? ? But it didnt make gold. 期末自我测试 1. ? 2. 84101627593 3. ?C ?A ?C ?B ?A ?C ?B ?A ?C ?B 43.193.25观察物体2 生活中的数1 P22-234. ?B ?B ?D ?C ?C

44、5.B B B A B C A C 6.B B A A A B A B 7. ?I didnt go out. ?Daming usually gets up at 7 oclock. ? Did they come for the music competition? ? Amy painted a picture. (5)二次函数的图象与yax2的图象的关系:? I have got a stomachache. 8. 略 推论:平分一般弦(不是直径)的直径垂直于弦,并且平分弦所对的两条弧。9. didnt , stayed, came, ate, had, was10. , ?, , ?

45、, ? 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的邻边与斜边的比叫做A的余弦,记作cosA,即;听力原文 1. Listen and tick or cross. ( 听音判断对错。) ? Mingmings got a fever. She stayed at home. ? What did you eat yesterday ? I ate five hamburgers. ? An English invented this bicycle in 1839. ? What did she do yesterday? She went swimming. ? What did he see in a

46、 shop? He saw some toys. ? Whats she doing ? She is reading. ? We wore warm clothestrousers and a sweater. ? What happened to this girl ? She cut her finger. ? She usually walks to school. (二)空间与图形? Did you saw a monster on the TV? Yes, I did. 2. Listen and number. ( 听录音给下面的图片编号。)(3)边与角之间的关系:?I am American. I like basketball. 三角形内心的性质:三角形的内心到三边的距离相等. (三角形的内切圆作法尺规作图)? He washed his trousers yesterday. 166.116.17期末总复习? Did you fall, Tom ? Yes, I did. ? Chinese people invented paper. 函数的增减性:? Yesterday Ms Smart phoned Grandma. ? Where did she go yesterday ? She went the hospi


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