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1、Part IWriting(30 minutes)allowed 30 minutesit.You should writeto writeat least(40Directions:For this part, you arean a short easy on the importance of writing ability and how to develop 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part HI Reading Comprehension minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, th

2、ere is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one wordfor each blank from a list of choices given in a word bankfollowing the passage. Read the passagethrough carefully before making your choices, Each choice inthe bank is identified by a letter. Pleasemark the corresponding letter for

3、 each item on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre. Youmay not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Since the 1940s, southern California has had a reputation for smog. Things are not as bad as theyonce were but, accordin

4、g to the American Lung Association, Los Angeles is still the worst city in theUnited States for levels of (26)Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center, an art museum inthe Santa Monica Mountains, one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze H) .Noris the states bad air (27)t

5、o its south. Fresno, in the central valley, comes top of the list inAmerica for year-round pollution. Residents hearts and lungs are affected as a (28).All of which, combined with California s reputation as the home of technological(29),makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems design

6、ed to monitor pollution in (30)And that is just what Aclima, a new firm in San Francisco, has been doing over the past few months. It has been trying out monitoring stations that are (31)to yield minute-to-minute maps of(32)air pollution. Such stations will also be able to keep an eye on what is hap

7、pening inside buildings, including offices.To this end, Aclima has been (33)with Googles Street View system. Davida Herzl, Aclimasboss, says they have revealed pollution highs on days when San Francisco s transit workers went on1完整版月大学英语四级真题试题二年 20186()页10共页第strike and the citys (34)were forced to u

8、se their cars. Conversely /(cycle to their job by(35)pollution lows.A)assistedB)collaboratingC)consequenceD) consumersE)creatingF)detailG)domesticH) frequentlyI) inhabitantsJ) innovationK) intendedL) outdoorM) pollutantsN) restrictedO) sumSection BDirections:In this section, you are going to read a

9、passagewith ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the correspo

10、nding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Some College Students Are Angry That They Have to Pay to Do Their HomeworkA Digital learning systems now charge students for access codes needed to complete coursework, takequizzes, and turn in homework. As universities go digital, students are complaining of a new hit

11、 totheir finances that s replacings and sometimes joining- expensive textbooks: pricey online accesscodes that are required to complete coursework and submit assignments.BThe codes which typically range in price from $80 to $ 155 per course give students online accessto systems developed by educatio

12、n companies like McGraw Hill and Pearson. These companies,which long reaped big profits as textbook publishers, have boasted that their new online offerings, when pushed to students through universities they partner wit, h represent the future of the industry.CBut critics say the digital access code

13、s represent the same pro-fsiteeking ethos 观(念 )of the textbookbusiness, and are even harder for students to opt out of. While they could once buy second-handtextbooks, or share copies with friends, the digital systems are essentially impossible to avoid.D “ When we talk about access code we see it a

14、s the new face of the textbook monopoly (垄断), a new2完整版月大学英语四级真题试题二年20186()页10 共 页 第way to lock students around this system, ” said Ethan Senac,k the higher education advocate forthe U. S. Public Interest Research Group, to BuzzFeed New“s. Rather than $250 ( for a print textbook)you, re paying $120,

15、 ” said Senack. But because ,its all digital it eliminates the used book marketand eliminates any sharing and because homework and tests are through an access code, it eliminatesany ability to opt out.ESanna Harper, a 19-year-old student at Virginia Tech, was faced with a tough dilemma when she firs

16、tstarted college in 2015 pay rent or pay to turn in her chemistry homework. She told BuzzFeedNews that her freshman chemistry class required her to use Connect, a system provided by McGrawHill where students can submit homework, take exams and track their grades. But the code to accessthe program co

17、st $ 120 a big sum for Harper, who had already put down $ 450 for textbooks, andhad rent day approaching.FShe decided to wait for her next work-study paycheck, which was typically $150- $200, to pay for thecode. She knew that her chemistry grade may take a dive as a resu“lt.Its a balancing act,” she

18、 said.“ Can I really afford these access codes now” ? She didn t hand in her first two assignments forchemistry, which started her out in the class with a failing grade.G The access codes may be another financial headache for students, but for textbook businesses, theyrethe future. McGraw Hill, whic

19、h controls 21% of the higher education market, reported in March thatits digital content sales exceeded print sales for the first time in 2015. The company said that 45% ofits $140 million revenue in 2015 “ was derived from digital products” .HA Pearson spokesperson told BuzzFeed News tha“t digital

20、materials are less expensive and a goodinvestment” that offer new features, like audio texts, personalized knowledge checks and expertvideos. Its digital course materials save students up to 60% compared to traditional printed textbooks,the company added. McGraw Hill didnt respond to a request for c

21、omment, but its CEO David Levintold the Financial Times in August that “ in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over” .IThe textbook industry insists the online systems represent a better deal for students.“ These digital3完整版月大学英语四级真题试题二年20186()页10 共 页 第products aren t just mech

22、anisms for students to submit homework, they offer all kinds of features,nDavid Anderson, the executive director of higher education with the Association of AmericanPublishers, told BuzzFeed News. w It helps students understand in a way that you can t do with printhomework assignments. ”JDavid Hunt,

23、 an associate professor in sociology at Augusta University, which has rolled out digitaltextbooks across its math and psychology departments, told BuzzFeed News that he understands theutility of using systems that require access codes. But he doesnt require his students to buy access toa learning pr

24、ogram that controls the class assignments“. I try to make things as inexpensive aspossible,” said Hunt, who uses free digital textbooks for his classes but designs his own curriculum.The online systems may make my life a lot easier but I feel like I m giving up control. Thediscussions are the things

25、 where my expertise can benefit the students mos” t.K A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends$500 - $600 on access codes for class. In one case, the professor didnt require students to buy atextbook, just an access code to turn in homework. Thi

26、s year she said she spent $900 on access codesto books and programs.“ Thats two months of rent,” she said. “ You cant sell any of it back. With atraditional textbook you can sell it for $30 - $50 and that helps to pay for your new semesters books.With an access code, youre out of that money. LBenjam

27、in Wolverton, a 19-year-old student at the University of South Carolina, told BuzzFeed Newsthat “ it s ridiculous that after paying tens of thousands in tuition we have to pay for all these accesscodes to do our homework” ? Many of the access codes he s purchased have been required simply tocomplete

28、 homework or quizzes. “ Often its only 10% of your grade in class, ” he said. “ Yourepaying so much money for something that hardly affects your grade but if you didnt have it, itwould affect your grade enough. It would be bad to start out at a B or C. n Wolverton said he spent$500 on access codes f

29、or digital books and programs this semester.M Harper, a poultry (家禽)science major, is taking chemistry again this year andhad to buy a newaccess code to hand in her homework. She rented her economics and statistics textbooks for about$20 each. But her access codes for homework, which cant be rented

30、or bought second-hand, were her4完整版月大学英语四级真题试题二年20186()页10 共 页 第most expensive purchases: $120 and $85.N She still remembers the sting of her first experience skipping an assignment due to the high prices.“ We dont really have a missed assignment polic, y” she said. “ If you miss it, you just miss i

31、t. I justgot zeros on a couple of first assignments. I managed to pull everything back up. But as a scaredfreshman looking at their grades, its not fun.”36 .A students yearly expenses on access codes may amount to their rent for twomonths.37 .The online access codes may be seen as a way to tie the s

32、tudents to the digital system.38.If a student takes a course again, they may have to buy a new access code to submit their assignments.39 .McGraw Hill accounts for over one-fifth of the market share of college textbooks.40 .Many traditional textbook publishers are now offering online digital product

33、s, which they believe will be the future of the publishing business.41 .One student complained that they now had to pay for access codes in addition to the high tuition.42.Digital materials can cost students less than half the price of traditional printed books according to a publisher.43.One studen

34、t decided not to buy her access code until she received the pay for her part-time job.44.Online systems may deprive teachers of opportunities to make the best use of their expertise for their students.45 .Digital access codes are criticized because they are profdtriven just like the textbook busines

35、s.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passageis followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single lin

36、e through.the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.For thousands of years, people have known that the best way to understand a concept is to explain it 5完整版月大学英语四级真题试题二年 20186()页10共页第to someone else. While we teach we learn, said Roman philosopher Seneca. Now scien

37、tists arebringing this ancient wisdom up-to-date. They re documenting why teaching is such a fruitful way tolearn, and designing innovative ways for young people to engage in instruction. Researchers have found that students who sign up to tutor others work harder to understand thematerial, recall i

38、t more accurately and apply it more effectively. Student teachersscore higher on teststhan pupils who re learning only for their own sake. But how can children, still learning themselves,teach others? One answer: They can tutor younger kids. Some studies have found that first-born childrenare more i

39、ntelligent than their later-bom siblings (兄弟姐妹).This suggests theirhigher IQs result fromthe time they spend teaching their siblings. Now educators are experimenting with ways to apply thismodel to academic subjects. They engage college undergraduates to teach computer science to highschool students

40、, who in turn instruct middle school students on the topic.But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the“ teachable agent ” a computerizedcharacter who learns, tries, makes mistakes and asks questions just like a r-ewaolrldpupil. Computerscientists have created an animated!(画的)figure calle

41、d Bettys Brain, who has been“ taught” aboutenvironmental science by hundreds of middle school students. Student teachers are motivated to helpBetty master certain materials. While preparing to teach, they organize their knowledge and improve theirown understanding. And as they explain the informatio

42、n to it, they identify problems in their ownthinking.Feedback from the teachable agents further enhances the tutors learning. The agents questionscompel student tutors to think and explain the materials in different ways, and watching the agent solveproblems allows them to see their knowledge put in

43、to action.Above all, it s the emotions one experiences in teaching that facilitate learning.Student tutors feelupset when their teachable agents fa,il but happy when these virtual pupils succeed as they derive prideand satisfaction from someone else s accomplishment.46 . What are researchers redisco

44、vering through their studies?A)Senecas thinking is still applicable today.B)Better learners will become better teachers.C)Human intelligence tends to grow with age.D)Philosophical thinking improves instruction.610 共 页 第完整版月大学英语四级真题试题二年20186()47 . What do we learn about Bettys Brain?A)It is a charact

45、er in a popular animation.B)It is a teaching tool under development.C)It is a cutting-edge app in digital games.D)It is a tutor for computer science students.48 . How does teaching others benefit student tutors?A)It makes them aware of what they are strong at.B)It motivates them to try novel ways of

46、 teaching.C)It helps them learn their academic subjects better.D)It enables them to better understand their teachers.49 .What do students do to teach their teachable agents?A)They motivate them to think independently.B)They ask them to design their own questions.C)They encourage them to give prompt

47、feedback.D)They use various ways to explain the materials.50 .What is the key factor that eases student tutors learning?A)Their sense of responsibility.B)Their emotional involvement.C)The learning strategy acquired.D)The teaching experience gained.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the follo

48、wing passage.A new batch of young women members of the so-called Millennial (千禧的 )generation has beenentering the workforce for the past decade. At the starting line of their careers, they are better educatedthan their mothers and grandmothers had bee nor than their young male counterparts are now. But whenthey look ahead, they see r


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