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1、分离的英文短语.表示分离的英文关于分离的相关短语分离比偏差 segregation ratio distortion;分离编译 separate compilation;分离变量法 separation of variable;分离变数法数 separation of variables;分离舱pod;分离义 release yoke;分离掣爪 disengaging latch;分离常数 dissociation constant; separation constant;分离超平而 separating hyperplane;分离传动离合器 declutch driving clutch;

2、分离存储环 separate storage rings;分离单元核子 separative element;分离担子apobasidium;分离挡板 skimming baffle;分离涤气机 separator-scrubber;分离点 burble point; separation point;分离电路 split circuit; anti-Rossi circuit;分离电平 discrete level;分离定理 separation theorem;分离定律 law of segregation;分离度 separating separation! degree;分离段航空 f

3、allaway section;分离多径接收rake reception;分离多径接收机rake receiver;分离多项式 separation polynomial;分离二烯垃 dines separation;分离发动机escape engine;分离阀 separating valve;分离法 partition method; separation process;分离法兰 parting flange;分离分生组织detached meristem;分离分选机 grader and separator;分离符号 separating character;分离浮选 separati

4、ng flotation;分离负荷 segregational load;分离杆 declutcher control lever;分离杆链 uncoupling lever chain;分离杆托架 detachable lever bracket;分离杆轴 uncoupling lever shaft;分离功 work of separation;分离功量值 separative work content value;分离功率核子 separative power;分离公理 axiom of separation, separation axiom;分离钩 detaching hook; s

5、elfdetaching hook;分离沟 splitter box;关于分离的相关短句(分开) separate; sever; resolve; segregate; isolate; detach;dis(as)sociate; abstrict:separate nitrogen from air;从空气中把氮分离出来an educational system where boys and girls are segregated男女生分离的教育制度(离别)part (for a long period) ; leave; bid farewell :I met an old frie

6、nd from whom I had parted for many years.我见到了分离多年的朋友。separation; severance; segregation; isolation; disassociation; demixing; detachment; diastasis:after a long separation;长期分离之后Separation from his friends made him sad.与朋友们分离使他伤心。关于分离的词语辨析separate, segregate, insulate, isolate这组词都有“分开,分离,隔离的意思, 其区别是

7、:separate指一般意义上的分开或隔开。segregate指把一群人或物从整体或主体中分离出来。insulate指隔开、分离,尤指用某种东西阻挡从里面逃出或从外面进入的东西。作 技术用词时,专指用某种绝缘体隔断通路。isolate侧重指完全分离、隔开,也指人或处于完全孤立的状态。关于分离的相关例句1. The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用成分是很关键的。2. The government, the executive and the judi-cia

8、ry are supposed to be separate.政府、行政部门和司法部门应该彼此分离。3. Renata wrote him that she had encountered her long-estranged father.雷娜塔写信告诉他说她碰到了分离多年的父亲。4. Zeneca was at last demerged from its parent firm, ICI.捷利康公司终于从其母公司帝国化工集团中分离了出来。5. Researchers have isolated a new protein from the seeds of poppies.初f?a hr

9、ef=http:/www xuexila. com/yangsheng/kesou/,z target二_blank”咳嗽币 Y芋克谥肿永钱掷氤鲫恢中碌牡鞍字省?/p6. Far from being separate, the mind and body form an indivisible whole.心智与身体绝不是分离的,它们形成了一个不可分割的整体。7. The government is trying to crush a secessionist movement.政府正试图镇压一场分离运动。8. We? regoing independent from the univers

10、ity and setting up our own group.我们马上就将从大学分离出去,成立我们自己的团体。9. Other forms of discourse have successfully been decoupled from politics.其他的话语形式己经成功地与政治分离开来10. The separation weighed on both of them.分离使他们两人都十分苦恼。11. Increasingly deep cleavages separate one age group from another.愈来愈深的分歧使不同的年龄群互相分离.12. Th

11、ey have isolated the bacterium in its pure form.他们已经把细菌分离出来,使它们处于较纯的状态.13. They believed that art should be divorced from politics.他们认为艺术应该和政治分离.14. They have agreed to recognize the breakaway republics independence.他们已经同意承认分离出去的共和国的独立性.15. There are three separate coverings around the brain itself.脑体周围有3层分离的覆盖物.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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