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1、Part I ScriptDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recor

2、ding for the question.)l | A. Tuesday morning at the womans office.。 B. Tuesday morning at the mans office.C. Tuesday afternoon at the womans office.D. Tuesday morning at the mans office.2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)二_| A. Cancelling the meeting.8. Continuing the discussion on

3、 the last issue.,: | C. Starting the meeting.正 | D. Finishing the meeting.3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)广 | A. The mans company is broke.8. The mans company is expanding. | C. The woman is willing to invest in the mans company.| D. The woman wont invest in the mans company.4. (

4、Listen to the audio recording for the question.)2_| A. The mans company has been shut down.8. The man is very proud of his business., C. The man feels depressed about his companys performance.D. The woman is going to join in the mans company.5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)。I A.

5、It can save costs.| B. Products can be easily promoted.。| C. It saves labor.J - D. Both A and B.Part II ScriptDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. Whenthe passage is read the second time, 1ll in the blanks numbered f

6、rom S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers.Sometimes markets surge for no apparent reason; masses of people suddenly want

7、something, and the (1)demand cant be met immediately. For example,during the SARSepidemic, there was a high (2)for facial masks in severalcountries and many entrepreneurs capitalized (3) I this business idea.A similar effect is also created by larger social (4). There is muchmoreof a demandfor homec

8、are services for the (5)than what is currently beingsupplied. And the (6)for pets to be treated as family members continues,creating demand for all kinds of (7)services that didnt exist evenYouranswer(2)(6)(8)(10)ten years ago.(8)If there is, develop business ideas to fit the market gap.Do you have

9、any ideas for starting a business now? Write your business ideas down. Think about them for some time.(9) 口.You dont have to run with the first business idea you think of; you want to discover the idea thats best suited to your skills and desires.(10)Correct answerresultingdemandontrendselderlytrend

10、pet-relatedLook at existing businesses and the products and services they offer and then determine if theres a need for more of those products o servicesKeep an open mind and continue to assess everything you read and he from a business point of viewDream, think, plan, and youll be ready to transfor

11、m that busines idea into the business youve always wantedPart III ScriptDirections:Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correctanswers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the firstplaying, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the seco

12、nd playing to check your answers.1. Why does the speaker mention anti-virus software?A. To show the importance of protecting the computer.B. To show how bad computer viruses are.J, C. To illustrate a future market demand.D. To identify a possible market decline.2. What is the use of an iris-recognit

13、ion machine?| A. To guard against an explosion./, B. To ensure security.C. To recognize the value of safety.D. To avoid computer viruses.3. How can one benefit from old gardeners?。| A. By learning from the products sold in North America.r | B. By selling the gardeners more software.C. By studying ho

14、w much more they earn than before.“ I | D. By studying what could help them to work longer and more easily.4. What is true of most of the people in the speakers town?“ I, A. They overlooked the value ofwild blueberries. | B. They eat a lot ofwild blueberries.广 | C. They like to eat both blueberries

15、and wild blueberries.广 | D. They eat neither blueberries nor wild blueberries.5. Which of the following would be a suitable title for the passage?A. Wild blueberrya thriving business.B. Best business opportunities arising from computer software., C. How to find business opportunities.D. How to make

16、use of the business connections.Part IVDirections:Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.The mistake is the result of ain communication, and we need to look2.at our communication methods both internally and externally.A. break-inB. breakdownC. breakupD. breakoutWe ordered 50 la

17、ptops from your company, but on the invoice I see theres an extra charge for shipping. I thought shipping was included in the3.Thiswas a time-sensitive document! Theres noin delivering it threehours late!A. placeB. pointC. circleD. mean4. Wewant to keep our clients happy, and unfortunately weve this

18、 time.A. dropped shortB. dropped long C. fallen shortD. fallen long5. I cant wait to get some of my own business leads. You know, start making new./ A. connectionsB. combinationsC. relationsD. ties6. You catch on quick. Letsso we can cover more ground.A. split downB. split upC. break downD. break up

19、7. If you distribute those brochures at the party, youll look likeA. a black hand8. a white handC. a red handD. a green hand8.You have to consider the location whena business.A. starting forB. beginning onC. launchingD. launching on9.a place to open yourYou have to keep in mind a few things when business.A. decidingC. deciding forD. deciding atE. deciding on10.How did she the hula hoop?the business idea of creating an improved versionofA. come along withB. come out withC. come withD. come up with


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