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1、2020初中毕业生基础知识与能力质量监测英语试卷注意力项:1 .本试卷分卷I和卷11两部分。总分120分,考试时间120分钟.2 .将9位数号上号填涂在答题上匕 条形码赌在相应的位置。3 .学生只交答题卡及卷n,选择鹿用2B铅笔涂卡.I.听力部分共包括两小节:第一节在卷I,第二节在卷n-卷I (选择题,共75分)听力部分(第一节)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1. A. quiteB. quiet2. A. take part in B. take care of3. A. November, 1987 B. December, 19874. A. Lei

2、 Feng was nearly ready.B. Lei Feng was helped by others.C. Lei Feng was always helpful.5 A. Jack likes piano music best.B. Jack is famous for his piano music.C. Piano lesson is Jacks favorite subject.II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,C. quickC. take pride inC. November, 19786. A. problem.7. A. All right.8. A:

3、rd love to.9. 久 I will.B. Thanks a lot.B. Have a good time.B. Go ahead, please.B. I can do it.10. A. I agree with you. B. I hope so.IIL听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计5分)C. Great idea.C. What a pity!C. Never mind.C. Thanks. I am full.C. Thafs right.每小题1分,计8分)11. How will Sandy go to school today?ABCBc. O

4、n the playground.A工 Where is Jack?A In the classroom.B. At home.4. What will they do tonight?A. Go for dinner. B. Go to the movies. C. Go to t e pa , 15 Where did Mr. Turner go?A. The USA.B.Tlic UK. 、 C. Australia.16. What kind of tea does the girls father like drinking in summer? A. Black tea.B. Da

5、rk tea.C. Green tea.17. How long is the history of Chinese tea?A. About 3,000 years. B. About 2,300 years. C. About 1,200 years.J 8. What gift docs the girl buy fbr her father?A. A book.B. Tea. 、C. A teacup.W.听短文和问题,选择正确答案(共7小时加小超I分,计7分)19. Where do Canadian children have the summer camps?A. In fore

6、sts.B. In the countryside. C. In the park.20. How long does the camp last?C. One to four weeks.A. One to two weeks. B. Two to four weeks.21. What do the children usually do in the evening?A. Do sports. B. Go fbr long walks. C. Sing songs or tell stories. / -22. What kind of activity is it from the p

7、assage?A. A spons meeting. B. A music competition. C. A photo competition.23. How many prizes are there in the activity?*为 3.B. 4.C, 5.24. How old is Li Wei?C Fifteen years old.A. The mountains.B. The heroes.C The rivers.A. Eleven years old. B. Twelve years old. 25. What is Li Weis work about?笔试部分v-

8、单项选择共10小题,每小题I分,共10分)选出可填入空白处的最佳选项.26. We must protect wild animals. They arc friends.A weB. usC. oursD. our2 . Medical workers who arc lighting the illness arc needing more.A. supportB. treasureC. influenceD. airport28. During the first day of studying online, I was _ and listened carefully.A. bore

9、dB. movedC. excited-D. tired29. Remember to wash hands more . and dont give the virus(病毒)anychance to enter your body.A veryB. quickly C. oftenD. hardly3. Please take the umbrella, Bob. Itheavily outside.A. rainsB. rainedC. was rainingD. is raining3L the environment clean, we shouldnt throw away so

10、much rubbish.A. To keepB. KeepingC. KeptD. Keep32. If you are caught smoking in the school yard, you by your teacher.A. will punishB. are punished C. will be punished D. must punished33. You had better those wet clothes or youll get a cold.A. put onB. take offC. set offD. cut off34. Oh, my god! I to

11、 lock the door.A. forgetB. forgot C. was forgetting D. will forget35. Where do you live, Jack?I live in New York now. I here fbr ten years.A. moved B. have moved C. have gone D. have beenVI,完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Henry is going through a very hard time. His wife has

12、just passed away. He feels that life without 36 is pointless. For months, Henry sits in his house, doing nothing. His family try to encourage him to do new things and enjoy life, _37 theyre not successful.Henrys 38 , an old woman named Lisa, sees him from her yard one day. She has not seen him outsi

13、de fbr days! She asks him to come closer to the fence (海 笆)next to her house.MHello, Henry! Just look at this fence. It is falling apart. You are a strong man. Can you help me 39 this fence?” Lisa asks.九年级英语第3页(共12页)Hcmy is _4Q_inside. He is the one who needs help right now. He thinks the |d Indy be

14、ing kind of rude 川价的).But she is too old to fix the fence herself, so he agrees.works on the fence for days. Lisa brings him lemonade while he works. hen be finishes, she thanks him. Henry smiles for the first time in months. 1川 a wonderful job! Could you please 41 it for meT Lisa says to him.Hcniy

15、cannot believe she is asking for more help. Doesnt she know how sad he is. But 42 he 1yspceis(尊敬)her, he agrees. He works hard painting the fence in II1C sun I Liw lemonade and encouragement arc helpful. As their neighbors pass ihcy all tell Henry what a beautiful job he has done. Henry feels very h

16、appy.I ienry no longer feels that life is pointless. He 43 realizes that Lisa wasnt being nidc. She knows that slaying _ 44 can help us forget our sadness. He helped her but she truly 45 him.36. A. himB. herC. itD. them37. A. andBorC. soD. but38. A. grandmaB. teacherC. neighborD. passenger39. A. bre

17、akB. fixC. makeD. produce40. A. angryB. afraidC. excitedD. happy41. A. helpB. buyC. makeD. paint42. A. whenB. thoughC. becauseD. why43. A. firstlyB. finallyC. hardlyD. lonely44. A. safeB. quietC. freeD. busy/5. A. savedB. hurtC. movedD. stoppedvn.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最

18、佳选项。AWe interviewed singer Maisie Peters after she gave a pnvate show at Atlantic Records in Manhattan New York. We had a lot of fun chatting with her- we even got to sing with her! Reporter: At what age did you start singing and playing the guitar, and do you play other instruments?Maisie Peters: I

19、 think I started singing probably when I was 8 in choir (合唱团)When I started playing the guitar, I was 13 years old. Actually, I played the flute (笛子)at first. I played it during my whole elementary school period, but I was so bad. My twin sister at that time played the clarinet (单簧管). We were both e

20、qually awfiil. So my poor parents had to listen to terrible woodwind (未管乐器)noises. Then I gave that up.Reporter: How do you remember the words to your songs?Maisie Peters: I sing them a lot. I guess when you do anything a lot, ifs just easier to remember. You just have to practice all the time. Befo

21、re I go on stage,prdssomcw1一I sing all (he words under my breath. I still forgetr?which is embarrassing. Bm you get over it 山3 11 5|0 |)e %lcporcr: hut achicc u(ml(l you xivc to someone who much 丫Mci*沁 Idlers: 11 youre going to be a singer, pul yourself 华 dia a can. It s pretty easy to do that nowad

22、ays with socio m age You l ube. And ihat s how I got started. And when “悟“ a ca”c eel like youve got ihc best stuff to present. You can卜即 yoU 业生涯)an your own nowadays. You don,I need anyone-with that. So just put yourself out there.46. Maisie Peters gave up the flute because.A. her parents were poor

23、B. her sister was terribleC. she played badlyD. she had Io pniclice all the lime47. Peters remembers the words easily because sheA. reads a lot of books B. has a good memoryC. is so cleverD. practices them more15. Maisie Peters tells us if we want to be a singer, we shouldA. put ourselves out thereB

24、. practice the guitarC. ask somebody for helpI), remember the wordsRent informationRoom fbr rent(出租):37 Tulip Avenue, Haddington Town“e have one room m a shared house. You will share with three other peopleWe liaveone targe room with 氏必 ta6U antftabCe Camp private sdffwersfiandwith ad equipmentsfiar

25、ed Bathroomsfuind TVandDJ) roomThe house is in a quiet street. Theres no car park but the house is only five minutes1 walk from the train station and shops. From the station it5s only ten minutes to the city.Theres a small garden. f?re informationlug X- P,casc contact:Nice views of the shops from th

26、e first floor! 、Mrs. Edna Greeneillt: $100 per weekThree weeks rent paid in advance. No pets or children.25 Railway Street. Haddington.| Tel: 01985756634 Email: EdnaGyahoo.co.uk*九年级英语第5页(共12页)Vilhc?a, to rent. 25 DufTodil Road, e hnVc a coinfortab|c lwo.bcdrwHn flo Large garden.Rsutiftd views of fie

27、lds and woods.nly one liour by traiti to the city center. Animals and children arc welcome!。山 S400 per montli (in advance, please). Interested? Please telephone.49.】r you keep the room in the shared house1黑黑冲心。阳。54“574 Jfor one month, yoUA. SI()0 B. just S400C. inorcthan $40。will pay 包D. $3005. How

28、can you rent the two-bedroom Hat?FdnaGyahooCOukA. Call 01985756634B. Send e-mail to C. Call 019405486754D. Call 019405486,51. Where can we find the rent information?A. A science magazine.B. A notice boar -、C. In a history book.D. A research leporl孑C0Self-disciplined (自律的)people are not all outstandi

29、ng people. 霁: outstanding people are self-disciplined people. Some of them read every day. :ome ot them never run late. The real difference between an elite person and a gene person is that an elite person can control his or her time well. That s where 靠黑 comes from. What people call self-discipline

30、 is in fact selfmanagcment (自我管理),One example is staying fit. Never underestimate look down upon someone whois in good shape. Anyone who has evertried to lose weight knows that its not easy.Its even harder to avoid putting weight back on. If someoneis in good shape, itshows that he knows the princip

31、les (原则)of staying fit and is able to stick to a plan that uses these principles.If someone is in good shape, it means that this person is good at managing themselves and their time. Whether it is natural or acquired (后天习得),it is a great skill. It also shows that this person is able to keep persever

32、ing (坚定的)and can balance (平衡)long-term goals with short-term goals.So if someone is in good shape, he or she is more than just healthy.九年级英语第6页(共12页),qnd write down yourI of all, set a g ; you need to do toHow do you leiim self-management? a| thediscipline, smallreasons Ibi wanting (o achieve it. (

33、rente . :讨 tjn)c, 1 S. I;nC can you truly achieve this goal and start to work on 由皿 ihroiigh sd.disc PJthings in life will no longer trouble y。”. 0” 11own your future.s “.52. T he underlined word uclilc, in the passageD caI,e ”A. excellentB. cnicl C:A healthy peiJion js sclf disciplined.D S C3Sy to

34、slay 讪即c.4 Tsedkcjplhicd people arc nil oulstanding people. *cani scH-nian;igcincnl. you slioukhrt _ _- d one of the things you need Io do at a lime $cl n goal and write down your reasons make a list of all the things you need to do D. complete all of your tasks at the same time The writer mainly wa

35、nts to tell us.A how to team self-managementB. what is self-disciplineC* 山e importance ofsdf-disciplmtD. how to build a healthy body53. Which of the tbllowing might the agree A. easy to lose weight.DWhat will the schools of the future look like? Smart campuses (智目匕校园)arc being built all over the wor

36、ld. Their high tech features help students learn more effectively, as well as bring convenience (便利)to teachers.The University of British Columbia has created Canadas first 5G-powered smart campus, according to The Star, a local newspaper. The school worked with a tech company to build a 5G network

37、across its campus. Their researchers can use the network to test 5G software (软件).At Staffordshire University in the UK, many students enjoy talking to Beacon and asking it questions. Beacon is an Al chatbot that was developed by the university. Jt is like a personal helper fbr students at the schoo

38、l. They can ask it questions, such as whether or not one of their classes is cancelled (取消).Amazon also has smart campus products. Alexa, the companys voice-activated (声控的)smart assistant, can be used to help teachers run their classes more efficiently. For example, Alexa can remember the teachers c

39、lassroom preferences(仰陵. such as how bright the lights should be, and change them accordingly, according (o Amazon.IZM ohen describe universities as “mini-cities” They often have their own transpoiiation, roads, shops, and banks. Universities are seen as good places to test smart technology, because

40、 they have control overall of their buildings.( i:ics arc so big, and there arc so many players and stakeholders (利益相关者), it can be difficult. But universities have control over their estates (财产).They own all the buildings. so they can become like a living lab,* said Gemmy Ginty, a designer who is

41、working on a smart campus dcvcloptnenl strategy for the University of Glasgow, in a report by the Guardian.56. Where is Ihc University of British Columbia?A. In America.B. In China.C. In England.D. In Canada.57. From the passage, we know Beacon is a.A. teacherB. scientistC. robotD. student58. Univer

42、sities are like ”minicities“ because they have.A. their own roads, shops, banks and so onB. control overall of their buildingsC. good places to test smart technologyD. control over their estates.59. Which is right according to the passage?A. Alexa can be used as lights in smart campus.B. Akxa is a s

43、tudent with the best memory.C. Alexa is the most popular teacher in the university.IX Alexa can help teachers run their classes well.is the best title for this passage?D. 5G-powered Campus are being BuiltE. Universities are like Mmini-citicsMF. Technology Brings new Ways to Learn and 1 eachG. Techno

44、logy is more and more Important in the Campus九年级英语第9页(共12页)卷n (非选择题,共45分)注意事项:1 .答卷H前,将密封线左侧的项目填写清的82 .答卷II时,将答案用蓝色、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接写在试卷上。题号VDIIXXXI总分XB得分听力部分(第二节)皿.听短文,填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)Information SheetMr.BrownTinaWorks as a 61. in the company.Has been working fbover 62. _years.Would showa63-welcome to

45、all of the travelers.Tries her best to make the visit 64.Would take Ihc visitors to sec many tourist 65.笔试部分IX.任务型阅读(共5小题.每小题2分,计10分)阅读加入并按照嬖求完成66-70Nowiickiys, no matter how young or old wc are, wc have to deal with many (山小心! things in our daily lives. Some of them can make us feel pleased or rela

46、xed, wlule others can make us led stressed out. As students, wc also have to deal with a lol otpressure (Jh from schoolwork, interpersonal relationshipsandother :ispccls. Learning how to deal with pressure is important.Firsi, w c must be conn(Jcn( enough to Gicc pressure. If wc don” have enough confidence, wc will feel too stressed out to know how to deal with it.Second, wc can do something wc like, such as drawing pictures, singing songs or playing games. Doing ihcsc ihings nol only helps,us relax, but


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