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1、Module 1 第1课时 Introduction.单词拼写1Maybe he is a Frenchman, as he comes from_and can only speak_.2People in Italy are called_, while people in_are called the Spanish.3All roads lead to_.4The United Kingdom is in c_ Europe.5Between France and Spain is another mountain r_the Pyrenees.6He likes the b_ so

2、much that he wants to buy a pair to wear at once.7We must f_ our difficulties bravely.8Be careful when walking a_ the street.9To begin with, let me i_ myself.10Mother is p_ lunch for us in the kitchen.答案:1.France, French2.Italians, Spain3.Rome4.continental5.range6.boots7.face8.across9.introduce10.pr

3、eparing.用适当的介、副词填空1Preparing a fact file_a region_China.2aaaplete the table_the words_the box_.3The UK is_the northwest coast_Europe.4Italy is_the south of Europe_the coast_the Mediterranean Sea.5The students are preparing_the exam that will cover_all the texts they have learnt.答案:1.on, of2.with, in

4、, below/above3.off, of4.in, on, of5.for, .单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1(2009福建)Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting._.AI practice every dayBThank you very muchCNo, I dont think soDWell, its not good enough答案:B解析:考查交际用语。前一句表示赞扬,应答句应表示感谢,故选B。2(2009福建)For a moment nothing happened. Then_all s

5、houting together. Avoices had comeBcame voicesCvoices would come Ddid voices come答案:B解析:考查特殊句式。副词then位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装句,选B。3(2008江西)We finished the run in less than half the time_.Aallowing Bto allowCallowed Dallows答案:C解析:“我们用了不到规定时间的一半就完成了全部的行程。”allow与time之间为逻辑上的动宾关系。4(2008湖南)The trees_in th

6、e storm have been moved off the road.Abeing blown down Bblown downCblowing down Dto blow down答案:B解析:“在暴风雨中被吹倒的树木已被搬离了公路。”blow down与trees之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,是被动关系。5At the foot of the mountain _.Aa village lie Blies a villageCdoes a village lie Dlying a village答案:B解析:表地点的介词短语置于句首时,句子用完全倒装结构。6There were a lot

7、of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get_.Abetween BthroughCacross Dbeyond答案:B解析:through意为“穿过”。根据所提供情景可判断出“小女孩要从人群中穿过”。7(2009全国卷)If you leave the club, you will not be_back in.Areceived Badmitted Cturned Dmoved答案:B解析:本题题意:如果你离开了俱乐部,就不会被俱乐部重新接纳。be admitted into/to表示“被准许加入(俱乐部、组织)

8、;接收(入学)”。例如:Smith was admitted into this club as an ordinary member.史密斯被接纳为这家俱乐部的普通会员。8Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _ financial aid.Ain favour of Bin honour ofCin face of Din need of答案:D解析:句意为“很多中国大学给需要财政援助的学生提供奖学金”。A“支持”;B“纪念”;C“面对”;D“需要”。9Im putting on weight. The do

9、ctor has warned me to _ sugar.Akeep up Bkeep backCkeep off Dkeep away答案:C解析:该题句意为“我在发胖,医生已经告诫我不要吃糖”。keep off意为“不吃”。10The longest coral bed in the world is one which lies _ the northeast coast of Australia.Aoff BawayCfrom Dup答案:A解析:该题句意为“世界上最长的珊瑚礁位于澳大利亚东北部海岸附近”。off在此处为介词,意为“与相隔;距;离”。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,

10、从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I do not know the city at all and whats more, I could not speak a word of the 1. After having spent my first day seeing 2 in the town center, I decided to lose my 3 deliberately (故意地) on my second day, since I 4 that this was the best way of getting to know my way 5. I got

11、 on the first bus that passed, and some thirty minutes later came to what must have been a suburb. The first two hours passed 6 enough. I discovered mysterious little bookshops in back streets and 7 arrived at a marketplace where I 8 and had a coffee in an openair cafe. Then I decided to 9 back to m

12、y hotel for lunch. After walking about carelessly for some time, I made up my mind to ask 10. The trouble was that the only 11 I knew of the language was the 12 of the street in which I lived and 13 that I pronounced badly. The policeman 14 me, smiled and gently 15 me by the arm. There was a distant

13、 look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded politely and began walking 16 the direction he told me. About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting 17 and green fields were appearing on either side of 18. I had come all the way into the country. The only t

14、hing 19 for me to do was to find the 20 railway station.1A.language BcityCstory Dpeople答案:A解析:与句中的word一致,意思是“这门语言我连一句话也不会说”。2A.sights BbooksCeverything Danything答案:A解析:整理是来这座城市游览观光的,故选A。3A.wallet BwayChotel Dmeals答案:B解析:lose my way “迷路”;与下一句中know my way“认路”对应。4A.knew Bfound outCcame to see Dbelieved

15、答案:D解析:整理认为迷路是认路的最好方法,这是他的个人观点,而不是客观事实。5A.here BthereCover Daround答案:D解析:know ones way here “认识来这儿的路”;know ones way there“认识去那儿的路”;know ones way around“认识周围的路”;据文意,这里应选D。6A.unhappily BstupidlyCpleasantly Ddifficultly答案:C解析:根据上文“lost my way deliberately” 以及下文“I discovered. in an openair cafe.”可看出这两个小

16、时整理过得很愉快、很轻松。7A.at once BcarefullyCfinally Dsadly答案:C解析:表示走过一些小书店之后最后来到了集贸市场。8A.walked BstoppedCcalled Dremembered答案:B解析:表示逛了几个地方以后,最后在一家露天的小咖啡馆停下来喝杯咖啡。9A.return BaaaeCrun Dget答案:D解析:return后不能再用back, get back既能表示come back,也能表示go back。10A.the way Ba mealCthe name Dpeople答案:A解析:ask the way作“问路”解,与上文相符

17、。11A.thing BoneCproblem Dword答案:D解析:根据题后的提示语language,这里应用word。12A.name BplaceCshop Dpeople答案:A解析:根据上下文这里指the word of the name of the street。13A.because BstillCyet Dso答案:C解析:表示与前文在语义上的转折,尽管知道街名,却又发音不准。14A.stared at Bcame toClistened to Dnodded to答案:C解析:listened to me表示耐心地辨听着我的发音,与上文意思相符。15A.caught Bt

18、ookCseized Dtouched答案:B解析:took me by the arm“挽着我的手”;表示关心,符合文意。16A.to BinCfor Dat答案:B解析:in和direction搭配,in the direction of表示“朝的方向”。17A.larger BgetterCfewer Dmore答案:C解析:城里街道两旁都是建筑,只有当整理发现房屋越来越少时,才知道自己越走越远,已经来到了乡间。18A.the street Bthe marketCme Dthem答案:C解析:乡间的道路应称为road,故不选A。on either side of me意为“在我的两边”

19、。19A.left BgivenCthat Dright答案:A解析:The only thing left for me to do.意为“此时我毫无别的办法,只能”。20A.best BsmallestCnearest Dbiggest答案:C解析:此时整理是急着要回旅馆,想马上找一个车站,而且越近越好。.阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Big Ben, the landmark London clock renowned for its accuracy and chimes (和谐的钟声), stopped ticking for 90

20、minutes, an engineer said Saturday.Officials do not know why the 147yearold clock on the banks of the River Thames stopped at 1007 pm. Friday. It continued keeping time, but stopped again at 1020 pm. and remained still for about 90 minutes before starting up agin, a spokeswoman for the House of Comm

21、ons said.There has been speculation (推测) a recent period of hot weather may have been to blame. Temperatures in London reached 90 on Saturday, and forecasters called it Englands hottest day in May since 1953.Big Ben, which is operated by the Palace of Westminster, survived attacks by German Luftwaff

22、e bombers during World War , continuing to mark the time to within 1 1/2 seconds of Greenwich Mean Time.However, the clock has experienced occasional problems. In 1962, snow caused the clock to ring in the New Year 10 minutes late. In 1976, the clock stopped when a piece of its machinery broke. Big

23、Ben also stopped on April 30, 1997, and once more three weeks later.1How many times has Big Ben stopped up to now?AThree.BFive.CSix.DEight.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“It continued keeping time, but stopped again at 1020 pm.”可知,这次共停过两次;再根据第五段“In 1962, snow caused the clock to ring in the New Year 10 minutes l

24、ate. In 1976, the clock stopped when a piece of its machinery broke. Big Ben also stopped on April 30, 1997, and once more three weeks later.”可知历史上有六次。2The probable reason for Big Ben stopping ticking this time is _.Ahigh temperature Blow temperatureCbroken machine Dheavy snow答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“Ther

25、e has been speculation(推测) a recent period of hot weather may have been to blame.”可知,大本钟此次停摆的原因可能是高温。3The passage mainly talks about _.ABig Bens historyBthe solution to Big Bens problemCthe symbol of LondonDBig Bens silence答案:D解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲述大本钟停摆。并未提及大本钟的历史、伦敦的象征及解决大本钟停摆的办法。友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!5 / 5


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