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1、新世纪版三年级上册英语Unit 4 Too Beautiful教育目标:1 .培养学生大方、得体的穿着、打扮习惯。2 ,使学生初步掌握评价他人衣着的礼貌用语 知识目标:基础目标:1. Words and expressionsFrom Grand Theatre*beautifulfunny*tootry onFrom Wonderland From Farmland*shirt* eraserhatwhose*coatT-shirtjacket*what colourtrousers put on dress *shoes skirt2. Sentence patternsFrom Farm

2、land From Grand TheatreThis is not. This dress is not good.Whose is this eraser? Try on.3. 根据课文内容回答Questions and Answers中的问题,并根据实际情况回答On your own中 的问题。4. Music Box掌握字母g和h在单词中的读音。通过复习含有/g/, /h/音素的单词,让学生体会字母g, h在单词中的发音,强化并正确掌握姐 阳/这两个音素。5. Disneyland本课中出现绕口令Tommy Thumb的第二段,第三课中已有第一段。可以在复习第一段的 基础 上引出新内容

3、的教学,并且在吟诵过程中加上手指游戏,以增加趣味性。Difficult Poi nts单词trousers比较难读,而且经常以复数形式出现。表示一条裤子的说法是: a pair oftrousers。发展目标:能正确、熟练地运用有关大小、颜色、特征等形容词来描述、评价服装及其他物品。能力目标:能用This is not -Whose-?组成对话进行初步交际。情感、策略和文化等有关目标:学会欣赏美,赞美别人,对别人的赞美表示感谢。教学资源:Student s book 3A P24P 30Cassette 3A Unit 4Student s workbook 3A P21 P26Word an

4、d picture cards 3A Unit 4Teach ing Tran spare ncies 3A Un it 4Some clothes教学时间:5课时(每课3540分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。第一课时:Won derla nd & Lan guage Lab第二课时:Farmla nd第三课时: Grand Theatre & Lan guage Lab第四课时:Lan guage Lab & Music Box第五课时:Dis neyla ndLesson Plan ( 1 )ProceduresCon te ntsMethodsPurposePre-taskprep

5、arati onWarmi ng-upRhyme:TommyThumbRevisi onFree talkSay the rhyme in chorus.Talkaboutthefavourite colour and tell the reas on.1念首儿歌活跃 一下课堂气氛, 为学习英语创设 良好的学习氛 围。2讨论喜爱的颜 色为接卜来的新 课做准备。WhiletaskproceduresTask 1Fashi on showTask 2Go to the fashi on house.Task3Colourtheclothes.1. .Lear n the word “ fashio

6、n ”2. Discuss what kind of clothes is the fashi on.3. Invite the students who thinktheirclothes are beautiful to have a fashi on show.4. Lear n the newwords.1. Show a fashion house. There are a lot of nice clothes in it.2. Q: Which clothes do you like, why?1. Colour the clothes.2. Make a dialogue ac

7、cordi ng to it.Eg: A: Look at his/ her/ my/ xx*s dress/shirt.从实际生活出 发,请学生对当 今的时尚进行评 论,并找出班级 里时髦的衣服当 场举行时装展示 会,在激发兴趣 的同时,自然引 出新课内容。学生在选购衣服 的同时对喜欢的 衣物作出评价, 增加语言的?俞出 量。通过给服装着色 并加以评论来帮 助学生复习、巩 固单词。B: How ni ce/ pretty/ beautiful ?Post-taskactivities1 . Finish Part 2 ofLan guage Lab2 . Try to recite some

8、of the words.Spell the new wordsEn courage the stude nts to recite some of the words.通过朗读和拼读 能在课堂中尽自 己的努力背诵出 其中部分单词。Lesson Plan ( 2 )ProceduresCon te ntsMethodsPurposePre-taskpreparati onRevisi on1. Review the words about theclothes.2. Free talkaboutthefavouriteclothes.1 Read and spell the words.2 .

9、 Talk about the favourite clothes.通过对前一 课单词的复 习巩固所学 的知识。While task proceduresTask 11. Find out whose pencil is it.Task 2Change the form of “ This is not ” Task 3Makeadialogue1. Show a penciland tell thestudents that nobody knows whose it is.2. Elicit the sentence“ This isnot my pen cil.3. T: Is this

10、 your pen cil?S: No, this is not my pen cil.4. Repeat the dialogue un til finding the owner.1. Give the stude nts an example: This is not a beautiful dress. /This dress is not beautiful.2. Finish more exercises.在兀成寻找 失物主人的 过程中,学 生用学到的 语言描述真 实的状况, 达到学习的 目的。通过练习掌 握句型结 构。通过设置的 情景请学生1. Set a see ne such

11、 as“ in theclassroom ” .2. Provide a model dialogue: Eg: Mary: Whose is this blue jacket? Is this your jacket, Mike?Mike: No, this is not my jacket. My jacket is yellow. Maybe ifs Toms. Toms jacket is blue.Mary: Is it your jacket, Tom?Tom: Yes, it is. Thank you very much.Mary: Youre welcome.3. Make a new one and act out it.编与对话并 且进行表演,用英语 描述事物的 状况,达到 练习的目的。Post-taskactivitiesLear nthedialoguesonthecoursebook.1. Listen to the tape and repeat the senten ces.2. Act out the dialogues.学习课文内 容,进一步 了解所学句 型的功能。


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