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2、S:注意逻辑组织:OGP216开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree ,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。备考TIPS:1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点2、听力的部分主要记清楚 主要人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由3、结构一定要清楚,要用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚 。备考模版:注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结1、 “ The school has implemented a new policy that due to And the man/woman holdsa positive/negative view towards the

3、announcement.The first reason she/he gives is that And the second one is based on the fact that2、From the reading material , we know that (the college ) is going to Obviously , the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea , due tothe following reasons.。One reason is th at A

4、nother is (万有时间)So thats all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion.(尽量记,听为主)3、The man/woman s opinion about STH is that(选择方案型:听选择的原因。1 .Firstly, the man/woman states that 2 .And then he/she states that ) (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。1 .Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of t his issue. He/s

5、he states that2.On the other hand , the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question.He/she points out that )4、阅读引用部分的模版(1) In the reading material ,(2) There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about * (填入记下的关 键词)(3) The university/college is going to*(稍稍展开下)(4) In the list

6、ening material , two students discuss about the*(填入关键词)听力中人物表达观点的模版:11) The man/woman is against/supporting the*(2) He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about*(3) He or She thinks the* is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons:(4) The man/woman s opinion about STH is that 。理由展开

7、部分的模版:11)First, he thinks/says* ; Also , he points out that*(2) Firstly , the man/woman states that 。 ; And -then he/she states that。(3)支持+反对Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that .Onthe other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of

8、 thisquestion. He /she points out that 。5、范例:看OG的范例回答Bus Service Elimination Planned Important Points (字数 102) The university plans to eliminate the bus service because it is too expensive to run and too few students use it.(句话概括阅读材料的内容)The man disagrees with the universityplan.(谈话人态度)He believes th

9、e reason few students take the bus is that the route goesto neighborhoods where students do not live. If the routes were changed , many more students would ride the bus.(两句话讲谈话人的第一个观点:校车路线。注意改路线的建议是采用虚拟语气来表述的)The man disagrees with the way the university plans to use themoney it saves on the bus ser

10、vice. Building more parking lots on campus will encourage more students to drive on campus. This would increase noise and traffic on campus. (谈话人第二个 观点:增加停车场。首先讲谈话人观点:disagree with the way然后将后果1诟果2)范例:OG的范例回答,字数 147The man in the scene said he wanted to keep the bus service for the better being of s

11、tudents on campus , because there is some students who can not afford the car , therefore they use the free bus service even though it isn t that much. The problem with bus service right now is going through wrong neighbour where it is too expensive for students to live , so what they should do is j

12、ust change the course of bus. And that will take of the problem. Also , they should encourage more students to use the bus service instead of discourage them. Or () if they us the money that they use for bus service to increase the space of the parking lot for the students , which will add to the no

13、ise of the campus and will be more congested for all the people who already parking over there.自我测评标准:Self-Assessment Checklist :1.1 noted the main points of the reading passage.2.I noted the main points of the listening passage.3.I read the question carefully.4.I used careful planning to outline my

14、 response.5.I began with an overall topic statement.1 .I used strong supporting ideas.7 . I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.口语第四题,这部分的考试是基于阅读和听力的基础,具体介绍如下:形式:阅读+听力+应答阅读:时间:(没有写,但是估计也是 40到45s)内容:学术类短文(75到100words)-材料相对笼统抽象(生命科学、社会科学、自然科学和人文科学)听力:时间:没有写内容:与阅读相关联,(扩展事例,举反例或运用阅读概念 )作答:根

15、据短文和讲座中的信息并且对其中的关键信息进行整合及加工。就是说:阅读可能给一些很深奥的名词或者概念,然后听力讲座时会针对这些概念做出解释,模拟的就是课堂的真实情况,阅读好比教材,讲座好比上课。所以要注意听出来二者之间的关系,然后作答 时间:准备时间:30s陈述时间:60s备考TIPS:1、阅读一篇短文。用文中的主要观点勾勒出文章的梗概,使用梗概对短文。2、阅读文章时主要要记录题目,因为题目一般就是主要内容的概括,然后阅读并记录重点。3、听力中要注意教授是怎么解释学术概念的,注意例证。Lecture题型其实只要求在阅读预见内容的前提下复述讲话框架。4、进行口头总结。然后在梗概中加入细节,并再次总

16、结。口语体现的阅读和听力的主要重 点,不要太关注细节。5、用计时软件进行训练,因为当阅读和听力都听懂的情况下,同学们很有可能什么都想说最后导致什么都没说清楚也没说完,那么利用计时软件训练,就会避免这种现象。6、合理分配时间,仔细审题,参考笔记,考虑如何表达7、笔记记录内容取舍很有弹性,下面两者取其一:1)对数字敏感的记录数字及准确的相关含义,用以占据篇幅,避免连贯性动作描述。2)记录连贯性动作描述,避免具体数字及准确的相关含义的表述。reading passage :主要记下抽象的词,和具体的定义;原理,和具体原理的内容等。带着一个 概念是什么,现象是什么 ”的问题用35秒看完短文,然后用 1

17、0S的时间,用2句话总结 出短文所介绍的概念或现象(尽量用短文中的词汇) listening passage :听段子的时候,带着老师用什么例子来进行说明 ”这个问题去听。要听结构(1+2),还要听例子中涉及到的3个基本要素(实验对象,实验过程,实验结果)。其中,实验过程要详细。注意这些和抽象的定义和原理的挂钩。听力材料的前两句话,老师会给出所听内容的概括性介绍。 再结合阅读给出的概念。 再听举例说明。其方法通常是举出扩展事 例,举反例或是短文中概念的实际应用。8、本题题型细分为两种题型:A、二元正负类:阅读材料中的关键句之一有两个对称并列的概念性词语(切记:通常是动词!)(1渔阅读材料中找到

18、两个关键词,听力材料必然围绕这两个关键词展开。(2)在听力中迅速判断两大关键词的正负性质。(3)根据两大关键词的正负性展开相关内容。B、描述举例类:阅读材料中的关键句之一对文章题目进行描述,如果不是定义句,此关键 句经常在定义句附近。(1)阅读时记下描述性的关键句,如果临近定义句,同时记下定义句。(2)听到并记下举例内容,特别是与关键句匹配的信息。(3)根据具体例子反推验证关键句,如阅读时未确定,则在听力中迅速判断,从两句中选中 一句。备考模版:1. TOPIC SENTENCE The professor talks about the theory that 。SUPPORTING DET

19、AILSHe/she gives one/two examples to 川ustrate/explain such apoint.(接下来陈述实验对象,实验过程,实验结果)。2、(1)类型:The reading passage : definitionListening passage : examples , study , research模版:The reading passagegives the definition of关键的抽象词)6- XXX is 定义的内容)In the listening passage , the professor goes on to demon

20、strate it by introducing some researches / examples.This first is最后1句注意挂钩)The second is同样挂钩)(2)类型:The reading passage : the phenomenon / the problem/the process /somefunctions/some featuresListening passage : research , analysis.。.模版:the reading passage describes the phenomenon / the problem/the pro

21、cess /somefunctions/somefeatures(关键的抽象词)。XXX is 定义的内容)In the listening passage , the professor goes on to demonstrates it by introducing some researches/analysesThis first is最后1句注意挂钩)The second is同样挂钩)(3)类型:The reading passage:a conception held by/the principle/ theapplication/the cause/the effectLi

22、stening passage : specific aspects模版:The reading passage introduces a conception held by/the principle/ theapplication/thecause/theeffectIn the listeningpassage argues/indicates several specific aspects ofThe first* isThe second * is类型The reading passage : *Listening passage : examples , study , res

23、earch模版一:The reading passage introduces the definition/ phenomenon/ problem/ process /some functions/some features/ principle/ application/ cause/ effect of关键的抽象词 )。XXX is定义的内容)In the listening passage , the professor continues to demonstrate it by providing some researches/examples.This first is最后1

24、句注意挂钩)The second is同样挂钩)模版二:From the reading material , we know that 术语, 定义 )To demonstrate it , the speaker provides two examples/reasons/researches. One example is that Another example is that 。 .So the suggestion is that(记关键术语,主要观点)(5)整体模版:“In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the th

25、eory that 。 . 。 To reinforce the theory , theprofessor gave two reasons in his speech. The first one is that 。 The other one isthat -b- Andthat s the two reasons the speaker presented to explain his idea.(The conclusion is optional) ”例如:The Dead SeaIn this set of materials , the reading part describ

26、es the abody of water , and listening part providesadditional information about the body of water.The reading part describes the body of water named the Dead Sea. This body of water is said to bedead because its high salt level prevents life in it. It s so salty for the ilandlocked withno outlet , a

27、nd it s in an area with a high temperaturem this causes rapid evaporation.The listening part makes an additional point about the Dead Sea. The new point says that the DeadSea isn t actually a sea. A sea is a body of water thats part of the ocean or o|ocean,while a lake is a body that;s entirely encl

28、osed. The Dead Sea has no outlet and is therefore a lake.自我测评标准:Self-Assessment Checklist :1. I noted the main points of the reading passage.2. I noted the main points of the listening passage.3. I read the question carefully.4. I used careful planning to outline my response.5. I began with an overa

29、ll topic statement.6. I used strong supporting ideas.7. I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.综合口语第五题主要考察同学们对于校园生活的适应能力,具体介绍如下:形式:听力+作答听力时间:60s到90s内容:有关校园场景的对话人物包括:两个学生;一个学生一个教授;一个学生和一个校管理人员问题包括:安排上的冲突,请假,搜寻资料,学生选举,手头拮据等话题安排:同时涉及两个人必须想出一个共同的解决方案,涉及一方说出问题,另外一方或双方同时想出两个解决方案作答:1、描述对话中所讨论的问

30、题2、说出自己偏向哪一个解决方案3、解释为什么喜欢那个解决方案解释时可以引用对话中的信息,也可以加入自己的经历(注意重点是对话中那人遇到的问题)时间:准备时间:20s答题时间:60s备考TIPS:1、该题往往会背要求作为拿分的项目,也是综合口语部分唯一一个允许有个人观点的 题目。所以在听力中,一定要记录好那个学生的问题和解决的方案。2、听:听力时要注意:对话中描述的问题/冲突是什么如果解决问题 (2个解决方案)你觉得哪种 方案好,为什么 Problem往往不是单纯的,而是复杂矛盾的,分几个回合说完。3、答题逻辑:PROBLEM+2 SOLUTIONS+PREFERENCE+WHYSolutio

31、ns针对Problem不同层面提出,注意提炼中心句。关切性的话可以略去。答题 时在复述问题和解决方法后,一定要给出自己的建议,想不出来就选择一个 S提出的方案或把S提出的各种办法按照轻重缓急排序,形式上不可缺少!一定要说the man/woman offersher/him TWO(or THREE) solutions. This is to ensure that you get all the solutions even if you can t finish you answer in time, so the examiner will still give you a good

32、score.4、时间分配:The OPTIMAL time allotment is : 10 seconds for the problem , 17 seconds for each solution , and 10 seconds for your choice and why , and about 6 seconds pausing throughout your answer.5、问题不用听!每次都一样!省下10-1函整理笔记。 问题:briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the conversation and t

33、o state which of the two solutions you prefer , and finally to explain why you prefer that solution 。6、建议的句型:YOU CAN, YOU SHOULD, YOU D RATHER WHY NOT, WHO DON T YOU THERE IS A POSSIBILITYIS IT POSSIBLEHAVE YOU EVER THOUGH ABOUT ANOTHER THING YOU CAN DO IS YOU NEED TO IF I WERE YOU, I D RATHER 7、要用计

34、时软件进行训练,最好给自己的建议留出15秒钟时间。备考模版:本帖隐藏的内容1、 In the conversation , the man/women has a problem with his/herschedue/report/essay/study(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)He or she couldn t get/check out/affordl鲫体化)He/she needs to*The woman/man/professor/officer gives him/her twosolutions/options(1) 上是 2 个 solution)The first

35、solution/option is( 概括,不用具体化)Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is( 概括,不用具体化 )And I think the second choice is preferable for the following reasons :(2) 的建议 )First, the woman may confront the same problem in the future , itis better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experience

36、sAlso , I have once faced thesame situation as the woman does , and I*suggestion tw(3) The man/woman has a problem/situation , which is that .+but/howeve将 冲突的话)(4) The man/ woman gives two suggestion. Suggestion one is-is o(5) If I were the man/woman , I would follow the first/second suggestion.或者是

37、In myopinion/as far as I m concettnedbest thing for the man/woman to do is。(6) Because I think每一个省略为 2句话。3、In this conversation , the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with theproblem that 。 And the wom an/man offers him/ her two possible solutions. One isThe other is 。 -And if it were my choi

38、ce , I would choose the former/latter one , because ”4、 In the conversation , the man/woman has a problem with his/her schedule/report/essay /study(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)He or she couldn t get/check out/affoKO(体化)He/she needs to*So , the woman/man/professor/officer offers him/her two solutions/optionsThe

39、first solution/option is( 概括,不用具体化)Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is( 概括,不用具体化 )And from my point of view/As for me , the second choice is preferable for the following reasons/the best way to solve this problem is :(自己的建议 )First, the woman may confront the same problem in the future ,

40、it s better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiences. Also , I have once faced the same situation as the woman does , and I *( 这么干的 ),it works well pretty well for me.5、The woman/man is facing the problem that So the man/woman offers him/hertwo solutions. One is .Another isWell ; t

41、o me , I prefer the first/second one. because(理由,常直接来自听力),(如果有时间),I was once faced with the similar trouble; I choseto(说支持的具体选择)and everything turned out to be all right.(记主要观点,要求发表自己观点)口语第六道题目的出题模式是listening -speaking听力的内容一般是关于学术方面内容的节选,所涉及的范围比较广泛,可能是社科,物理,人类学等,听力材料的长度大概为12分钟。考生在听和说的时候没有任何的背景知识可以参考

42、,这个就是难点啊。通常情况下,教授会给出一个概念的定义,例如 ,the coin , natural selection 等,或者一 个事件的梗概,或者介绍一种现象来开始, 之后会就自己前面提出的概念,故事或者现象展开论述。在后面这个部分中,一些例子会被引进来证实和说明前面所提到的定义。说的部分会要求考生概括听力部分的主要内容并听力部分的观点和事例进行详细论证,典型问法为: Using points and examples from the talk, explain XX (某种现象或定义 )presented by theprofessor。通过对这道题目和考试类型的简单分析,我们可以知

43、道做这类题目的关键就是考试前的大量训练,考试中的认真听和灵活做笔记。那么,究竟如何来听这个部分的内容,以及如何来做笔记呢?下面通过一个句子的例子来做以说明.Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.Narrator: The professor describes the children s psychology between eight years old aia half to ten years old, including the analysis of the differences between motherl

44、y love and fatherly love. Summarize the main points in the professor ture. s lec解析:通过听这个题目简介,考生可以得听力的主要内容是关于八岁半到十岁小孩的心理,这个内容是基于母爱和父爱差异而进行分析的。呵呵,听力的重点内容得到了,内容的主要人物:八岁半到十岁小孩和他们的父母。继续听。Today I d like to talk about the love between child and parents这个开篇句子点名整个 文章的主题:love between child and parents.)For mo

45、st children before the age from eight and a half to ten, the problem is almostexclusively that of being loved-of being loved for what one is. The child up to this age doesnot yet love: he responds gratefully and joyfully to being loved. At this point of the child development a new factor enters into

46、 the picture: that of producing love by one s ownactivity. For the first time,. The child thinks of giving something to the maturing of love.Eventually the child may now be an adolescent and has overcome his egocentricity; the otherperson is not any more primarily a means to the satisfaction of his

47、own needs. The needs ofthe other person are as important as his own-in fact, they have become more important. Togive has become more satisfactory and more joyous than to receive. To love has become more important even than being loved.In order to understand this shift from mother to father, we must consider the essentialdifference in quality between motherly and fatherly love. We have alre


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