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1、精品资料PEP Book6 Unit5 Whose dog is it?Part (B) read and write教学目标与要求1、能理解Read and Write的主要内容,并完成相关的练习题。2、能够流利地运用 “Whtais the bear /doing百口 “Its dancing/.等句型,”询 问与描述动物正在做的事情。3、完成 Let s check Let s wrap it up.4、能理解Story time部分讲述的是什么。重点句型:What is the bear /.doing?/ Its dancing/.难点能在真实的情境中灵活应用现在进行时来询问和描述身

2、边正在发生的事情教具:录音机及录音带,单词卡片和人物卡片。教学环节师生活动Preparation准备活动I.Let s sing.2.活动:最佳动物世界解说员教师播放从网络上下载的动物世界的片段做成PPT,要求学生用现往进行时来描述画中动物正在做的动作。例如:熊猫在爬树”或 猴子在吃西瓜”,学生抢答:The panda is climbing. The monkey is eating彳身分最多的学生为最佳动 物世界解说员。教学环节师生活动Presentation新知呈现Read and write匚 EGidhirig| qt ei Tiger Im ru-rfling Uke a Im J

3、cRoking aT ei EcfR.y t,E cliE5ng ikt= h imMa* Z n-t vb o-nT Tc lbw a -f tsr hrTum iGQtomg 4十 ip|icant. E m wgiKEg IdikH(1)教师导人: Do you like animals? Do you want to go to the zoo to see the animals with me? Now let-s go.(2)布置阅读中的任务。请学生认真阅读Robin at the zoo部分,思考对话中谈到几种动物?各种动 物各自在做什么?(3)检查学生阅读的结果。教师提问学生

4、:How many animals do they talk about? What are they? What is the monkey doing? What is Robin doing?(4)要求学生在作业纸上写出问题的答案,然后全班学生一起核对答案。(5)举一反三。PPT 呈现句子:Im looking at the bear. I m dancing like a bear#师解释并要求学生举一反三。如:I-m looking at the rabbit. Im eating like a rabbit. 又如:I-m looking at the tiger.lm runni

5、ng like a tiger.然后要求全班学生借助肢体语言一边说一边用动作演 绎。(6)Let-s chant要求学生边拍手边做动作边说chant。如:Bear, bear, I-m looking at a bear.(做小熊走路的动作)Bear, bear, Im dancing like a bear.(做舞蹈的动作)Rabbit, rabbit, I-m looking at the rabbit。(做兔子走路的动作)Rabbit, rabbit, Im eating like a rabbit.(做吃东西的动作)(7)模仿例句说一说。PPT 呈现:Do you want to sw

6、im like a fish?和 I dont want to be a fish!教师解 释其意思后,请学生模仿例句说一说。如:Sl:Do you want to dance like a bear?I dont want to be a bear.Sl:Do you want to eat like a rabbit?I dont want to be a rabbit.Sl:Do you want to run like a tiger?I dont want to be a tiger.Sl:Do you want to climb like a monkey?I dont want

7、to be a monkey.最后问学生 What do you want to beM学生各抒己见,说出自己的心声。如:1 want to be a fish/tiger/ bird/monkey/ bear/ rabbit.(8)教师播放录音,请全班跟读三遍。(9)师生、分组、分男女生操练对话,交换角色后,再进行操练。2. Answer the questions.学生根据文章内容,回答书中两个问题。最后全班核对答案。教学环节师生活动Practice巩固练习1 .完成 Let s check.2 .Let s wrap it up.嘱 Leis wrap it upGc nn piotc

8、tho sontcncos,MBHb3h*玉h比rmyhi mh#jrtmine内my; Who专门 Fn5lish hook is 寸J ab/l年s WHi宜年 f工,、_*j- rry : /knw立ryhnnk i广广nWp$- 、Vhtig卡 厂享rbi十四 心青 +R营等2口Rob i*i t1总 产1口修宇.GEndpd; OH. these artratotuts.Rabir.Gok! The rabbtTc ere&at inq cctrrro+5 ncwTThifrOtjr-vuurtKe.uqufnyours2 Wii yrfnfi:Wh产 rri雪 E.F p十。二L

9、can tfmd it,Sara HiHere-sOH&.T w thHp.nPWu y*f anVefh If!0 Thank you4 . Mike. Mumt Fy da- rs sc cu*T log. himAAutn: My cfecm ifJs f&t cnly log. Its cd so mime-.M彳依;Mum. Me dog3 教学 Story time(1)教师将Story time部分挂图贴在黑板上,手指挂图说:Look! Zip and Zoom are visiting the animals. What animals do they see? What ar

10、e the animals doing?师 简单讲述挂图内容。(2)播放故事录音,请学生认真听,一边听一边阅读故事教学环节师生活动Production输出运用活动:模仿秀活动方式:每组各请三位学生上台,一位学生抽取图片,描述抽到的图片,另外两位学生模仿动作。描述正确且动作模仿逼真的得3分,看哪组得分最高。如:抽到的是大象在喝水的图片,一位学生说:The elephants are drinking water.另外两位学生就模仿大象喝水的动作。板书设计:I m looking at a bear.I m dancing/eatinrgnning/ like a bear.His/his her/hers my/mineTherir/theirs our/ours your/yours


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