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1、物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching For Logistics & Supply Chain Management,Chapter 4. Logistics Information Management姜 阵 剑,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,LICTthe collectionanalysis and evaluation of datathe transfer of information Flows of information in log

2、istics and supply chains The timing and quality of the information,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,组织的管理层次和业务流,高层决策层(战略层) 中间管理层(战术层) 执行管理层(操作/作业层),策划 人事 制造 市场营销 财务 日常管理,人员流事务流资金流物资流信息流,领导职能 组织职能 计划职能 控制职能 作业职能,数据处理/事务处理,决策支持,管理信息系统,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,There are different levels o

3、f information required in logistics. These different levels and functions can be identified as the strategic, tactical and operational levels. Information at the strategic levelPurchasing: e.g. information about alternative suppliersProduction: e.g. information to help determine product ranges,1. De

4、finition,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Inventory: e.g. information to help decide on format of stockholding Warehousing: e.g. information to help in deciding on using an own-account operation or third party contractorsTransportation: e.g. information to help in decision to buy or lease vehicle

5、sMarketing: e.g. information on demographic patterns,1. Definition,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Information at the tactical levelmedium- to short-term planningforecasting, scheduling and resource planning. middle managers,1. Definition,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Purchasing assist wit

6、h order schedulingProduction assist in deciding run lengthsInventory assist in setting stock levelsWarehousing resource levels neededTransportation routing and scheduling and provisionMarketing assist in planning seasonal orders,1. Definition,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Information at the op

7、erational levelshorter-term to minute-by-minute decisions contingencies and changesfirst line management and operatives,1. Definition,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Purchasing help decide when to place orders with suppliersProduction release(出库) of raw materials from stockInventory scheduling s

8、upplier ordersWarehousing picking listsTransportation delivery notesMarketing order receiving,1. Definition,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Many of the techniques in logistics, rely on the electronic gathering and manipulation of data. Electronic communication enables automatic decision-making,

9、the modeling of proposed changes, automatic tracking control, automatic generation of performance monitoring and control.,2. Information Application,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Modeling proposed changesProposed (所提议的,建议的, alternative )changes to operations and networks can be modeled so that

10、 the effects can be assessed and then decisions taken. a company may wish to change the way it schedules its vehicle operations.,2. Information Application,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Automatic tracking controlAutomatic tracking control of vehicles, loads and assets.,2. Information Applicati

11、on,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,EDI标准,EDI标准指的是各企业共同的交流标准,是数据交换的翻译,它使得遵循这一标准的企业与组织能进行电子数据交换作业流程。 如图,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,EDI系统的类型,目前最常用的EDI系统主要有两种类型:单对多EDI系统和增值网(VAN) ,如图,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,物流EDI,所谓物流EDI是指货主、承运业主以及其他相关单位之间通过EDI系统进行物流数据交换,以此为基础实施物流活动的方法,其框架结构如图所示

12、。,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,3. Use of EDI in the Supply Chain,EPOS technology is the capture of data on electronic files at the point where a sale takes place.supermarket checkout From the customers point of view From the stores point of viewquantities sold of each productstock records are

13、 updated automatically.,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,EPOS data is sent via EDI to the retailers regional warehouses and to their Headquarters. This triggers replenishment from retailers stock and triggers replenishment from the manufacturers stock to the retailers warehouse.shorten lead times

14、 and lower stock levels.,3. Use of EDI in the Supply Chain,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,4. LOGISTICS NETWORKING上海联华超市集团EDI应用系统,系统结构:,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,GPS技术,全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)GPS系统的特点全球 定位精度高 功能多,应用广Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)射频识别-athletes at the Special Olympic Games,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,GIS技术,地理信息系统 地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,简称GIS )是一种能把图形管理系统和数据管理系统有机地结合起来,对各种空间信息进行收集、存储、分析和可视化表达的信息处理与管理系统。,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,21,Q & A !,物流信息管理LOGISTICSINFORMATIONMANAGEMEN,Exercises,教材 P51,


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