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1、精品资料课题 3B Unit 3 Is this your pencil?课型New 课时Period 1主备人教学日期教 学 要 求1 .能初步听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn t.2 .能初步听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case3 .能初步听懂、会说、会用物主代词my, your。4 .树立团结友爱、帮助同学的助人为乐的精神,培养正确的价值观。教

2、学 重、难 占 八、能听懂、会读、会运用单词school bag, pen ,pencil,crayon.,ruler,rubber,pencilcase,lunch box,并正确运用一般疑问句和做相应的回答。教 具 学 具图字卡、学习用品。教 学 活 动 内 容教学活动内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Stepl.Warming up1.GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, Miss Li.T: You are good boys and girls. So don t talk in class, OK?Ss: OK,

3、Miss Li.2. Sing a song Don t talk, Tom! T: Great! Let s sing a song, girls sing Tim s part, boys sing Tom s part. Let s PK!Step2. Presentation Pre-task:句型和词汇1.教授一M疑问句 Is this/that .及 肯定回答Yes, it is和否定回答No, it isn t.a. Free talkGreetingHave a free talkGreeting师生交流歌唱男女比赛GreetingWarming-up用前一单元 所学祈使句“

4、Don t talk”课前对 话,引导到 歌曲,活跃 气氛教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图T: Look! What s this?(拿一本学生 的英语书)Ss: It s a book.T : Is this an English book? Ss:YesT: What s that?(拿一本学生的语文或数学书)Learn to readReadSs: It s a book, too.T: Is that an English book?Ss:No.b.教授句型 出示句型-Work in pairsGuide疑问句:Is this/that a/an .?Guid

5、e and judge教肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答:No, it isn t.从特殊疑问句引1)老师出示所学单词卡片进行操练2) PPT出示图片,根据图片同桌练Listen and try入到一般疑问句学习句型toanswer活c. Free talkquestions.T: xxx. Is this your English book?Consolidatio动S1: No, it isn t.T: Oh,xxx. Is this your English book?n内S2: Yes, it is.T: Boys and girls, is this his/her容book

6、?操练 Is this/that口Ss: Yes, it is.a/an.? Yes, it is.T: Here you are.No, it isn t.S2: Thank you.d.教授句型出示句子-从对话引入句型Guide and judge教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图疑问句:Is this/that your/his/her? 回答: Yes, it is. No, it isn t. PPT出示图片,根据图片同桌练习 句型(V-Yesx No)2.教授词汇T: Is this your rubber?S: Yes it is.T: What else

7、 do you have on your desk? S:.教授词汇:ruler, pencilShow a schoolbag and ask student: T:What s this? .Yes, it sschoolbag.教授 schoolbag school+bag=同桌练习师生对话a跟读,齐读,开火车读操练 Is this/that your/his/her.?Yes, it is. No, it isn t.学习身边的文具 类英语单词,用 直接询问、对比、教学活schoolbag 比较 hot+dog=hotdogT: What s in my school bag?cx,

8、please come here and open it. Touch, take out and say!如果老师人 声读,学生小 严读游戏等方式。调动学生积极Consolidatio n动内S:. 教授 pencil case, pen, crayon.a. Read words- high and low voice. b.拼读c.老师拿讲台上从书包里拿出来性,集中任总力, 达到巩固效果。老师在一个组内 找同学做示范, 组内收集文具做 对话练习容的学习用品,让学生大声说。3. Practice出示模板:A:What s this/that? B:It s a .A: Is this/th

9、at your/ his/ her.?B:Yes, it is/No, it isnA: He re t.you are. B. Thank you.T: Now, collect your stationaries in a group.小组练习教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图教 学 活 动 内 容Step3While-readingT: Look! Mike is nervous. Let watch the cartoon and answer the questions:1. What is Mike looking for?2. Did he find ou

10、t at last?a. .Watch the cartoon and answerb. Read after it.c. Read in a groupStep4 Homework1听读第三单元课文部分15分钟,要求熟读。2抄写书后单词表四U 中。s观看映像个别回答跟读 小组读播放影像资料 交流问题 逐句跟读,注意 语音语调 鼓励加入感情色 彩分角色朗读Consolidatio n板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Is this/thata/an/your/his/her.?schoolbagpen pencilpencil caseYes, it is.cra

11、yon rubber rulerNo, it isn t.课题 3B Unit 3 Is this your pencil?课型New 课时Period 2主备人教学日期教 学 要 求1 .能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes,it is. No, it isn t.2 .能听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case,lunch box3 .能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型 where s?4 .能读

12、懂动画中的幽默之处。教 学 重、难 占 八、1 .能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型where s?2 .能读懂动画中的幽默之处。教 具学 具图字卡、学习用品。S(S教TS 学T活S动TS 内S1容1a教学活动内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图让epl.Warming upGreeting and free talk:Good morning, class.s: Good morning, Miss Li.:Hello/Hi!/ How are you?:Hello/Hi/ Fine, thank you.: What s this/that?(手指着学生的文 具):It s a

13、pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case.:Is this your/ his/ her.?:Yes it is/ No, it isn t.让ep2RevisionRevision- story time.Game time.Guess time: Look, I have a new schoolbag.Please guess, What s in it? 请 一位内容掌握的较好的同学到 前面掏,让同学们猜他摸到的, 回答正确的小组加分。GreetingHave a free talkGreeting通过游戏划、节巩 固所学文具类词

14、汇和交际用语及 句型 Is this/ that a.? Yes, it is No, it isn t.游戏 环节增加了趣味 性,吸引学生的 汪忠力。GreetingWarming-upPresent the new sentences.教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Ss: Is that a pen,?S1: No, it isn t.Ss: Is that a .?S1: Yes, it is.事先把个别学生的文具也放进书包里,猜正确后,进行插入式问答。T: This isn t my pencil case. Is thsLearn to readConso

15、lidatioyour.?设置 Magic eyesnS2: Yes, it is./ No, it isn t.和 Spell time 教T: Here you are.Work in pairs学环节逐步巩固S2: Thank you.b. Magic eyesT: Now, let s play another game.-magic eyes.(快速闪现图片)和掌握词汇教S: pen, pencil.提醒和注意三个c. Spell time角色的语气。学呈现所有文具在一起的图片和相应Listen and try的词汇,练习拼读。toanswer培养学生乐于助活2. Review st

16、ory timeT: Mike s friends are very helpful.questions.人的精神。动They look for his pencil forMike.L et s read the story time.内1) read after the tape2) act out容T: Yang Ling is very nice. I hope everyone can be helpful to your classmates.Step3 While-readingT: Look! What s this in Englis;h?映像回答呈现图片-午餐盒问题A. W

17、atch the cartoon and answer the question.S: It s acNubox.跟读带着问题看映像带着问题看教授 lunch boxb. Watch the cartoon again and看映像回答映像answer the questions.1)What s the meaning of“Where” ?A.什么 B.哪里 C为什么问题教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图教2) Where s Sam s lunch box? A. It s over thereB. It s h 3) What sSam s lunch box?

18、 A. pies B. Bobby C. cakes 4) Will Bobby eat cake?A. Yes B. NoT: Bobby doesn t want the ca了e.分析内容,回 味幽默之处k e.录音反复请学生模仿二个 角色的三种句 型,注意语音语 调,角色的感情学Why?S:.跟读小组角色扮变化,了解幽默 之处。活 动 内 容c. Watch the cartoon again and repeat the sentences:d. Show timeStep4 Consolidation Fun timeT: Let s play a game group.A stu

19、dent closes his/her eyes an guess.Open your books on Page 20.Step5 Homework1听读K通部分10分钟,要求 背诵.2要求背诵书后单词表.演朗读d小组内游戏复习巩固所学内 容,强化交际能 力。Consolidatio n板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Is this/that .? luch boxYes,it isWhere s .?No, it isn t.It s over there.课题 3B Unit 3 Is this your pencil?课型New课时Period 3主备人

20、教学日期教 学 要 求1 .能听懂、会说、会读日常用语和句型:This isnt my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes,it is. No, it isn t.2 .能听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case,lunch box3 .能掌握字母r在单词中的发音。4 .拓展单词has和have,学生能初步听懂和读懂小诗教 学 重、难 占 八、1 .拓展单词has,学生能初步听懂和读懂小诗。2 .拓展have让学生初步理解和has的区别教 具学 具图字

21、卡、学习用品。教 学 活 动 内 容教学活动内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Stepl.Warming upI.Sing a songT: Let listen to a song- “ Pe and pencil ”2. Greeting and free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Li.T: How are you, xxx.S: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I m fine, thanks.T: Look at my new ruler/pen.(拿出提前准备的文具)S1: I

22、t s nice/great. /How nice/Great.T: What colour is my ruler/pen.?S1: It s .T: Oh, is that your ruler?(手指那 位同学Greeting n Have a freetalk欣赏和跟唱师生交流个别交流Greeting通过点点唱唱帮 助学生复习文具 类单词,活跃课 堂气氛练习口语交际能 力,结合3A所学 句型复习旧知。GreetingWarming-upPresent the new sentences.的文具)S1: Yes, it is.T: Your ruler is nice, too.S1:

23、Thank you.T: Look at his/her.S2:Step2. RevisionReview words and cartoon time 1. Make a dialogueT: Now, open your schoolbag and pencil case, talk about your stationaries with your friend. 模仿刚才师生对话,生生进行 对话交流。Show the dialogue.2. Game timeT: Good! You have so nice stationaries. Let me see your nice sta

24、tionaries. Put it up quickly when i say the stationary老师说义具类央语单 词,学生迅速反应并把相关文 具举高。3. Review cartoon timeT: What s this?现饭盒 Ss: It s a lunch box.T: Where s Sam s lunch box what s in ?it S:.T: OK. Let s review the carto time.a. Read after tape.b. Act outLearn to readWork in pairsListen and try toanswe

25、rquestions. 同桌交流表演对话学生参与游 戏册交流on跟读 小组表演ReadGuideGuide and judge让学生把学到的 句子“活”起来, 运用于实际。游戏的方式帮助 学生对单词促进 记忆。老师看学生表演 时鼓励和及时订 正学生发音Consolidatio n教教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图学 活 动 内 容Step3 While-reading Sound timeT : You did well. Look! It s a robot.1.图片卜方出tf robot.T: What colour is this robot?Ss: It s

26、red.2. robot 前呈现 red我们还学了哪些单词带r字母的 呢?Ss: ruler rubber run 1. 教授字母r的发音出小 r: ruler rubber run 跟读单词2. 学单词have和hasT: I have a nice robot Do you have? 出示have 跟读,开火车读T: Yes. He has a robot, too.出示has 跟读,开火车读Learning tip:网者思思是相同的, 都表示有,但have用于 A人称(I, we),第二人称(you),及第三人称复 数(they)或复数名词;has用丁第 三人称单数(he, she,

27、it)或单数名 词。3. Study the sentenceT: My robot has some stationaries. What are they?a. Listen and answerb. Read after it.Step4 Checkout timeT: Great. Now, let sdo exercise.Open your books and turn to page 23. Read and write. 完成23页的练习。 核对答案。Step5 Homework1. Read Sound time2. Recite new words and write 2+

28、1师生交流跟读跟读,开火车 读读一读思考和回答 跟读感知r的发音跟读的过程寻找 发音规律。明快的旋律朗朗 上口,师生间交 流帮助学生对句 子的理解Consolidatio n板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil? r: r: ruler rubber run have 有I/you/复数名词+ havehas 有 she/he/it/单数名词 + has课题 3B Unit 3 Is this your pencil?课型New课时Period 4主备人教学日期教 学 要 求1 .熟练掌握文具类单词。2 .熟练掌握:This isn t my pencil. Is /

29、that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn3 .学生能会唱本单元歌谣 A ruler o5 .能初步理解单词floor和介词on, beside,读懂歌词的含义。1 .学生能会唱本单元歌谣 A ruler。2 .能初步理解单词floor和介词on, beside,读懂歌词的含义。难占图字卡、学习用品。八、 教 具 学 具教学活动内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图Step1.Warming up1. GreetingGreetingGreetingGreetingT: Class begins!Ss: Stand up!Have a fre

30、e举正确的同学老教T: Good morning, class.talk师发小据星。Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.Warming-up学T: Sit down, please.听指令,把听2. Sing a song- Pen and到的符合要活pencil ”求的相关颜动SSing the song together色的文具高tep2. Pre-reading举。小组比赛读准读内Revision快读齐。1. Play a game跟读容T: Show me your nicestationaries. Listen carefully and小组读put up the

31、stationary what I said.Present theAre you ready? You have a blacknewpen.sentences.教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图2. Review Sound Timea. T: Boys and girls, let rsad Sound time with the tape.回顾r的发音和规律,练习读 句子。b. T: Now, read in a group.听指令,把听 到的符合要 求的相关颜 色的文具高 举。举正确的同学老 师发小据星。ConsolidatioStep3 While-read

32、ingSong time1.听歌曲跟读小组比赛读准读n欣赏歌谣T: Now, let s enjoy m ehy2.教授歌曲出示图片,介绍人物小组读欣赏童歌谣快读齐。教学T: What can you see in this picture?S: I can see a girl and a man. A door, a ruler.观察和发言Guide and judge感知ler的发 音规律T: Yes. This is Mr Fuller.活Read Mr Fuller with teacher.Compare with ruler.跟读与比较感知00r的动T: Where s rule

33、r?内容呈现fl oor和 door出示 It on the floor, 在.上面Just beside the door.跟读与比较发目规律在.旁边Learning tip: just 就,就是, 有加强语气的作用。T: Ok. Let learn this rhyme now. Its name isA ruler.出示歌名出示歌词3.逐句跟唱齐唱f充词汇师生互动帮助学生初 步理解介词 on, beside 理 解歌词的含 义。Step4 Consolidation1.复习单词T: We have learnt these words, let read together and spe

34、ll it. 出示所学单词教 学 活 动 内 容教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图2 .复习课文T: Now, let s read story time cartoon time together.3 . Do exercisesT: Open your exercise book.完 成补充习题的练习Step5 Ticking timeT: Open your book on P23 and tick it.老师引导学生完成。Step6 Homework:1. Say the Rhyme time2. Finish the exercisesand跟读和拼读齐读课文

35、做练习跟读、拼读和朗 读的方式复习单 元内容进行实际笔头练 习。通过听,表演学 习 beautiful (教 授并板书)Consolidatio n板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Fuller ruler floor door on beside just课题 3B Unit 3 Is this your pencil?课型New 课时Period 5主备人教学日期教 学 要 求1 .复习本单元所学日常交际用语。2 .复习本单元所学单词。3 .复习歌谣。4 .复习字母Rr在单词中的发音。5 .完成本单元相关测试。教 学 重、难 占 八、能综合运用本单元学到的单

36、词和句型谈论自己身边事物的位置并能与下来。教 具学 具图字卡、学习用品。教 学 活 动 内 容教学活动内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图StepGreetingsT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss T: Sit down, please.Step 2: Revision1.Say a rhymeA ruler2.Play games(1) Is this your ?Yes,it is .No,it isn

37、t.GreetingHave a free talkGreetingGreetingWarming-upPresent the new sentences.教学活内容与主要问题的设置学生活动方式教师活动要点教学意图2To be a better reader可我励学生结合重点句式设计新的汨戏方式开绍药其他同学。教(1)Story timeConsolidatioLearn to readReadT: Now, lets read story timen学together.活Work in pairsGuide(2)Cartoon time动Let s review the cartoonListen and tryGuide and judge内together.toanswerquestions.容Step 3: Test完成第一单元相关测试Guide and judge板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Is this/that ?Yes,it isWhere s .?No, it isn t.It s over there.


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