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1、Lesson 43A Visit to Chinatown单词闯关1.碗 _2筷子 _3匙勺 _4叉子 _5地下的 _6.Chinatown _7decoration _8lantern_9dragon _10temple_短语互译1.压岁钱 _2不知道 _3停车场 _4去购物 _5have a good time _6.temple fair_7all kinds of _8in the stores _9watch a wonderful dragon dancing performance _句型在线1.我不知道。I _ _ _. 2我知道圣诞节快到了。I know Christmas

2、_ _3你玩得开心吗?Did you _ _ _ _?4我吃了一碗面条,用的是筷子和勺子,而不是刀叉。I had a bowl of noodles, and I used chopsticks and a spoon _ _ a fork and a knife.5尽管停车是一个问题,但我父母喜欢在那里吃午餐和购物。My parents love to have lunch and shop there, _ parking is a problem.6去年春节,我和丹尼看了一场精彩的舞龙表演。Danny and I _ a wonderful dragon_ performance dur

3、ing the Spring Festival last year.7我们有庙会和各种各样的表演。We have temple fairs and _ _ _ performances.8在中国,它是最重要的节日。Its _ _ _ festival in China. 1chopsticks n. 筷子观察 I had a bowl of noodles, and I used chopsticks and a spoon instead of a fork and a knife. 我吃了一碗面条,而且我使用筷子和勺子而不是刀叉。探究 chopstick是成双成对的名词,一般用复数。“一双

4、筷子”表达为a pair of chopsticks,“两双筷子”表达为two pairs of chopsticks。拓展 类似的名词还有shoes, shorts, pants, gloves等。活学活用1Here are three _Apair of chopstick Bpair of chopsticks Cpairs of chopsticks Dpairs of chopstick 2 underground adj. 地下的观察 My dad had to park his car in the underground parking lot.我爸爸不得不把车停在了地下停车场

5、。探究 underground属派生词,前缀为under。拓展 (1)underground还可用作副词,意为“在地下”。After the earthquake happened, many people were trapped underground.地震发生后,许多人被困在了地下。(2)underground还可以作名词,意为“地铁”。I usually go to work by underground.我通常乘坐地铁上班。2.(1)U_ trains run as fast as trains on the ground.(2)More and more people in Sha

6、nghai choose to go to work _ underground.Ain BwithCby Dfor3 hope n. & v. 希望观察 I hope I can go to Chinatown again to see the Spring Festival.我希望我能再去唐人街看人们庆祝春节。探究 hope意为 “希望”,可作名词或动词。本句中,hope 引导的是_从句;此外,hope后可接_作宾语,意为 “希望做某事”。3She said she hoped _ her daughter.Ato seeByou to seeCseeingDsees 1 I know C

7、hristmas is coming. 我知道圣诞节快到了。探究 该句是含有_从句的复合句,从句用现在进行时表示_。拓展 在英语中,某些动词可用现在进行时表示最近按计划或安排要进行的动作,通常和一个表示将来的时间状语连用,但有明确的上下文时,无须指出时间。I know he is leaving China in two hours.我知道他两小时后离开中国。活学活用1明天他要飞往香港过圣诞节。He_ _ to Hong Kong to spend Christmas tomorrow.2 My parents love to have lunch and shop there, althou

8、gh parking is a problem. 尽管停车是一个问题,但我父母喜欢在那里吃午餐和购物。探究 although意为“尽管,虽然;然而,但是”,相当于though,常引导让步状语从句,且引导的句子常为事实,而非设想,用陈述语气,不用虚拟语气。拓展 在同一个句子中,although不能与but连用,但可以与still或yet连用。Although he worked hard, yet he failed.尽管他工作努力,但他还是失败了。22018贵港_ Mr. Smith has learned Chinese for only half a year, he can speak

9、it very well.AButBSoCAlthough DAnd3 Do you believe its Santa Claus who brings you gifts, Brian?布莱恩,你相信给你带来礼物的是圣诞老人吗?探究 believe作动词,意为“相信”,多指相信某人说的话或相信某事是真的。其后可直接接表示人或事物的名词,也可接that从句。辨析 believe与believe inbelieve意为“相信”,表示相信某人说的话或相信某事是真的。believe in意为“信任;信赖”,表示相信某人能成功或相信某物的存在。She is a person who you can

10、believe in.她是一个你可以信赖的人。3我们无论遇到什么困难都要相信自己。We should _ _ ourselves whatever difficulties we meet.4 But we do have lots of fun.但是我们的确玩得很开心。探究 句中do表示强调,意为“的确,确实”,用在一般现在时态中。如果主语是第三人称单数,则用does。Jim does collect many concert tickets. 吉姆确实收集了许多音乐会门票。拓展 如果句子是一般过去时态,则用did表示强调。Linda did write the poem last nigh

11、t. 琳达昨天晚上的确写了那首诗。注意 (1)用于表示强调的do可以有时态的变化,但其后的动词要用原形。(2)do还经常用在祈使句中表示强调。Do come with us. 请一定要和我们一起去。4.昨天他们的确参观了故宫。Yesterday they _ _ the Palace Museum.详解详析 Lesson 43A Visit to Chinatown【课前自主预习】单词闯关1bowl5underground6.唐人街;中国城7装饰品8.灯笼9.龙10.庙宇短语互译1lucky money2.have no idea3.parking lot4go shopping5.玩得开心6

12、.庙会7各种各样的8.在商店里9观看一场精彩的舞龙表演句型在线1have no idea2is coming3have a good/great/wonderful time4instead of5although6watched; dancing7all kinds of8the most important 【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1C2(1)Underground(2)C3宾语不定式/to doA考查非谓语动词。hope to do sth.意为“希望做某事”;无“hope sb. to do sth.”结构,故选A。 句型透视1宾语将来is flying2C考查连词的用法辨析。句意:尽管史密斯先生学习汉语仅仅半年,但是他能说得很好。but意为“但是”;so意为“因此”;although意为“虽然,尽管”;and意为“并且”。由第一句中“only”可知学习时间短与后面学得好是转折关系,故选C。3 believe in4 did visit


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