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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索” 教案设计:Unit2 Grade7B Period1一、 教案背景1面向学生: 中学 小学 2.学科: 英语3课时:1课时4学生准备:自己学习第二单元SectionA 1a-2c的词汇。(1) 语音问题处理:【百度搜索】(2) 自制9个盒子(分别标注我们这节课要学习的9个地点英文单词,注意大写),4张条形纸板(分别标注3条街道的英文名称:FIFTH AVENUE ,CENTER ST ,BRIDGE ST),另一张简笔画画上一些树木)。然后熟读其中的单词(3) 完成导学案SectionA 1a-2c5.教师准备:

2、1) 课件准备2) 下载google earth插件二、 教学课题新目标七年级英语下册第二单元A部分第一课时:1.情景思维对新知的理解的帮助。2.多种感官的综合运用提高对新知的接受度;3.独立自主学习与合作探究学习策略的综合运用;三、 教材分析 以问路和指路为话题,学习一些常用的地点名词和表示方位的介词或介词短语,教给学生在陌生环境中如何生存,如何找到自己要找的目的地,同时培养学生乐于助人的高尚情操。一)教学目标1知识目标1)重点词汇* post office, hotel, bank, park, supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue,restaura

3、nt.* next to, across from, near, between ,behind,on2). 语言目标* Is there a bank near here ? Yes, theres a bank on Center Street.* Wheres the supermarket ? Its next to the library.3)语言功能 在街道上问路与指路2能力目标 通过本课的学习,学习和掌握一些常用的地点名词、方位词;学会学问街道上某一场所的位置;学会阐述某一场所各个建筑物之间的关系。3策略目标 1)利用情景思维。 2)转换具体信息。 3).动手实践操作与口头表达的

4、结合。4情感目标 1)培养方位感。 2)在社会这个大家庭中,注重人际关系与交往,养成助人为乐的好习惯。 3).交际中的礼貌语言使用。二)教学重、难点1重点:1)表方位的介词:near、across from、next to、between、on,near,behind.2)问路与指路的基本语句 :Excuse me,is there,please? Yes, there is.Sorry,Excuse me,where is the,please? Its. 2难点:1)本节课词汇量较大( 生词表中列出27个单词或短语)。2)学生具体运用方位词进行口头表达及灵活运用有一定难度。 四、 教学过程

5、环 节 师 生 活 动设计意图课前学习1、朗读词汇,语音问题处理:【百度搜索】 2、完成本节导学案课前预习部分。初步了解本课的新知识,培养独立思考能力与意识。课堂导入(2分钟)In our everyday life,we may be in a strange place in other countries,and we need to find the places we want to go,or a foreigner may need our help to give the direction . As a Chinese in the open world, we have t

6、o learn some places and learn to ask how to get to a place. (检查导学案“课前学习”第1题和第2题)告知本课主题,明确目标,检查课前自主学习情况。介绍新知(10分钟) 1.【百度地图片】2.Teacher introduces the map using the sentence: There are 5 main Streets. They are WENHUA ROAD,HUJIANG ROAD,MOFAN STREET,SOUTH RENMING RAOD and MIDDLE RENMINGROAD.On MOFAN ST,t

7、here is a big supermaket DADUHUI SHOPPING CENTER,there is a restanrant KEDEJI, Teacher points the places,students express them in English like: Theres a hotel near here 1a,practice in the same way. Then,Teacher asks like:Is there a library on Fifth Avenue?Students answer together:Yes,there is.There

8、is a library.OK,now,please look at the google earth:Is there a post office? Yes,there is.Its on 12th st.Next to it is aIn frontof it is Behind it is Across from it is Between the post office and the shop is(Ask 2 students to come to the bb. to help Teacher to show the meanings of the words or phrase

9、s in 2a, for example,Yang Li, please stand in front of A;Liu Jia, stand behind A If the students cant finish the task ,give some help.At the same time,repeat the words/phrases like behind,next to )Now,take out of your boxes,listen to me and put the boxes in the right places,fo example,the pay phone

10、is on Bridge Street介绍本课新知识点,从现实生活入手,激发课堂学习激情。课堂听说读的练习(18分钟) 1b.Listen to the tapeand circle the places in 1a you hear.First,listen,then listen again and circle. (5分钟)Check the answers togeher.Pairwork: prctice the conversation below.Then ask and answer questions about the other places in the picture

11、.通过听说读的训练,加深对本课新知识的理解及初步运用。2a .Read the 6 sentences and understand them,then match them with the pictures . Write each number in the box.Check the answers in class.Teacher walks around to give some help. (4分钟) Find the difference betweeen “in front of” and “in the front of”( 【百度搜索】 2b Llisten and fi

12、ll in the blanks with the words in the box. Check the answers in class. (4分钟)2c .Ask and answer questions about the places in 1a. (5分钟)For example,-Excuse me,is there a supermarket neae here? - Yes,there is. -Where is the supermarket? - Its next to the library.Then,read the grammar focus together, s

13、umarize the language points of this lesson.课堂反馈及展示(10分钟)1. 独立完成导学案“课堂反馈”部分,5分钟。2. 3分钟小组讨论。3. 小组展示练习结果,2分钟。检测对本课新知识点的掌握情况,通过小组讨论,进一步明晰所学知识点的理解,并形成简单的运用能力。课后作业1. 回顾本节课所学的知识点。2. 熟读本课单词和课文。3. 查找更多常用的方位介词或介词短语。【百度搜索】 复习巩固本节课所学的知识点,通过百度知识,学习更多的方位介词,拓宽我们的学习视野。 五、 教学反思本节是一节听力课。它以谈论方位为话题,围绕现实生活中询问和表达某一地点来展开,

14、要求学生掌握生活中常用的地点名词和表达两者方位关系的介词或介词短语,并能进行简单的运用。在学习中,培养了学生的方位感,以及在交往中,注意礼貌语言的使用,及乐于助人的高尚品格。六、 教师个人介绍省份: 四川省 学校: 蓬安县巨龙中学 姓名: 沈玉兰职务: 中教英语教师 电话:13699680579 电子邮件:893167657个人简介:1974年出生,大学本科,执教英语,1996年参加工作,致力于英语教学改革与创新,积极参加高效课堂改革及实践。 附:新目标英语七年级(下)第二单元第一课时导学案Period One (Section A 1a2c)一. 学习目标:1. 学会并掌握表示地点的单词;2

15、. 学会运用方位介词:next to, between and, behind表达物品的位置;3. 掌握句型:Is there a(an)? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. Wheres the?二学习过程:一)课前准备:1预习本单元中表示地点的单词,并收集其他更多表示地点的单词,根据中文意思完成下列句子。1)Can you go to the _ (办公室) to send(寄) a letter with me?2)There are two _ (图书馆) in our city.3)We can see a lot of new things in th

16、e _ (街道).4)My father works in a _ (银行).5)Lets go to the _ (餐馆)to eat something.2. 从方框中选择适当的词语填空。across, on, in, next to, between 1)The park is _ from the bank.2)The hotel is _ Fifth Avenue.3)The river is _ the park and the hill.4)There is a lake _ the neighborhood.5)The shop is _ the hotel.二)课堂学习过程1

17、检查预习,导入新课。2.介绍新知。3. 练习,完成1b, 2a, 2b,and 2c. 三) 课堂反馈练习,并准备展示。I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There _ (be) a girl and two boys in the classroom.2. There _ (be) two cars and three buses in front of the house.3. Are there _ (some) new books on the desk?4. Lucy _ (have) a new computer.5. Walk _ (cross) the street and

18、 turn left.II. 选择填空。( ) 1. There is _ old library near here. _ library is next to the station.A. a; A B. an; A C. an; The D. the; The( ) 2. Is there a river over there? _.A. Yes, theres B. No, there arentC. Yes, there is D. No, it isnt( ) 3. There _ a girl and two boys in our rock band.A. is B. are

19、C. have D. has( ) 4. _ Is there a post office on Sixth Avenue?A. Excuse me. B. How do you do?C. How are you? D. Sorry.( ) 5. Im sitting _ David and Daming. A. next to B. near C. between D. across fromIII. 按要求完成下列各题。1. There is a post office near here. (改为否定句) _ _ a post office near here.2. The bank is across from the park. (对划线部分提问)_ is across from the park?3. The hotel is on Center Street. (对划线部分提问)_ the hotel?4. There are some people in the park.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ people in the park?5. go, and, right, straight, turn, just (连词成句) _. 根据词汇所示补全句子,一空一词。8 / 8


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