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1、Module 1 Feelings and impressions词句精讲精练词汇精讲 1. look so nice look在此是系动词,意为“看上去,看起来”,后面接形容词作表语。例如: The blouse looks very beautiful. 那件衬衫看上去很漂亮。 【拓展】类似look这种用法的词还有:feel(摸起来,感觉);smell(闻起来);sound(听起来);taste(品尝)等。例如:The food tastes delicious. 食物尝起来很美味。The song sounds nice. 那首歌听起来很好听。I feel so happy today.

2、 Mum will buy me a new bike. 我今天很高兴,妈妈要为我买辆新自行车。2. wear glasseswear是及物动词,可用于穿衣、穿鞋、戴帽子、戴手套、佩戴首饰等,强调状态。例如:Im going to wear a pair of sunglasses tomorrow. 明天我打算戴一副太阳镜。She is wearing a hat. 她戴着一顶帽子。【拓展】(1) put on 表示穿衣服的动作,其反义词是take off。例如:He quickly put on his shoes and ran out. 他迅速穿上鞋,跑了出去。(2) have on和

3、in 都指穿的状态,但have on 不用于进行时态;in是介词可以和表示服装或颜色的名词一起构成介词短语作定语,也可以和be动词连用构成系表结构。例如:He has a red T-shirt on.= He is in a red T-shirt. 他穿一件红色的T恤衫。The girl in pink is my little sister. 穿粉色衣服的那个女孩是我的小妹妹。3. proud proud 是形容词,常用结构:be proud of sth. 意为“以而骄傲”。例如:I am very proud of being a Chinese. 作为一名中国人我很自豪。 be p

4、roud to do sth 意为“为做某事而骄傲”。例如:We are proud to be a league member. 我们为成为团员而骄傲。【拓展】 pride是名词,意为“骄傲,自豪”。常用的结构: take pride in sth. 意为“为某事骄傲”。例如:They take great pride in her daughter who is now a famous scientist. 他们为成为科学家的女儿而感到自豪。 He is the pride of our city. 他是我们城市的骄傲。4. be good atbe good at 意为“擅长”,后接名

5、词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如:Im good at playing chess. 我擅长下象棋。We should be good at learning from each other. 我们应该善于互相学习。【拓展】(1) be good for意为 “对有好处”。例如:Eating more vegetables is good for your health. 多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。 (2) be good with=get on well with意为“与相处得好”。例如:He is very good with the children. = He is getting o

6、n with the children. 他与这些孩子处得很好。 (3) be good /kind /nice to意为“对好”。例如:My friend was good to me when I was ill. 我生病时我的朋友对我关怀备至。5. in a few daysin a few days意为“几天后”。“in+一段时间”表示“多长时间以后”,常用于一般将来时,对“in+时间段”提问时用how soon。例如: I will be back in a short time. 我很快就回来。He will be back in two days. 他两天后回来。 How soo

7、n will you go back? 你多久后回去? In a week. 一周后。I will finish the task in two hours. 我将在两个小时后完成这项任务。【辨析】in; after和later词语词性特点用法in介词以现在时间为起点的“一段时间以后(之内)”。将来时接一段时间after介词以过去时间为起点的“一段时间之后”。也可用于将来的时间点之后。 过去时并接一段时间 将来时间点之后表将来later副词一段时间 + later 一段时间 + later,常用过去时 later单独用,可用于过去时或将来时例如: He will get there in th

8、ree days. 他将在三天后到那里。 He started on Monday and arrived in Beijing after three days. 他星期一出发,三天后到达北京。 Ill be free after Friday. 我星期五之后有空。 Ten years later, the old man died. 十年后,那位老人去世了。6. another another 是形容词,意为“再一个,又一个;另外的,再”。例如:We need another three plates. 我们另外还需要三个盘子。Theyre singing in another class

9、room. 他们在另一个教室唱歌。【拓展】other; others; the other; another的辨析: (1) other是形容词,意为“其他的,别的”,其后多接可数名词。例如: Im afraid there are other ways of solving this problem. 恐怕还有其他的解决这个问题的方法。 (2) others相当于other + 可数名词复数形式,代词,指“其他人或物”,相当于一个复数名词。例如:Some people enjoy exercise; others dont. 有些人喜欢运动,有些人则不喜欢。(3) the other意为“两

10、个人或事物中的另一个”;表示特指,通常与one搭配使用,构成“onethe other”意为“一个另一个”。例如:Miss Gao has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other. 高老师一只手拿书,另一只手拿钢笔。(4) another后通常跟单数名词,也可泛指单数名词,意为“不确定数目中的另一个”。例如:Please show me another (one). 请再拿一个给我看看。另外,another作“另外的,再”讲时,可修饰可数名词复数。此时名词前常有具体数词修饰,即another + 数词 + 复数名词。例如:We have anoth

11、er five friends to meet. 我们另有五位朋友要见。7. too close to each other close在课文中用作副词,意为“靠近;接近;紧挨着”。例如:They sat close together. 他们紧靠着坐在一起。【拓展】(1) close可作动词,意为“关上,闭上”。其形容词形式为closed,意为“关着的”。例如: Please close the door, and keep the door closed. 请关上门并让门关着。 (2) close还可作形容词,意为“亲密的”。例如: We keep in close touch in the

12、 police. 我们与警方保持着密切联系。 Mike is a close friend of mine. Mike是我的一位密友。8. someone else someone else意为“其他的人”。else常用在 -one, -body, -thing, -place, -where 结尾的不定代词后面。例如:Have you anything else to do? 你还有别的什么事要做吗?Ask somebody else to help you. 请别人帮帮你吧。You cant get it anywhere else. 你在任何别的地方都找不到它。He has nothin

13、g else to do today. 我今天没有别的事要干。【拓展】else也常用在who, what, where, how, why 等疑问词后面。例如:Who else was at the party? 晚会上还有谁?Where else did you go?你还去过什么别的地方?But what else can we do? 我们还能做什么?词汇精练I. 英汉互译。 3. be afraid of doing sth. _4. as well_ 5. 以为自豪_6. be good at _ 7. in the right way_8. 在某方面帮助某人_ 9. cant wa

14、it to do sth. _10. spenddoing sth. _II. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. I always feel n_ before big exams. What should I do? 2. Look at these children. They all have f_ hair. 3. What a strange _(气味)? What are you cooking? 4. My uncle usually wears a shirt and _(牛仔裤). 5. The cats are so _(可爱的). Could I buy one

15、? 6. What is your h_? I love dancing, I enjoy sports as well. 7. The dress looks nice and it feels _(柔软的).8. We should feel p_ of our country.III. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Your pizza looks _(love). 2. My chocolate cookies taste _(real) sweet. 3. Thanks for _(help) me. 4. I spent much time _(watch) TV.

16、5. It was great _(see) you again. 6. I cant wait _(visit) you. 7. They _(arrive) in a few days.8. The song _(sound) terrible. Please turn off the recorder.参考答案I. 英汉互译。 1. 试一试 2. 收到某人来信 3. 害怕做某事 4. 也 5. be proud of 6. 擅长 7. 以正确的方式 8. help sb. with sth. 9. 迫不及待做某事 10. 花费做某事II. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. ner

17、vous 2. fair 3. smell 4. jeans 5. lovely 6. hobby 7. soft 8. proudIII. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. lovely 2. really 3. helping 4. watching 5. to see 6. to visit 7. will arrive 8. sounds句式精讲1. What a delicious smell!本句是一个感叹句。感叹句用来表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。它主要有what和how引导的两种句型,what常用来修饰名词,how常用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。(1) How型感叹句:1

18、) How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! 例如: How high the bird flies! 这鸟飞得真高!2) How + 主语 + 谓语! 例如: How time flies! 时间过得真快!3) How +句子(主语 + 谓语 + 其他)!例如: How she misses her mother !她多么想念她的母亲!(2) What 型感叹句:1) What +a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+其他! 例如: What a beautiful girl she is! 她是多么漂亮的女孩呀!2) What + 形容词 + 复数可数名词/不可数名词+主语+其他! 例如: Wh

19、at hot weather it is ! 多么热的天呀!3) What +名词 + 主语 +其他!例如: What a day (it is ) !鬼天气!(3) 在一定情况下,两种句型可以相互转换。 例如:How interesting the book is !=What an interesting book it is !这本书多有趣啊!2. Im afraid I dont like cheese. Im afraid意为“恐怕”,后接句子,常用于表示令人不快或难以实现的事。例如:Im afraid its going to rain. 恐怕要下雨了。Im afraid its

20、not a good idea. 恐怕那不是一个好主意。Im afraid we cant go to your birthday party. 恐怕我们不能去参加你的生日聚会。【拓展】 be afraid of 意为“害怕”。of是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。例如:She is afraid of going out alone late at night. 她很怕深夜独自外出。Im afraid of the dog. 我怕狗。3. I cant wait to meet you. cant wait to do sth. 意为“迫不及待地做某事”。例如:Tom couldnt w

21、ait to open his bag. Tom迫不及待地打开他的包。【拓展】(1) wait for意为“等待,等候”。例如: We are waiting for a bus. 我们正在等公共汽车。(2) wait to do sth.意为“等着做某事”。例如: Are you waiting to use the phone? 你在等着用电话吗?4. I spend a lot of time playing classical music with my friends at schoolspend是动词,意为“花费(时间或金钱)”。其过去式为spent。用法如下: 时间/金钱 + (

22、in) doing sth. 花费时间或金钱做某事 spend + 时间/金钱 + on sth. 花费时间或金钱在某物上例如: I spend two hours reading every day. 我每天花两个小时阅读。 He spends 20 yuan on books every month. 他每月花20元买书。【拓展】 表示“花费”的spend、take、cost和pay的辨析:词语主语结构spend人(sb.)sb. spends + 时间或金钱+ (in) doing sth. /on sth.takeit作形式主语It takes sb. some time to do

23、sth.(真正主语)pay人(sb.)sb. pays + 金钱+ for sth.coststh.(物)sth. costs sb. + 金钱例如: I spent 3 hours (in) doing /on my homework yesterday. 昨天我花了三个小时做作业。 It took me four hours to go to Wuhan by bus. 乘公共汽车去武汉花了我四个小时。 I paid six yuan for the pen. 我花了六元钱买这支笔。 My English book cost me five yuan. 我的英语书花了我五元钱。5. Wha

24、t does your mum look like? What does/do sb. look like? 表示“某人长什么样子?”,用来询问别人的长相,回答时可用“主语+be + 形容词”或“主语 + have/has + 形容词+名词”两种方式来描述人的外表。例如: What does the woman look like? 那位女士长什么样子? Shes tall and thin. 她又高又瘦。 What does the old man look like? 那个老人怎么样? He is short and thin. 他又矮又瘦。【拓展】What + be + sb. /sth

25、. like? 这个句式是用来询问人的性格特征,这里的be like意为“像一样”,like是介词。例如: What is the old man like? 那个老人怎么样? He is kind. 他很和蔼。句式精练I. 根据汉语提示,完成英语句子(每空一词)。1. 好香的味道啊! _ _ _ smell!2. 它尝起来很好。It _ _.3. 恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。 I _ _ I _ _ cheese.4. 今天是我的幸运日。 It is my _ _.5. 很高兴收到你的来信。 It is pleased _ _ _ you.6. 我迫不及待地打开那个盒子,想看看里面是什么。 I _ _

26、 _ _ the box to see what was in it.7. 我不知道怎样用正确的方法做事。 I dont know how to do things _ _ _ _.8. 姚明的父母为姚明感到骄傲。 Yao Mings parents _ _ _ Yao Ming.9. 我喜欢跳舞,也喜欢运动。 I like dancing, I like sports _ _.10. 汤姆长得什么样子? _ does Tom _ _?II. 句型转换,每空一词。 1. The ideas sound great. (改为否定句) The ideas _ _ great. 2. The piz

27、za tastes delicious. (改为一般疑问句) _ the pizza _ delicious? 3. Jack likes music. He enjoys reading, too. (改为同义句) Jack likes music. He enjoys reading _ _. 4. The dress feels soft and comfortable. (就划线部分提问) _ _ the dress feel? 5. It took them three months to build the bridge. (改为同义句) They _ three months _

28、 the bridge.III. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两个为多余选项。AHow long will he stay? BOf course.CWhen is he coming? DWhat is it? EWhat is he like?FHe is tall and strong. GHow often does he visit you?A:Hi,Tom!You look very happy today.B:Oh,yes. Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming.A:Oh,really?1.

29、B:Tomorrow. I cant wait to see him.A:2. B:For two weeks.A:3. B:He is really friendly. Im sure you will like him when you see him.A:What does he look like?B:4. A:Could you introduce him to me?B:5. 参考答案I. 根据汉语提示,完成英语句子(每空一词)。1. What a delicious 2. tastes good 3. am afraid; dont like 4. lucky day 5. to hear from6. couldnt wait to open 7. in the right way 8. are proud of 9. as well 10. What; look likeII. 句型转换,每空一词。1. dont sound 2. Does; taste 3. as well 4. How does 5. spent; buildingIII. 补全对话。1-5 CAEFB


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