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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。8A Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第1课时Section A 1a 1c (P1) 【学习目标】【学习重点】:一般过去时的where问句及答语。1.A 1)三天前 _ 2)昨天晚上 _ 3)今天早上 _ 4)昨天_ 5)前天 _ 6)上周_7)去年 _8)上周六_B写出下列动词的过去式或原形 stay_ visited _ swim _ study _ was _ were _ C 1).呆在家_ 2).去爬山_3) 去纽约市_ 4). 去海滩 _ 5). 看望我的叔叔_ 6). 参观博物馆_ 7).

2、 去参加夏令营_ 8)go 的过去式_ 2.掌握主要句式。 Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp 3、认真观察a的图画,将词语与图片搭配,并核对答案。二、课堂学习1.完成自主学习3。 2完成自主学习1,2 。 3 【合作探究1.】在谈论过去发生的事件时,动词应用 ,不涉及人称_的变化。试译下列句子。 我妈妈昨天去北京了。_ 我昨天呆在家里了。_ 他们上周日去参加夏令营了。_4. 【合作探究2.】翻译下列句子并进行区别。在周末我经常呆在家。_ 上周末我妈妈呆在家里。_ 每年我姐姐都去参加夏令营。_ 上个月我姐姐去参加夏令营了。_

3、周末你经常去哪里?_ 上周你去哪里了?_三、达标检测。一)细心的你能找出下列各句中的错误吗?1、Where do you go on vacation?2、She goes to the mountains last summer.3 She goes to the mountains this morning.4 We staied at home last night.5 My uncle visits my father every week last year.二)单项选择( ) 1.What did you do on vacation?I to New York City.A.go

4、B.goingC.wentD.goes( )2.They helped me my books.A. findedB. findC. foundD. finding( )3.What you last night?A. did, doB. do, doC. did, doingD. are, do( )4.Where did she go on vacation?She to the beach.A. goB. goesC. wentD. going二)、用适当形式填空。1.Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month. 2.Mike _(not go)

5、to bed until 12 oclock last night. So I_(get ) up late. 3.Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning. 4.There _ (be) no one here a moment ago. 5.I _ (call) Mike this morning. 6.I listened but _ (hear) nothing. 7.Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. 8.Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm.

6、9.My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday. 10.She watches TV every evening. But she _ (not watch) TV last night. 三)、写一写。应用本节课所学词组,描写一下你上周末的主要活动。先列一下应该注意什么呢?注意_自己的欣赏之作_8A Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第2课时Section A 2a Grammar Focus(P2-3) 【学习目标】【学习重点】:1、一般过去时的一般疑问句及答语。2、How引导的特殊疑问句3 不定代词的应用。一【

7、自主学习】1, a 任何人_ b 任何地方_ c 精彩的,绝妙的_d 不多很少_ e 做多,大多数_ 2 1) 和某人一起去_2)去中央公园_ 3)为考试而学习 _ 4). 和某人一起出去 _ 5). 很久不见了。_ 。 6).黄果树瀑布_7).相当多_8) 拍了相当多照片_9)大多数时间_3 你能写出下列不定代词吗? 由some,any,no,every加上-body,-one,-thing构成的不定代词,叫做复合不定代词复合不定代词有复合不定代词的用法 某人_/_ 某物,某事_任何人_/_ 任何事物_无一人 _/_ 无一物_每人,大家,人人_、_每一个事物,一切_二【课堂学习】1.完成自主

8、学习部分。2. 【合作探究1.】一般问句记两点,一句首加 ,二动词变 。 A 翻译下列句。 1) 你上周去看黄果树瀑布了吗?是的,我去了。 _ 2) 你妈妈去年和你一起去广州了吗? 不,没有。_ 3) 你姐姐上周末呆在家里了吗? 是的。_ 4) 他们两天前买书了吗?不,没有。_课堂互动探究 :猜一猜 Where did I go on vacation? 请运用你学过的所有活动的名称。同学们可这样猜:Did you ?3【合作探究2.】你能分清含有any- 和some- 的不定代词有什么区别吗?含有no的呢?_什么情况下可以在疑问句中用some-类代替any-类的不定代词?你能翻译下列句子吗?

9、1 你想要一些吃的吗?_2 你能回答我一些问题吗?(some也是不定代词)_巧记复合代词分合:分合皆能单独用,后加of合不成。巧学不定代词:不定代词美名扬,修饰成分后边藏;单数动词作谓语,何时何地都一样。翻译1)一些特别在东西_2)某个有趣的人_3) 没有什么特别的东西_4)任何有趣的地方_5)所有精彩的事情_-6)今天的报纸上没有什么特别的东西。_7)今天你和谁出去了吗?_8)我昨天买了有趣的东西。_9)你去年去了有趣的地方吗?_三、达标检测 A单项选择 ( )1.How was your vacation?It pretty good.A. isB. areC. wasD.wre( )2.

10、How the beaches? They were fanttastic.A. isB. areC. wasD. were( )3.How the weather? It is hot.A. isB. areC. wasD. were( )4.Did you go to Central Park? .A. Yes, I didntB. Yes, I didC. No, I did( )5.What are you , Tina? Im homework.A.do; doing B.doing; did C.doing; doing D.did; doing ( ) 6. - Do you l

11、ike fruit ? - Yes, I like _ best. A. potato B. chicken C. strawberries D. bread. B. 用somebody,anybody,anything,nobody填空 1) _broke the window last night. 2) Did _ see or hear_? 3) I didnt hear or see_. 4) I heard a big noise and I looked out, but I didnt see_. C 完成2d及Grammar Focus 部分。8A Unit 1 Where

12、did you go on vacation? 第3课时Section A( 3a 3C)-SectionB(1a-1e) (p4-5) 【学习目标】 进一步巩固不定代词应用。并掌握一些描述性形容词,学习用形容词来描述事物。【自主学习】 A 翻译 .1 一些好玩的东西_ 2.给某人自己买某物_ 3. 在乡村_ 4. 喂母鸡 _ 5. 唯一的一个问题 _ 6.一些 小猪 _7. 无聊 (感到) _ 8.没什么可做_ 9. 坚持记日记_ 10 给某人买某物_11 她的最好的朋友_12一些贵的东西_13 一些好吃的东西_ 14 没什么刺激的东西_15 某人第一次做某事_二【课堂学习】1.完成自主学习

13、部分。 2.【课堂探究】seem的用法。She seems to know about it.He seems angry.试着翻译下列句子。1)昨天他似乎生气了。(2种)_ _ 2) 似乎上周他知道这件事了。_ 3) 似乎他很高兴。(2种)_ _ 4) 没有人感到无聊。(2种)_ _ 5) 每个人似乎都喜欢苹果。_ 3 完成3a,3b,1a,1b. 4 Groupwork 完成3c. 5 完成1c,1d听力训练。6 完成pairwork 1e.三、达标检测 (一)用疑问词填空1、A: was the weather?B:It was sunny.2、A: did you go on vaca

14、tion?B:I went to Beijing.3、A: did you do on vacation?B:I played teenis on vacation.4、A: did you go?B:I went there on Monday.(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. There seem _(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles. 2. I like _ (listen) to the pop music and watching TV last year. 3. They would like _(see) the animals in

15、 the zoo. 4.It was his first time _ (buy) something for my mother. 5.I _ (feed) some baby pigs two days ago. 6.There were nothing much_ (do) in the evening. 7.Id like mutton and _(potato) noodles.(三)单项选择1.Did Vera vacation?A. likes her B. like hersC. like her D. likes she2.Where did kim vacation?A.

16、go onB. go inC. go toD. went on3. Jim is a boy brown hair.A. withB. ofC. hasD. in4. These books are , Lets buy them.A. expensiveB. inexpensiveC. croudedD. delicious5. Yesterday we kites.A. flyingB. is flyingC. flied D. flew四)句型转换,1. I read books at home yesterday. (就划线部分提问) _ _you _at home yesterday

17、. 2. She bought something expensive last week. (变否定句)_3. She went to Shanghai last year.(改为一般疑问句)_4. My school trip was terrible.(就划线部分提问)问_8A Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第4课时Section B( 2a 2b)【学习目标】1. 进一步巩固一般过去时的应用。 2. 学会用一般过去时描述自己的 假期活动。一、自主学习1: 翻译下列单词及短语1.到达_ 2.今天上午 _ 3. 决定做某事_ 4. 我们旅馆附近的

18、海滩_ 5. 尝试滑翔伞运动_ 6. 感觉像一只鸟_ 7. 骑自行车去某地_ 8. 旧高楼中的许多 _ 9. 一个真正古老的地方_ 10.一百年前中国商人的房屋_ 11在过去_12像 _13喜欢做某事(有几种呢?)_14绕城镇转转_ 15喜欢绕城镇走走_16 产生差异_ 17山顶_18走上山顶_ 19 开始做某事_ 20下点雨_ 21 雨下得很大_ 22一个多小时_ 23等候某人_ 24太多的人_ 25 到达顶部_26一把雨伞_ 27 淋湿_28 因为_29 糟糕的天气_30一碗米饭_-31尝起来很棒_32 下面的东西_33 一些鱼_34觉得好像_二【课堂学习】1.完成自主学习部分。 2回答5

19、页2a中的问题。3.读教材5页2b,回答下列问题。1)When did they got to Penang?_2) How was the weather on Monday?_3) What did they do there on Monday_4) Did they have a good time on Monday?How about on Tuesday?_5) How did they go to the top?_6)What was the weather like on Tuesday?_【课堂探究1】What a difference a day makes!请你试着翻

20、译下列句子。1 她是多么好的女孩呀!_2 多么刺激的消息呀!_3 多么糟糕的天气呀!_4 这食物真好吃呀!_5 他真饿呀!_6 多么大的雨呀!_7 雨下得真大呀!_【课堂探究2】观察下面句子,请你来总结because及because of的区别。1 We waited for over an hour for the train because there were too many people.2. Because of the bad weather,we couldnt see anything below. 用二者填空1)_ the weather is bad,we cant go

21、 to the park.2) _ the bad weather,we cant go to the park.三、达标检测 一)单项选择(10分)1. When_your son born? A. areB. isC. amD. was2. She arrived home_11:00_April 10th. A. at;in B. at;at C. at;on D. in;on3. At first she_like maths,but now she_. A. didnt;didB. doesnt;doesC. doesnt;didD. didnt;does4. Li Lei deci

22、ded_to Mount Emei next holidays. A. go B. to go C. going D. went5. Where_your parents last night? A. was B. Is C. are D. were6. She often_to their music when she was a little girl. A. listens B. hearsC. heard D. listened7. How much_the food and drinks? A. is B. was C. are D. were8. She was at home_y

23、esterday afternoon. A. on B. in C. at D. /9. Our teachers office is on_. A. the three floor B. Floor third C. the third floor D. Three Floor10. Listen!Some girls_under the tree. A. are singing B. was singing C. is singing D. sing二、根据要求变换句型1. I helped my mother do housework yesterday. (变为一般疑问句)_ you_

24、your mother_housework yesterday?2. Our vacation was pretty good. (对划线部分提问)_ _your vacation?3. The gold watch is $100 000. (改为同义句) The gold watch_ _. 4. Did your father stay at home this morning? (作否定回答)_ 5. She went to the New York City on vacation. (对划线部分提问)_ _she_to New York City? 8A Unit 1 Where

25、did you go on vacation? 第5课时Section B( 2c 3c)及Self Check【学习目标】【学习重点】:用一般过去时去写自己的diary entry.一【自主学习】自主完成2c,2d,2e,3a二【课堂学习】1.互助完成自主学习部分。2. 【合作探究1.】一般diary entry中要包括哪些内容呢?_写diary entry 要注意什么呢?_【合作探究2.】小组合作回答P7中的问题及以下问题。9 How did you go there?10.How long did you stay there?11 Did you buy anything?3.小组合作完成下列问题。1) 你们要描写怎么样一个旅行呢?A terrible B boring C interesting D exciting2) 为了使文章不枯燥我们应该怎样做呢?_


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