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1、英语-教学辅助资料-打印版第 1 讲 Unit 1 In class,修大脑体操)蟾作业完成情况)教学目标)掌握课文中出现的重点单词和词汇灵活运用语法提高做题的正确率趣味引入)4在知识与理)一、单词1. Mr. 先生 2. please 请 3. open 开;打开4. the 这个;这些;那个;那些 5. door 门6. sorry 对不起7.close 关上;合上 8. window 窗;窗户 9. blackboard 黑板10.book 书 11. rubber 橡皮 12. listen 听13.parrot 鹦鹉 14. stand 立15. up向上16.sit 坐 17. d

2、own 向下 18. class 课堂19. ruler 尺 二、词组1. in class 在上课 2. Mr. Green 格林先生 3. open the door开门4. stand up 起立 5. sit down 坐下 6. come in 进来7. listen to 听 listen to the teacher 听老师说listen to the parrot听鹦鹉的 listen to me 听我说8. a parrot 一只鹦鹉 9. a rubber 一块橡皮 my rubber我的橡皮10. a blackboard 一块黑板 look at the blackbo

3、ard 11. open the window 开窗12. close the door 关门 13. close the window 关税 14. open your book 打开你的书15. close your book 合你的书 16. two books 两本书 17. don t = do not三、句型1. Open your book打开你的书。2. Open the door. 开门。 3. Please close your books.请合上你们的书。4. Stand up, please请起立。5. Sit down, please.请坐下。6. Please lo

4、ok at me, class同学们,请看我。7. Come in, pleased 进。 8. Im sorry不起。 9. Look at the blackboard.看黑板10. Don t listen to the parrot 听鹦鹉。 11. Don t stand up, please不要起立。12. Bob has two big, big books. 鲍勃有两本大的,大的书。四、语法1 .the的用法The是定冠词,用来特指人或事物。所指的人或事物是同类中特定的一个。可以和单、复数名词, 也可以和不可数名词连用。the apple这个苹果(许多的苹果中,特指这一个苹果,

5、而不是其他的苹果。) a和an是不定冠词。2 .Mr.的用法对男士的尊称为Mr.(先生)Mrs.太太、夫人(是对已婚妇女的称呼)Miss小姐(是对未婚妇女的称呼)3 .询问这/那是什么? ”的句型及其答句What s this/that ? It s a/an 4 .Don引导的祈使句结构:Don t +动词原形+其他。Don t listen to the parrotP 要听鹦鹉的。Don t be其他。Don t be late不要迟到。5 .某人有某物”的表达主语+ have/has 拥宥”。主语是第三人称的时候要用 haso例:Bob has two big, big books.鲍

6、勃有2本大大的书。I have a red toy car.我有一辆红色的玩具小汽车。,他当堂练习一.请选出下列单词的中文意思,将序号填在括号内。()1.pleaseA.对不起()2.windowB.关闭()3.doorC.打开)4. sorry)5.close)6.open)7.blackboard)8. morningD.窗户E.早晨F.门G.请H.黑板二.写出下面词组和句子的中文意思。1 .Come in, please 2.What,s this?2 .close the book 4.open the window5.I,m sorry 6.Look at the blackboar

7、d7.open the book 8.close your book瑞当堂检测)一.选出下列单词中不同类的一项()1. A. comeB. closeC.window()2.A. downB. upC.blackboard()3.A.bookB. rulerC.please()4.A.robotB. sitC.close()5.A.openB. inC.sit.根据所设情境,选择正确答案。()1.妈妈叫你把窗户打开,她会对你说:()6.当你想建议你的朋友不要听王冰的话时,你可以说:A. Open the window, please .)2.当你迟到了,你该对李老师说:A. Yes, Miss

8、 Li .)3.风太大了,妈妈对你说:A. Open the window, please .)4.老师让同学们打开书,她说:A. Close the book .)5.你上学迟到了,你说:A. Come in, please .B. Open the door, please .B. Im sorry, Miss Li .B. Close the window .B. Open your books .B. Im sorry .A. Not listen to Wang Bing .B . Don listen to Wang Bing .()7.上课了,老师叫你们看黑板时,他可以说:A .

9、 Look the blackboard . B . Look at the blackboard .选择括号里适当的单词填空。1. Stand( up down ), please .2. Come( to in ), Jill .3. Please( sit close ) the door .4. ( Not Don t ) look at the blackboard .5. Listen( to for ) me, please .A. Yes B . Come C. Sit D. sorry E. close F. up1. I,m, Mr. Green .in, Mike .2.

10、 Wang Bing, please the window .3. down, please .Thank you .4. Stand.5. Liu Tao, please open the door ., Mr. Green .当堂总结):家庭作业一.从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内A. Sit down, please.B. It s a robot .C. Good morning .D. OK, Miss Li .E. It s yellow .II()1.What colour is the window()2. Stand up, please .()3.W

11、hat s this ?()4.Good morning .()5.Don t open the book .单项选择。()1.Look the blackboard, Mike .Yes, Miss Li .A. atB. onC. /()2. What s this ?It,s.A. doorB. a doorC. an doorC. Im sorry()3. Please close the window .A. Thank youB. Yes, Mr. Green()4. May I come inA. Sit down, please B. Come in, please C. OK

12、 ()5. -Don t listen Sam, Bobby .一OK .A. /B. forC. to()6. Listen to, please .Yes . A. Mr. GreenB. Green Mr.()7. Look at my two.How big !A. bookB. books四.选择正确的答句M : L : Good afternoon, class .C : , Miss Li .L:, please .What s this, Yang Ling ?Y: It s a robot .L: No,.A sit downB Stand upC Good afternoo

13、nD It s a rubberE Look at the blackboard.连词成句1window ,please , the, open(.)2.book ,this , my,is(.)3.doll ,look , the, at(.)4.door ,don t , the, close(.)5.sit ,please , down(,.)6.book ,Bob , two ,has ,big (.)7.robot ,the , listen ,to(.)8.No ,It , rubber,is ,a ( !.五.将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话A . Gao Shan, please

14、 open the book .B. Yes, Mr. Green .C. Good morning, class .D. Stand up .E. Thank you, Mr. Green .F. Sit down, please .G. Good morning, Mr. Green .六.改错()I.Mike, stand down, please . ()2.Wang Bing, please close up the door .()3. I m sorry, Mr. Green .Come up, Liu Tao .()4.- Sit up, please .Thank you .()5. Good morning, class .Goodbye, Mr. Green .教学主管签字:课程顾问签字:


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