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1、小学 - 英语 - 上册 - 打印版Step 3 Story time小学 - 英语- 上册3- 打印版Unit 8 Dolls一、教学目标1 .能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语He s/ She sHis/ Her is/ are2 .能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇eye, small, his, short, ear, thin, tall3 .能听懂、会说、会读词汇hair, nose, mouth, king, snowman4 .能诵读歌谣“ Two fat boys ”5 .能听懂、会说字母z 在单词中的读音,发音准确二、教学重难点1 .能听懂、会读、会说、会写和会运用词汇ey

2、e small his short ear thin tall hair nosemouth king snowman2 .能听懂、会读、会说、会写和会运用日常用语“He s”制heHis /Heris /are3 .能运用本单元日常交际用语进行购物三、教学过程Step 1 Warm upT: What s your favorite animal?51: My favorite animal isT: What colour is her coat?52: Her coat is T: What colour is his coat?53: His coat is Read and teac

3、h the words his and her.Her/His coat isThen ask several students to introduce their classmates coats by usingStep2 Presentation1. Step goalsT: Today we re going to join a bDutowll eShnoewed to fi,nish three tasks to get the show ticket. I can read the passage; I can act out the passage; I can introd

4、uce my doll.2. Listen and learnListen to a song Head, shoulder, knees and toes a. Listen to the song and the teacher do the actionb. Listen to the song again and do the action togetherTeach the words hair, mouth, nose, eyes, ears3. Play a game Touch your T: Touch your nose/mouth/hair/eyes/earsSs: Do

5、 the action and say the words out.4. Show a dollT: I have a doll. Look at my doll. Is she beautiful?Ss: Yes. She s beautiful.Read after the teacher: She s beautiful.T: ( 手指着洋娃娃的眼睛、耳朵、鼻子等) Look, this is her eyes/ears/nose/mouth/hair.Ss: Eyes/ears/nose/mouth/hair.T: I have another doll. Look at my dol

6、l. Is he cool?Ss: Yes. He s cool.Read after the teacher: Cool.T: ( 手指着洋娃娃的眼睛、耳朵、鼻子等) Look, this is his eyes/ears/nose/mouth/hair.55: Eyes/ears/nose/mouth/hair. (两个娃娃贴在黑板上,作比较)T: Here are two dolls. This is a girl doll and this is a boy doll. Can you point out their differences?56: (Go to the blackbo

7、ard and point.) Her hair is long, but his hair is short.57: (Go to the blackboard and point.) Her eyes are big, but his eyes are small. His nose is small, too.58: (Go to the blackboard and point.) Her nose and mouth are small, but his mouth is big. His ears are big, too.Teach the words long/short, b

8、ig/small.Show two pencils and rubbers to explain long/short, big/small.Show some pictures to let students distinguish long/short, big/small.小学 - 英语 - 上册 - 打印版1. Watch the cartoon and finish the formGirl doll:HairLongEyesbigNose smallMouth smallBoy doll :HairshortEyes smallNosesmallMouthbigEarsbig2.

9、According to the form to say the sentencesG1: Her hair is long.81: His hair is short.G2: Her eyes are big.82: His eyes are small.Step 4 Fun time1. Show their pictures and try to describeT: This is . His is . His are2. Say and draw老师邀请一个画画比较好的学生在黑板上画雪人。教师先说出第一句描述,然后要求其他学生轮流说下面的句子,直至画完雪儿。画完后请画画的学生向大家完

10、整描述雪人。如:T: The snowman is tall.51: His mouth is big.52: His eyes are small.53: His nose is big and red.54: This is our snowman. He s tall. His mouth is big. His eyes are small. His nose is big and red.Step 5 Cartoon time1. Show the pictureT: Bobby and Sam are at a museum. What do they see?Ss: They s

11、ee some robots.2. Watch the cartoon and answer some questionsAre the robot s eyes big or small?What can the robot do?Is he tall or short?3. Read after the tapeAct in roleStep 6 Sound time1. Show the pictureT: Look, what s this?Ss: It s a zebra.T: Where are the zebras?Ss: They are in the zoo.2 .教师板书并

12、领读新单词,用彩色粉笔圈出单词中字母z,让学生体会字母 z在单词中的发音。3 .教师解释句子意思。如:动物园里的斑马,和你我一起吃苹果。4 .播放录音一起读,列出一些其他含有/z/读音的单词Step 7 Rhyme time1 .教师在两个拇指上画出两个胖男孩的头像,引入话题2 .教师播放歌谣让学生跟读欣赏,同时用两个拇指,配以相应的动作。3 .教师让学生齐读歌谣,并要求他们用拇指配以相应的动作。4 .鼓励学生适当地进行替换表演,同时配以其他手指做同样的动作。如:Two thin girls meet in the rain.Two tall girls meet in the rain.Tw

13、o short boys meet in the rain.学生描述班级中的一名同学,其他同学来猜测He s a boy. He s fat/thin. He s tall/ short. Hisis His are .Who is he?学生尝试描述一种动物。It is big/ small. It is tall/ short. Itsis Its are . What is it?2. Check out timea. Show the picture and discuss the picture.51: Look. What s this?52: It s a dog/cat.53: Is he fat/ big?54: Yes, he is.b. Try to say the descriptions.c. Finish the sentences on the book.d. Check out the answer.Step 9 Homework1. Finish the exercises.2. Know the sound of the letter z.3. Try to describe your best friend.小学 - 英语 - 上册5- 打印版


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