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1、浙菜 Zhe Cuisine (Zhejiang Cuisine)浙菜即浙江菜.浙江东临大海,有著名的舟山渔场,海产丰富,中部为盆地,盛产蔬菜和稻米,闻名中外的金华火腿、杭州龙井茶、绍兴老酒,都是烹饪中不可缺少的上乘原料.浙菜以绍兴菜、杭州菜、宁波菜为代表,总的特点是菜式精巧,菜品鲜美滑嫩,脆软清爽.运用香糟调味,注重煨、炳、炫、炖等烹调技法.宁波菜因地靠舟山群岛,海产丰富,于是就地取材,用料以海产为主,口味偏咸.杭州菜口味清淡,根本不用辛辣调料,也避免浓油赤酱,但醇香酥烂的东坡肘子、甜酸适的西湖醋鱼等经典名菜却回味悠长,天下闻名.杭州市规模较大的菜馆有西湖楼外楼,开设于清道光年间,以西湖醋鱼

2、、Zhejiang Province adjoins the sea in the east. The famedZhoushan Fishery is located here with abundant sea products; while the mid-province basin abounds with vegetables andrice. The world-known Jinhua Ham, Hangzhou Dragon WellGreen Tea and Shaoxing Rice Wine are all necessary superior ingredients

3、of the cuisine.Zhejiang Cuisine is represented by Shaoxing, Hangzhou and Ningbo Cuisines and developed through innovation. It uses lees as seasoning and stresses the cooking skills ofstewing, braising, pot-roasting and so on. Ningbo is next to theZhoushan Islands and has abundant marine life; so, Ni

4、ngboCuisine uses local marine ingredients which taste a little salty.Hangzhou Cuisine is light and fresh, basically without spicyseasoning, thick oil and red sauce. The fragrant soft DongpoPork Elbow and the sour and sweet West Lake Fish are alsofamous. Vinegar Fish leaves a lingering taste.Among th

5、e large-scale restaurants of Zhejiang Cuisine inHangzhou, there is Louwailou Restaurant in West Lake, openedduring the reign of Emperor Daoguang (1821-1851) of the QingDynasty. It is famous for West Lake Vinegar Fish and ShrimpMeat with Dragon Well Tea, and Wangrunxing in downtown Qinghefang is know

6、n for imperial cuisine, good at cooking Grass Carps Head and Bean Curd Soup, Jianer Meat andPickled Bamboo Shoots. In Shaoxing, the Lanxiang Restaurant has standard Shaoxing Cuisine such as Suoyi Shrimp Balls and Fish in Vinegar. There is Dongfuyuan in Ningbo in eastern13龙井虾仁闻名.还有城内清和坊有 皇饭儿之称的王润兴酒楼,

7、以鱼头豆腐、件儿肉、腌笃笋拿手.绍兴有兰香馆,专门蓑衣虾球、烹制头肚醋鱼等标准绍菜.浙东宁波有东福园,咸菜大汤黄鱼、冰糖甲鱼等名菜是正宗的宁波地方传统菜.清汤越鸡:浙菜中最古的菜要首推绍兴名菜清汤越鸡,相传2000多年前就有了.用绍兴的特产越鸡烹制而成,此鸡肉白嫩,骨质松脆.利用原汁清炖,味鲜爽口,曾作为宫廷贡品.现经绍兴厨师改良,加上火腿、香菇、笋片做辅料,味道更佳.宋嫂鱼羹:这道菜已有800多年历 史,烹调时,先将作主料的蹶鱼蒸熟剔 去皮骨,加上火腿丝、香菇竹笋末及鸡 汤等作料烹制而成.成菜色泽悦目,鲜嫩润滑,味似蟹羹,又称 赛蟹羹.西湖醋鱼:选用体态适中的草鱼,最好先在清水中饿一二天,除

8、去泥土 味.将鱼劈成雌雄两月洗净,烹时用沸 水汆熟,要掌握火候.装盘后淋上糖醋贡汁.成菜色泽红亮,肉质鲜嫩,酸甜可口,略带蟹味.Zhejiang Province, with authentic local traditional dishes suchas Yellow Fish Soup with Pickled Vegetable, Soft-Shelled Turtle with Rock Candy and so on.Stewed Chicken in Clear Soup: It is the most ancient among Zhejiang dishes, with a

9、history of more than 2,000 years. It is cooked with the special Shaoxing local productYue chicken which has white and tender meat and loose and crisp bones. It is stewed in light soup, fresh and tasty, and wasonce tribute for the imperial palace. Currently, the chefs ofShaoxing add ham, mushroom and

10、 bamboo shoots as auxiliary ingredients, making it tastier.Lady Songs Thick Fish Soup. It has a history of more than 800 years. The mandarin fish is stewed and then the skin and bone are removed; it is then boiled with ham, mushrooms and bamboo shoots in chicken soup. The cooked dish has a pleasant

11、color and is fresh and tender, tasting like crab soup;so, it is also called Surpassing Crab Soup.Braised West Lake Fish with Vinegar: A medium-sizedgrass carp is soaked in clear water to get rid of the earthy flavorthen divided into two pieces, cleaned, and boiled in water for alimited time. When served, sugar and vinegar juice are pouredover it. The cooked dish is bright red and the meat fresh, tender, moderately sweet and sour, with a slight crab flavor.


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