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1、小学英语( PEP 教材)四年级下学期第五、六单元练习题NameClassMark,将序号填在括号里)) 1. A. jeans) 2. A. cardB. pantsB. cowC. jacketC. car) 3. A. cheapB. carrotC. teacher) 4. A. canB. coatC. cool) 5. A. computerB. dinnerC. dollar听力部分(Listen and choose. 听录音,选择你所听到的单词(Listen and choose. 听录音,选择你所听到的句子() 1. A. How much is this pretty s

2、hirt?B. How much is this pretty dress?C. How much is this pretty skirt?) 2. A. We have many nice scarves.B. We have many pretty umbrellas.C. We have many pretty colours for you.) 3. A. It s time to wear your shorts.B. Its time to pack my clothes.C. Its time to go home.) 4. A. Whose coat is this?B. W

3、hose pants are those?C. Whose cap is this?) 5. A. They are Chen Jie s shoes.B. Its Mike s hat.C. Its my brother s cap.、Listen and tick or cross.(听音判断对错,对的打,错的打x)20050 601.()2. ()3. ()4. ()5.()四、Listen and四in the blanks.(听音,四成表格,在相应的栏中打,)1蛰y一、11FAmyMikeSarahJohnWu Yifan笔试部分1 .()2.()3. ()4.()二、Read an

4、d choose.(找出每组中不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里)()1. A. shortsB. pantsC. clothes()2. A. expensiveB. cheapC. long()3. A. shoes B. these C. those()4.A.glovesB. tryC.scarves()5.A.packB.myC. your()6.A.sixtyB.forty-fiveC. nice三、Read and choose.选择填空)()1.is your skirt? A. Who B. Whose C. Where()2. This dress is. I like it.

5、A. expensive B. prettyC. nine()3. My pants new.A. isB. am C. are()4. Where are shorts?A. meB. you C. my()5. -is it? - It s Mike s.A. WhoseB. Where C. Who()6. What colour are your?A. jacket B. sweater C. shoes()7. -is this sweater?-90 yuan.A. What colourB. How much C. Whose()8. These your socks.A. am

6、B. is C. are()9. -Whose hat is this?-It s.A. myB. mine C. your()10. I want a new T-shirt my son.A. forB. to C. on四、Read and order.姓词组句)1. very are They nice .2. are shoes TheseJohns3. _Those myarepants.4. ThisAmy s isdress5. coat Whose this is ?五、Read and choose.为下列句子选择合适的答语,把序号填在括号里)()1. Is this co

7、at yours?()2. Can you help me, please?()3. Are they OK?()4. How do you like this skirt?()5. Whose shorts are those?A. No, they are too small.B. OK!C. They are my fathers.D. Its very pretty.E. Yes, it is.六、Read, tick or cross.阅读理解,判断正误).I have many new clothes依月艮).I like the white sweater with the bl

8、ue pants. There is a rabbit on the sweater. It looks cute. There are two dogs on the pants. These are my shoes. But they are old. I want to buy(买)a new pair.()1. The clothes are new.()2. I like the blue sweater with the white pants.()3. The sweater is white.() 4. The shoes are new, too.() 5. I want

9、to buy a new pair of shoes.小学英语( PEP 教材)四年级下学期第五、六单元练习题听力原文及答案一、 Listen and choose 听录音,选择你所听到的单词()1. pants2. car3. carrot4. cool5. dinner答案: 15 BCBCB二、Listen and choose 听录音,选择你所听到的句子(,将序号填在括号里)1 .How much is this pretty skirt?2 . We have many nice scarves.1.1 t s time to pack my clothes.4 .Whose pan

10、ts are those?5 . It s my brother s cap.答案: 15 CABBC三、Listen and tick or cross.(听音判断对错,对的打,错的打x)。1 .This shirt is 200 yuan.It s too expensive.2 .These are my socks.3 .These pants are 50 yuan.4 .These glasses are Chen Jie s.5 .These gloves are 60 yuan.答案: 15 TFTFT四、 Listen and fill in the blanks. (听音,

11、完成表格。 )Hello, I am Amy. This is my coat.Hello, I am Mike. This is my T-shirt.Hello, I am Sarah. This is my dress.Hello, I am John. This is my sweater.Hello, I am Wu Yifan. These are my socks.答案a-W| m _ _AmyVMikeVSarahVJohnVWu YifanV笔试部分一、二、CCABAC三、CBCCA CBCBA2. These shoes are John s.4. This dress is Amy s./ This is Amy s dress.四、1. They are very nice.3. Those are my pants.5. Whose coat is this?五、EBADC六、VxVxV


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