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1、第五单元知识一、短语1. 看电视 watch TV2.做作业do homework =do one s homework3.做卫生do somecleaning 4.吃晚饭 eat dinner5.读书read a book=read books 6.读报read a newspaper=read newspapers 7.阅读do some reading8.打电话(聊天、交谈)talk on the phone9.去看电影 go to the movies=go to see a movie=go to the cinema 10.想要做什么want todo sth11.电视节目TV s

2、how12.写信write a letter =write letters13.看鸟look at abird14.画画draw a picture15.等待某人wait for sb. 16.等待某事 wait for sth.17.等待做什么wait to do sth. 18.迫不及待地做某事cant wait to do sth. 19.与某人交谈 talk to sb =talk with sb .20.谈论某人talk about sb21.谈论某事talk about sth.22.在图片中in the picture23.紧挨着next to 24.去购物 go shoppin

3、g25.买东西、购物 do some shopping26.去游泳go swimming 27. 游泳 do some swimming28.游泳池swimming pool29.在水池中in (at )the pool30.在图书馆in(at ) thelibrary31.在购物商场in (at)the mall32.在家be at home33.打篮球playbasketball34.和一个朋友一起吃午饭eat( have) lunch with a friend 35.听起来太好了sound good 36.因 而感谢 thanks for =thank sb. for37.一些我的照片

4、some ofmy photos 38.在第一张照片中in the first photo 39.在最后一张照片中in thelast photo 40.与某人在一起be with sb.二、本单元的语法:现在进行时现在正在进行时的概念及用法:表示(1)说话的时候 (或瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,强调动作发生的时间是“此时此刻”,常有时间状语now, at the monent现在)等,以及提示词 look, listen 等; He is reading a newspaper now . 他现在正在看报。 Look! Theyre running. 瞧!他们在跑步。(2)也可以是当前一段时

5、间内的活动或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作。They are working on the farm(在农场)these days.这些天他们在农场干活。三、现在进行时的构成: be 动词 +v-ing.1、Be动词的变化随主语而变。具体为:I (我)am. , You (你) are . , He (他)is ., She (她)is . , It (它)is. , We (我们) are. ,You(你们)are . ,They (他们)are . ,2、 V-ing 形式的构成。 ( 1 )一般在动词末尾直接加 -ing 。 play_plying, read_reading( 2)以不发音

6、的e结尾的动词去掉e再加-ing。come_coming, write_writing (3)以重读闭音节结尾且末 尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写这个辅音字母再加 -ing。 (强调: 一个 元音字母+一个 辅音字母,几个元音字母加一个辅音字母或一个元音字母加几个辅音字母都不能双写) 。get_getting, swim_swimming (4)以 ie 结尾的动词变 ie 为 y 再力口-ing。lie(躺)_lying, die (死) _dying, tie(系)tying3、 主要句型有:肯定句:主语+be+v-ing+sth.否定句:主语+be+not+v-ing+sth特殊疑问旬

7、:特殊疑问词+be+主语+v-ing ?一般疑问旬:Be+主语+v-ing+sth?回答:Yes ,主语(代)+be. / No , 主语(代) +be+not.四、与一般现在时的区别一般现在时的意义是经常、 习惯性的动作, 存在的状态、 或客观真理。 标志性词是often , always ,usually , sometines , once a week (周次),every day 等。构成公式是: 主语 +动词原形 (主 语是第三人称单数时动词加 s 或 es) 。现在进行时的意义是现在正在发生的动作。 标志性词是now , at the monent , Look ! Listen

8、 !等。构成公式是:主语+am/ is/ are + v-ing.五,题型练习(一)写出下列动词的现在分词1.play 2.eat 3.clean 4.sing5.do6.go7.teach_ 8.join_ 9.live10.write11.have_ 12.make_13.take14.look_15.wait16.get_ 17.swim_18.run_19.sit_ 20.put21.begin_22.shop._23.sleep_24.lie 25.seee27.watch_28.read(二)词形转换I.lean (现在分词)_2 .toy (复数)_3.activity (复数)

9、4.shop(现在分词) 5.camera)_6.make (现在分词)7.run (现在分词) _8.swim (现在分词)9.easy (反义词) _10.child (复数)(三)英汉互译1.做家庭作业 2.看电视 3.吃晚饭 4.打扫房间 5.通过电话交谈 6去看电影. 7.在游泳池里 8.在家 9.吃饭 10一张我的全家福. 11.soundgood12.TV show13.write aletter14.wait for15.talk to 16.talk about17.read books 18.play basketball19.in the library 20.thank

10、s for. 21.some of myphotos22.in the last photo2在第一张照片中3.24在学校. (四)、用所给词适当形式填空1 .Tom usually(do) his homework after supper.2 .Linda isnt doing his homework. She (write) a letter to her friend.3 .Does your mother go(shop) on Sunday?4 .Here are thirteen (photo)for your family.5 .Look! The boys(play) ga

11、nes in the park.5.1 usually (go) to bed at nine oclock.7 . they(wait) for you? Yes ,they are .8 .Lets(talk)about the movie.9 .The girl(not sing). She is dancing.10 .Please (come) here.11 .Tina (draw) a picture now.12 .Some of us(like) reading.13.Here(be) your photo.14.KathyandJim (sing) now.15.Where

12、_people _(play)basketball every day ? At school16.Thankyoufor_ (give) me the photos.17.What_Tom _(do) now? He (swim) at the pool18.Dont talk ! Lucy (do)her homework.19.Can you (take)a walk with me now ?Sorry , I cant . I (eat )my lunch.1.1 In the (one) photo ,you can see my parents.21 .Thanks for (t

13、ell) me the good news.22 .Sometimes he (go) to school by bus .23 .Do you want(go) to the movies?24 . “What are you doing? I(clean) the desk.(五)、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1 .-Please c your bike .- Its too dirty.2 .Lucy likes r books.3 .W for me ,please. Im coming.4 .Do you like the TV s?5 .-Do you want to play f

14、ootball ?- S . Lets go .6 .There are two big l in our school. We often read books there.7 .Gina likes birds. There are many t birds in her bedroom.the8 .He wants to join the swimming club so that he can swim at p every day .9 .His mother is a c .she makes our school very clean.10 .Can you help me? S

15、.(六)、根据句意选择正确的词填空1. Jenny is (watch/watching) TV.2. They all like(eat /eating) tomatoes.3. Stve(wants/wanting) to go to the movies.4. They are(wait/waiting) for Linda.5. The boys are(play/playing) soccer.(七)、根据汉语完成句子1 .南希正在做家庭作业。Nancy homework.2 .他们正在打扫卫生。They .3 .她在吃晚饭吗? she dinner?4 .他没有在看电视。He TV

16、5 .听!谁在用电话交谈? Listen! Who on the phone?6 .他们在谈论什么? are they?7 .他们在哪里打篮球? are they?8 .看!那些女孩正在跳舞。Look ! Those girls .9 .露西在干什么? What Lucy ?10 .玛丽和汤姆在等谁? Mary and Tom ?(八)、用现在进行时改写下列句子。1. I have lunch at home .2. They play computer games.3. He plays basketball every afternoon.4. She clean her room eve

17、ry day .5. I speak Chinese.6. She gets up at seven oclock.(九)句型转换1. Tom often does his homework in the evening.网 now 改写句子)Tom his homework now.2. Linda is writing a letter to her pen pal.(改为否定旬) Linda a letter to her pen pal .3. She is watching TV now.(改为一般疑问句) she TV now?4. Theyre playing basketbal

18、l.但划线部分提问) they doing?5. Is she making a cake ?作否定回答) , she 6. Mary is watching TV at home.酰划线部分提问) Mary at home ?7. Mybrother is playing the violin now.妣问句)your brothernow ?8. Herparents are talking to the her parentsteacher.僦划线部分提问) ?9.The woman is waiting for sister _ the womanin the mall.(就划线部分提

19、问) for her sister?9. Lisaand Tim want to go tothe movie.(改为否定句)Lisaand Timto go to the movie.(+)下列各句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正1. This is a cat . I dont know its name.2. Where does Jim works?3. There are some money in it .4. She studys very hard .5. Look ! They play basketball.6. Im comeing now .7. I cleaning th

20、e house .8. Shes read a newspaper.9. Hes eatting eggs .10. They is waiting for us .(十一)汉译英1瞧!他们正在购物。2 .孩子们正在做什么?3 .你家人正做什么?4 .听!她正在用英语唱歌。5 .男孩子们正在做作业。6 .感谢你给我们帮助。7 .这是我的一些照片。8 .他们在哪游泳?9 .你在和谁电话交谈?10 .我父亲没有看电视。他正在吃晚饭。Unit 6 复习I.复习重点短语句子:(一)短语表示风、云、雨、雪等天气的名词都是不可数名词,但有时在前面加上a表示一阵、一团时是可数名词。如1.一阵风a wind

21、2. 一团云a cloud 3. 一阵雨a rain 本单元其它短语:4.在北京 in Beijing 5.玩电脑游戏play computer games 6. 不错 not bad7 .相当好 pretty good 8. 进展 be going 9.一切进展顺利 everything isgoing 10. 在度假 on vacation 11. 去度假 go on vacation 12.环球世界 aroundthe world 13.在澳大利亚 in Australia 14.一个晴朗的日子a sunny day15.一些一,另一些some - others 16. 照相 take

22、photos = take a photo 17. 在沙滩上 on the beach 18.躺在沙滩上lie on the beach 19.撒谎tella lie =tell lies 20.# look at 21. 一群人 a group of people 22. 沙滩排球 beah volleyball 23.看起来酷 look cool 24.对一感到惊讶 besurprised at 25. 惊奇地in surprise 26这么热的天气里或在这样的高温下inthis heat 27.在这么热的天气里玩 play in this heat 28.一个有趣的地方 anintere

23、sting place 29. 玩得高兴 have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself =have a great time = have a wonderful time 30.穿夕卜套带围巾 wearcoats and scarfs/scarves 31.看望她的祖母 visit her grandmother 32.开晚会 havea party(二)句子1 .北京的天气如何? Hows the weather in beijng? 天气睛朗。Its sunny.2 .近来怎样? Hows it going? 好极了 ! Great!3 .感谢你

24、加入环球世界节目。Thank you for joining Around The World show.4 .看这群正在打沙滩排球的人 Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.5 .我对他们在这样热的天气里玩感到吃惊。I am surprised they can play in this heat.6 .人们真的彳艮放松! The people are really very rexed!7 .每 个人都 正玩得 开心。 Everyone is having a good time/having fun/enjoying

25、themselves .II.复习重点句型:1. 对天气提问: How s the weather in Shanghai? =the weather in Shanghai?描述天气的形容词:天气的名词后加 y构成。刮风的 晴朗的 下雨的 下雪的 多云的多雾的 炎热的寒冷的 凉爽的 温暖的 干燥的 潮湿的回答天气可以用its+天气形容词来说明天气怎么样,也可用its+ v.-ing,表示天气正处于某种状况。例如:北京天气如何? 在下雨。It s.(rain) now . It often(rain).It s often(rain).There is much(rainy) here tod

26、ay .练习 The weather here is sunny.the weather here?=the weather here?2. 进展情况 最近怎么样? : Hows it going?= Howare you? = Hows it everything going? =How is everything? go 在句中的意思是 “进展” =get on 。常用 be going 。例如: Everything goes well. 一切进展顺利。答句有:Pretty good相当好。Terrible 太糟了。 Not bad 还不错。Great 好极了。Everything is

27、 OK.事情还好。Everything goes well.一切进展顺利。 等。3. I am surprised they can play in this heat.surprised 修饰 sb;surprising 修饰 sth例如:听到这个消息我们很吃惊。We at the news.这个消息令人吃惊 The news.同样用法的单词有:“感兴趣的” /“放松的” /“感到无聊的” /“感到兴奋的 /例如:我对这个有趣的新闻很感兴趣。I m very in this news.尝试练习(1)谢谢参加我们的访谈节目,我很惊讶今天来了这么多人。Thanks ourtalk show, I

28、 so many people come here.(2)听到这个令人惊奇的故事我感到很惊讶。I am to hear the story.4. Others are lying on the beach.lie (v.), 躺。单三:lies ,现在分词:lying例如:他正躺在草地上享受阳光。He on the to the sunshine.拓展迁移lie (v.)”撒谎“(n) “谎言” 例如:不要说谎。Don t tell5. Everyone is having a good time尸 Everyone.=Everyone.everyone,anyone,someone不定代词,

29、后用单数 have a good time=我们家每个人都喜欢看书。Everyone books in our family.6. there be 句型力口 doing 表示: 例:有一大群人正躺在沙滩上,他们玩的很愉快.There a peopleon the beach , they ,re.Test time for Unit 6一、选择7. 1.“?” He s playing volleyball. A. What is he doing B. How isit going C. What does he doD. How does he do8. 2. Don t go out.

30、 It hard. A. snowB. snowyC. is snowingD. are snowing9. 3. Look !There are many people on the beach. They are and happy.A. relaxed B. Relaxing. C. Relaxes D. relax10. .-you the photos ?Yes,I am. A.Do;takeB. Is; takingC. Do; takingD.Are;taking11. .“I m going to Shanghai for vacation. A. It s good B. Y

31、ou re rightC. Have a good time D. Goodbye12. .There are manypeople in the small garden. Someare talking; are singing. A. Others B. another C. Other D. the other13. . What s the weather like in Guizhou ? A. Hot and sun B. Windy and cloudy C. rain and windy D. rainy and sun14. .What Aunt Sarah and Unc

32、le Jeff doing ?A. is B. do C. are D. have15. .-How is your project going? A. Hot B. Great C. Sure D. Of course16. 0.What you when it is raining A. are ; doB. are ; doingC. do ;doD. are ; going to do二、适当词填空1 .Everyone in our family (like) watching TV except(除了)my grandma.2 .Who s the old man (lie) on

33、 the ground ?3 .- How s the weather in Changchun ?-It s cold and (snow).4 .Swimming in cold weather sounds (terribly).5 .Thank you for (tell) me the good news.6 .Mingming (not talk) on the phone. He (study). 7 .Look!The students (have) fun in the garden .8 . Our English (teacher) name is Li jie.9 .

34、He s from France and he can speak (France).10 .There are a lot of (cloud) in the sky. It s (cloud) today.三、句型转换11 He often reads English in the morning .( 用 now 改写)HeEnglish 12 There was a lot of wind last night . = Itlast night .13 Her birthday party is very terrible . her birthday party ?14 The pe

35、ople are drinking tea in the restaurant .are the people in a restaurant ?15 He is studying at home now. (用 often 改写)He at home.四、翻译1 . 济南冬天很冷吗? itin winter in Jinan?2 .夏季,澳大利亚有很多人度假二many people in Australia in summer.3. 海口天气怎么样?夏天很热。 the weather in Haikou? It s very in summer.4. 我对打沙滩排球很感兴趣,我认为这是一项非

36、常有趣的运动。 I m very playing beach volleyball. I think it s sport.5. 泰德正在穿衣服。他爸爸正在做饭。Ted clothes now.His father .五、根据音标写单词1. I m verys ?praizdto hear the s ?praizi ?news1 .In winter people always wearsk a :vz3 .Thewee ? today is w ?:mand hju:mid.4 . They are really very ril?kst .5 . Look at this gru:p o

37、f people playing in this hi:t六、阅读Alex is going to study in Chicago for a year. He s reading a travel book about theweather,which say: it s usually cool in spring. Sometimes it rains. It s usuallyhot and sunny in summer. It s normally cool and windy in autumn. It gets very cold in Chicago in winter.

38、He asks himself,“ What can I do there during that time? Oh,Ican have a lot of free time in summer. In autumn, I can t have a lot of free timebecause I ll be in school. I can play football. I can t go ice-skating, becauseI don t know how to ice-skate.then I can visit my family in Florida at Christmas and New Year and get some sunshine. ” 1. Where is Alex going to study?2. What s the weather like in spring?3. Is it very hot in summer?4. What sport can Alex play in autumn?5. What can Alex do in winter?


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