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1、学海无涯Unit4 Where is my schoolbag?词句精讲精练责编:郭素清词汇精讲1. onon作介词可以表示(1)在之上Your book is on the desk. 你的书在桌子上。(2)附近,靠近He is on my right.他在我的右边。(3)在的时候I get up late on Sundays.周日我起得较晚。(4)关于He gives us a lecture on how to learn English.他给我们做了一个关于怎么学习英语的报告。(5)通过(某种方式)I study English on radio.我通过收音机学英语。注意:in th

2、e tree 与 on the tree 的区别in the tree表示外来的事物,不是树上长出来的。on the tree是树上长出来的。例如:The bird is in the tree.鸟在树上。There is an apple on the tree.树上有个苹果。2. table/table可数名词,巢子”,其复数形式为tables。常用于以下短语:at table在吃饭/就餐;atthe table在桌子旁。例如:She is at table now.她现在在吃饭。辨析:table 和 desk两者都有桌子”之意,其区别如下:desk指 书桌、课桌、办公桌”,常指读书、写字

3、、办公等用的桌子;通常带有抽屉(drawer)。例如:There is a desk in his office.他的办公室里有一张桌子。table指饭桌、圆桌”,常指供吃饭、喝茶游戏等用的桌子,通常不带抽屉。例如:a kitchen table 一张餐桌3. roomroom可数名词,房间”,对应的复数是 rooms/例如:There are 180 rooms in this hotel.这个酒店有 180 个房间。room还可以做不可数名词,意为空间,位置”。例如:There is no room in the room.房间里已经没有空间了。4. bedbed可数名词,床”;其复数形式

4、为 beds。常用于以下短语中:on the bed在床上,in bed卧床(睡觉)。例如:My book is on the bed.我的书在床上。She is ill in bed.她卧病在床。拓展:与bed相关的常见短语go to bed 去睡觉lie in bed躺在床上make the / one SibeW铺5. knowknow动词,知道、了解、认识”;其后常接名词、代词或者句子作宾语,也可以承接上文,省略宾语,其同音词为no。例如:I know his name.我知道他的名字。Do you know her? 你认识她吗?6. clock辨析:watch 和 clockwat

5、ch作名词时,指戴在手腕上的手表,挂在胸前的怀表或者用来计时的秒表。clock指生活中用的钟表、挂钟、闹钟等,多用来指报时或闹响的钟。闹钟是“alarm clock。例如:There is a clock on the wall.墙上有个钟。I have a beautiful watch.我有一个漂亮的手表。7. butbut是连词,意为 怛是,和and, or等一样,可以用来连接两个并列句。but连接两个并列句时,表示前后意义的转折;此时,but的前面要有逗号。例如:I like English, but he doesn t.我喜欢英语,但是他不喜欢。8. come onFcome on

6、意为 快点”,是come组成的常用词组之一,在口语中使用很广泛,有很多不同的意思。以下是常见的用法:(1)表示请求、鼓励、劝说等。例如:Come on, Lucy, don t be so shy来吧,露茜,别不好意思。(2)表示催促。例如:Come on, it s getting dar喊点,天要黑了。(3)体育竞赛时鼓励队员,意为 加油”。例如:“Come on Come on! ” shouted the audience again and again.加油!加油! ”观众一再地喊。词汇精练I .将下列词组译成英语。1 .在课桌下面 2 .在沙发上面 3 .在书包里 4 .在袋子里

7、5 .在椅子下面 6 .在电话旁边 7 .在图片里8 .在墙面上 9 .在奶奶房间里 10 .在头上 n.根据句意和首字母提示,完成句中所缺单词。1. Look! His eraser is in his b.2. W is my ruler? It s in the desk.3. I think its in your grandparentsr, Kate.4. The soccer ball is u the bed.5. My books are in the b.6. Where s my model p.7. Put the a clock on the desk.8. My l

8、ovely cat is on the c9. -Tommy, is this your m book? -Yes, it is10. This is my father s t. pIII.根据句意,使用你所学过的介词填空,每个介词只能使用一次。on, in, at, under1. There are some birds the sky.2. We can study this subject TV.3. Shall we meet the bus stop?4. My books are my schoolbag.5. My hat is my head.6. His shoes ar

9、e the bed.IV.听力链接。(浙江杭州期中)听第一段对话,回答第 11-12小题。11. This dictionary is A. Bob s12. What color is BobA. Green听第二段对话,回答第13. Who is looking for( A. Tommy.14. Where is the cat?A. It is under the chair.15. What is behind the door?A. Tommy s schoolbag.参考答案B. Helen ss pen?B. Blue 13-15小题。寻找)the cat?.B. Tina.C

10、. It is behind the door.B. Tinas schoolbag.D. Anna sC. RedC. Mimi.C. It s on the bed.C. Tina s cat.3. in the schoolbag6. next to the telephone9. in grandma s roomI.将下列词组译成英语。1. under the desk 2. on the sofa 4. in the bag 5. under the chair7. in the picture 8. on the wall10 . on the head11 .根据句意和首字母提

11、示,完成句中所缺单词。1. bag 2. Where 3. room 4. under 5. bookcase6. plane 7. alarm 8. chair 9. math 10. tape playerIII .根据句意,使用你所学过的介词填空,每个介词只能使用一次。1. in 2. on 3. at 4. in 5. on 6. underIV .听力链接。参考答案及听力材料:11.B 12. B 13.A14.C15.A 听第一段对话,回答第 11-12小题。M: Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils?W: No, they re Bob s.M: An

12、d is this his green pen?W: No, it isn t. The blue pen is his.M: What about this dictionary?W: It s Helen s. And the green pen is hers, too.M: And the eraser? Is that yours?W: Yes, it is.M: Thank you for your help, Anna.W: You re welcome.听第二段对话,回答第 13-15小题。M: Hello, Tina.W: Hello, Tommy.M: I can t fi

13、nd my cat. Tina, do you see it?W: No, I don t. Is it under the chair?M: No.W: Is it behind the door?M: Let me see. My schoolbag is here. But where s my cat?W: Hey, Tommy. Look, it s on your bed.M: Yes, thank you, Tina. Mimi, come here.句式精讲1. Where is my schoolbag? It s under the sofa.询问某人或某物在哪个地方,可用

14、句型 Where + be +主语(人或物)? 。where 是疑问副词,意为“在哪里” ,be要随着后面主语人称单复数进行变化,单数用 is,复数 用are。where s是where is的缩写形式,回答时不能用 yes或no,而是问什么就答什么。 如果主语是人,回答时用人称代词主格做主语;如果主语是物,回答时单数为“It s表示地点的词”,复数用“ They are +表示地点的词”。例如:一Where s my radio?我的收音机在哪儿?It s on the de就桌子上。一 Where s your book?你的书在哪里?It s in the bookcase书柜里。2.

15、Are the keys on the sofa?这是用一般疑问句句型“ Is/Are +主语+介词短语+ ? ”来询问某物是在某处吗的意思。比特殊疑问句少一个特殊疑问词,它可以用 Yes/No来回答。例如:一Is your schoolbag on the bed?你的书包在床上吗? Yes, it is./No, it isn 是的,七它在那里。/不,它不在那里。3. I don t know.I don t know1单独成句,表示“我不知道”;因此当别人向你询问的事情你不知道时, 可用“ I don t know.作答,也可以在后面跟宾语,说明我不知道的内容。也可以在前面 加上“Sor

16、ry. / I m s3rry这样语气上显得更客气些。例如:Where is my pencil?我的铅笔在哪儿?Sorry, I don t know起,我不知道。句式精练I.完成句子。1 .书包在哪里?它在床上。一 the schoolbag? It s One.2 .我的书在哪里?它们在书柜里。my? in the bookcase.3 .你的棒球在椅子下面吗 ?是的.一 your baseball the? Yes, it is.4 .他的钥匙在桌上吗?不,它们在椅子下面。Are his on the? No,the5 .收音机在老师的桌子上。The the teacher s des

17、k.6 .我叫凯特,我的妹妹(姐姐)叫吉娜。Kate,my sister is Gina.7 .吉娜的书到处都是。Gina s.8 .我的书包不在床下面。My isn t the.9 .快点,杰克!, Jack!10 .英语书在收音机下面。The book is the.n .连词成句。1. is, your, where, game, computer ?2. they, under, the, are, bed ?3. pencil, is, my, in, schoolbag, my k .4. the, is, the, baseball, under, chair5. I m, bu

18、t, tidy, Gina, isn t.in.句型转换。1. The book is in the bag.(对划线部分提问) the book?2. This is my sister 朦物om1 包 )This my sister s room.3. There are some apples on the tree.做为一般疑问句 ) there apples on the tree?4. Those are some English books.(改为单数形式) English.5. They are my parents.(改为同义句 )They are my and.W.根据情景

19、完成对话,每空一词。Kate: Mom, I can 1 t my socks. Do you know 2 they are?Mom: Are they 3 your cupboard?Kate: No, they 4 there. And they are not in the drawer.Mom: How 5 the desk? Aren t they the desk?Kate: No, I can t see them there.Mom: Maybe( 或许)they are 7 the bed.Kate: No, only(只有)shoes are under the 8.Mo

20、m:9 they are. You see, they are in your backpack next 10 your pencil case.V.看图写话:根据图片和提示词,写出恰当的句子,每图写一句。(2104福建漳州期中)1. Mary, long 2. My, yellow 3. that, new 4. This pair of, Peter1. 2. 3. 4. 参考答案I .完成句子。1. Where, is, bed 2. Where, are, books, They 3. Ise under, chair4. keys, desk, they re, under, ch

21、aradio, is, on 6. I m, and7. books, are, everywhere 8. schoolbag, under, bed9. Come, on 10. English, under, radion .连词成句。1. Where is your computer game2. Are they under the bed3. My pencil is in my schoolbag4. The baseball is under the chair5. I m tidy, but Gina isn ts an, book father, motherIII.句型转换。1. Where, is 2. is not 3. Are, any 4. ThatW.根据情景完成对话,每空一词。1. find2. where3. in6. on7. under8. bedV.看图写话:根据图片和提示词1. Mary has long hair. / Mary2. My cap is yellow.3. That bike is new. / That4. This pair of shoes is Peter4. aren t5. about9. Here10. to写出恰当的句子,每图写一句。s hair is long.s a new bike.s.学海无涯


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