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1、云南省2009年特岗教师招聘试题(小学英语科目一)部分试云南省2009年特岗教师招聘试题(小学英语科目一)部分试题 专业基础知识 ?.Phonetices 5% Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there is one underlined part with a different sound. You are required to pick it out. ()1.A.reportB.wordC.shortD.lord ()2.A.mouthB.thoughC.methodD.thought ()3.A.pictu

2、resB.orangesC.booksD.windows ()4.A.lostB.lotC.frostD.post ()5.A.heartB.earlyC.heardD.earth ?.Vocabulary and Structure 25% Directions: There are twentyfive incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

3、()1.It seems difficult . A.to stop the child to cryB.to stop the child of crying C.stopping the child to cryD.to stop the child from crying ()2.Jane is staying at her . A.motherinlawB.motherinlaws C.motherinlawsD.motherinlawss ()3.Do you know the man at the corner? A.standingB.who stood C.stoodD.who

4、 standing ()4.This play is well known all over the world English is spoken. A.whereB.which C.thatD.what ()5.She is interested in reading. A.anything butB.nothing but C.anything thanD.nothing than ()6.The time you waste,the it is to go on wasting time. A.most;easierB.most;easiest C.more;easiestD.more

5、;easier ()7.time is dangerous.It will control you if you dont control it. A.TheB.A C./D.One ()8.If Iyou, I wouldnt return the call. A.amB.were C.was D.shall be ()9.Shetwo years writing the book. A.spentB.took C.cost D.paid ()10. There aredays in a year. A.three hundreds sixtyfiveB.three hundred and

6、sixtyfive C.three hundreds sixtyfifthD.three hundred and sixtyfifth ()11.John fell asleephe was listening to the music. A.whileB.after C.beforeD./ ()12.Tom often helps his friendstheir English. A.atB.in C.with D.for ()13.Ill have to turn off the computer before my fatherhome. A.comesB.came C.would c

7、omeD.will come ()14.The pupils hurried to the classroomthe bell rang. A.as soon asB.in case C.even ifD.so that ()15.She wantspiece of bread and some milk. A.theB.all C.aD.some ()16.We must study hard,well fail in the examination. A.but B.and C.soD.or ()17.The film isinteresting that I have seen it t

8、wice. A.moreB.very C.such D.so ()18.This is my umbrella and that is . A.him B.his C.himselfD.he ()19.The weather in summer here is likein Kunming. A.thisB.that C.itD.its ()20.Bill didnt do well in the exam. He mademistakes in it. A.a few ofB.quite a few C.few D.fewer ()21.This is the placehe visited

9、 when he stayed in the country. A.whereB.which C.here D.there ()22.Would you mindyour radio a little, please? A.to turn offB.turning off C.to turn downD.turning down ()23. Will youus to the concert? A.participate inB.take part in C.joinD.gather ()24.Is there anything wrongthe clock? A.inB.on C.with

10、D.at ()25.China is larger thanin Africa. A.some other countries B.any other countries C.all countriesD.any country 试题由中人教育独家提供任何网站如需转载均需得到中国教育在线教师招聘频道和中人教育双方的书面许可否则追究法律责任。 ?.Reading Comprehension 20% Directions:There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfini

11、shed statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. you should decide on the BEST CHOICE. Passage 1 Why do people look like their parents? Peoples appearance depends on things called genes. Genes are found in the cells of peoples bodies, and they are passed on from parents

12、 to children. A child has some genes from its father and some genes from its mother. The chemistry of genes is very complicated. Here are some facts about eyes. Many Europeans and Americans can have blue, green or brown eyes. But a browneyed person, for example, may also carry genes for another colo

13、r in his/her body. Therefore two browneyed or greeneyed parents may not have a child with eyes of the same color. If a childs father and mother both have brown eyes, the child will probably also have brown eyes, but this is not certain. If one parent has blue eyes and one has brown eyes, their child

14、ren may have either blue eyes or brown eyes, but most will probably have brown eyes. (The gene for blue eyes is “recessive” and the gene for brown eyes is “dominant”. This means that if a child gets a gene for blue eyes and also a gene for brown eyes from its parents, brown will “win”, and the child

15、s eyes will be brown,not blue.) People only have blue eyes if their bodies are carrying no genes for other eye colors. So if both parents have blue eyes, their children cannot have eyes of another color. ()1. This passage tells us the relationship between . A.genes and appearance B.parents and child

16、ren C.blue eyes and brown eyes D.Europeans and Americans ()2. Children look like parents because . A.they live together with the parents B.they get genes from their parents C.they get cell from their parents D.they eat the same food ()3. If one parent has blue eyes and one has brown eyes, their chil

17、dren . A.will certainly have blue eyes B.will certainly have brown eyes C.will have grey eyes D.may have brown eyes ()4. If both parents have brown eyes, their children . A.will certainly have brown eyesB.may have brown eyes C.will not have brown eyesD.will have blue eyes ()5. If both parents have b

18、lue eyes, their children . A.will certainly have brown eyesB.will certainly have blue eyes C.may have brown eyesD.may have blue eyes Passage 2 Helen could not decide which of the boys she likes better. Both of them were old friends of hers, and they both had nice personalities. Rob was more similar

19、to her, perhaps. He had the same interests as hers, and they enjoy doing things together. She was a bit older than him, but that was not very important. He was very kind and responsible, and much more selfconfident than John.She was very fond of him, and she knew that he loved her. Only she was not

20、sure that he loved her as much as John. John was very different from herhe was not really like anybody else she had ever metand that made him more interesting, in a way he had traveled more than her, and he could talk for hours about the places that she had never seen. He was betterlooking than Rod,

21、 taller and stronger. And his eyes were the same color as the sea on a summer day. But John was strange. She never quite knew what he was thinking, and he sometimes did unexpected things that worried her. ()6. This passage describes theof Helens friends. A.appearancesB.personalities C.interestsD.all

22、 above ()7. Rob and John . s friends A.were both HelenB.were both strange C.both traveled a lot D.both has the same interests as Helen ()8.Helen knew that Rob . A.was as same as herB.was older than her C.loved her as much as JohnD.was interesting ()9. According to this passage, John was not . A.talk

23、ativeB.reliable C.interestingD.handsome ()10. From this passage we can tell that John . A.has traveled less than Helen B.doesnt love Helen C.is different from anyone else Helen has met D.has black eyes ?.Mistakeidentification 10% Directions:There are ten sentences in this part.In each sentence there

24、 are four underlined parts marked A,B,C and D.Choose the WRONG ONE. ()1.George Washington,the first president in the United States of AmericanA, was born onB February 22,1732, onC a farm inD Virginia. ()2. A number ofA foreign visitors were taken toB the exhibition whichC they sawD many products. ()

25、3.His parents tookA a boat fromB Italy to the new worldC at the turn of the centuryD. ()4. AsA I drove passB the crossroads, a red carC suddenly shot rightD past me. ()5.When our friends came to visit us in the evening,A they spent their time to tellB us whatC they had seenD in the capital. ()6.He m

26、ay have doneA it but up until nowB we have not gotC any evidence to prove itD. ()7. The day before yesterday,A we watchedB the tall man crossC the square and got ontoD a bus. ()8. WhenA the doctor came,they saidB she had diedC of a heart diseaseD. ()9. Having been readA the book twice,B he decided t

27、o writeC a book report aboutD it. ()10. SinceA all seats were full,he stood upB and gave up himselfC to an old ladyD. ?.Sentence Translation 10% Directions:There are 5 sentences in the following. Please translate them from Chinese into English. 1.李老师在看学生们踢足球。 2.我能借你的字典用一下吗? 3.他通常乘公共汽车去学校,有时骑自行车。 4.我

28、们正在努力赶上那些发达国家。 5.如果他不按时完成作业,他会受到批评的。 ?.Writing 10% Directions:Write an English composition of 120150 words about the greatest difficulty in English teaching to primary school children.Please write your composition with a title and write it on the Answer Sheet. 教育学、教育心理学 ?.简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分) 1.试

29、述小学班主任在工作中所扮演的几个主要角色。 2.简述培养学生良好学习态度的主要方法。 ?.论述题(本大题共10分) 如何培养学生自主学习的能力, 云南省2009年特岗教师招聘试题(小学英语科目一)参考答案及解析 Part One ?.Phonetics 1-5 BBCDA ?.Vocabulary and Structure 1.D 【解析】stop sb.from doing sth意为“阻止某人做某事”。 2.C 【解析】motherinlaws=motherinlaws home。 3.A 【解析】the man standing at the corner=the man who is

30、 standing at the corner。 4.A 【解析】where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句。 5.B 【解析】本句的意思是“除了读书,她对任何东西都不感兴趣”。 6.D 【解析】the+比较级the+比较级,这个句型表示“越越”。本句的意思是“你浪费的时间越多,你就越容易继续浪费时间”。 7.C 【解析】本题考查冠词的用法,在这里,零冠词表示抽象概括意义。 8.B 【解析】本题考查if条件句中的虚拟语气,与现在事实相反,结构为:从句为if+主语+动词的过去式(be 用were) ,主句为主语+would (should, could, might) + 动词原形。 9.A

31、【解析】sb.spend some money/some time (in) doing sth.意为“某人花了多少钱/多少时间做某事”。 10.B 【解析】本题考查数字的英文表达。 11.A 【解析】while意为“在期间”,本句的意思是“约翰在听音乐的时候睡着了”。 12.C 【解析】help sb. with sth.=help sb. (to) do sth.意为“在某方面帮助某人”。 13.A 【解析】由before引导的时间状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用现在时。 14.A 【解析】as soon as意为“一就”;in case意为“免得、以防”;even if意为“即使、纵然”;

32、so that意为“以便、以致”。 15.C 【解析】一片面包用“a piece of bread”表示。 16.D 【解析】but意为“但是”,表转折;and意为“和”,表并列;so意为“所以”,表因果;or意为“否则”,表转折。 17.D 【解析】sothat句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词,意思是“如此/这么以致于”,常引导结果状语从句。 18.B 【解析】his为名词性物主代词,相当于his umbrella。 19.B 【解析】that代替the weather避免句子重复。 20.B 【解析】由前句比尔考试考得不好,可以得出,他犯了很多错误。quite a few意为“

33、很多”。 21.B 【解析】which引导的定语从句,修饰the place。 22.D 【解析】mind 作为动词,常用的搭配是“Would you mind doing?”表示礼貌地提出请求。turn off意为“关掉”,turn down意为“关小”,句子里有a little,所以用turn down更合适。 23.C 【解析】participate in意为“参加”后面直接跟活动;take part in表示参加某项活动,侧重强调大型正式的活动;join强调加入某一组织,并成为其中的一员。 24.C 【解析】there is sth. wrong with sth.意为“出问题了”。

34、25.C 【解析】因为中国不属于非洲,不用排除中国,所以不需要用other。D选项country应用复数。 ?.Reading Comprehension 1-5 ABDBB6-10 DAABC ?.Mistakeidentification 1.A 【解析】应为the United States of America 2.C 【解析】应为where 3.C 【解析】应为the New World 4.B 【解析】应为past 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。5.B 【解析】应为telling 6.B 【解析】应为up to now

35、7.D 【解析】应为get onto 3、认真做好培优补差工作。 开展一帮一活动,与后进生家长经常联系,及时反映学校里的学习情况,促使其提高成绩,帮助他们树立学习的信心与决心。8.D 【解析】应为heart disease 2、加强基础知识的教学,使学生切实掌握好这些基础知识。特别是加强计算教学。计算是本册教材的重点,一方面引导学生探索并理解基本的计算方法,另一方面也通过相应的练习,帮助学生形成必要的计算技能,同时注意教材之间的衔接,对内容进行有机的整合,提高解决实际问题的能力。9.A 【解析】应为Having read 3.余弦:10.C 【解析】应为his (3)当0时,设抛物线与x轴的两

36、个交点为A、B,则这两个点之间的距离:?.Sentence Translation (1)圆周角::顶点在圆上,并且两边都与圆相交的角,叫做圆周角.1.Mr Li is watching students playing football. 2.Can I borrow your dictionary? 3.He usually goes to school by bus, sometimes by bike. 4.We are working hard to catch up with those developed countries. 5.If he cant finish his ho

37、mework on time, he will be punished. ?.Writing 43.193.25观察物体2 生活中的数1 P22-23【参考答案】略。 Part Two ?.简答题 9切线长定理:过圆外一点所画的圆的两条切线长想等,圆外切四边形对边相等,直角三角形内切圆半径公式.1.【参考答案】一个良好的班集体的形成要经历三个阶段,即起始阶段、发展阶段、成熟阶段。作为班主任,要在每个阶段扮演好不同的角色。 (1)起始阶段要扮演好“保姆”角色。班主任直接对学生进行管理、监督。 (2)发展阶段要扮演好“教练”角色。随着对班级学生的了解,班主任应充分发挥班干部的作用,充分利用每个学生

38、的长处,让每个学生都进入班级管理的“角色”,努力扮演好“教练”角色,做一些指导工作。 (3)成熟阶段要扮演好“顾问”角色。学生学会自我管理、自我教育是班级管理的最高境界。作为班主任,在前两个阶段的基础上,应大胆地、尽可能地放权,像班干部的产生、任期与改选,班集体中的各种活动计划的制订、实施及总结等,均由班集体成员讨论、决定。 )激发高2.【参考答案】培养学生良好学习态度的方法有:(1)培养积极的学习动机;(2昂的学习兴趣;(3)帮助建立可达成的学习目标;(4)培养坚强的学习意志;(5)建立适时的激励机制;(6)营造良好的学习氛围。 ?.论述题 tanA不表示“tan”乘以“A”;【答案要点】培养学生自主学习的能力可以从以下几方面入手: 本册教材在第五单元之后安排了一个大的实践活动,即“分扣子”和“填数游戏”。旨在综合运用所学的知识,从根据事物的非本质的、表面的特征把事物进行分类,发展到根据客观事物抽象、本质的特征进行不同方式的分类,促进孩子逻辑思维能力的发展。同时,安排学生填数游戏,旨在对孩子的口算能力、逻辑思维能力和观察能力的训练,感受数学的乐趣!(1)激发兴趣,提供自主学习的氛围;(2)注重学生质疑,培养自主学习精神,挖掘学生自学潜能;(3)培养学生个性,给以自主选择的空间;(4)创设轻松氛围,让学生自由讨论;(5)真正贯彻教学民主。


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