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1、外研版(三起)六年级英语上册期中测试9.their address10.Mid-Autumn Festival)1.A.kitesB.dollsC.stampsD.play()1. There are_shops in the picture.)2.A.youB.meC.ID.weA. lotB.lotsC. lots of D. a lot)3.A.eastB.northC.southD.rest()2. Have you got _stamps from Canada?)4.A.mapB .AmericaC .CanadaD.ChinaA. anyB. aC. some D. many)5

2、.A.thisB.theseC .thoseD.there()3. How bigit?单项选择。(30分)、请找出不同类的单词。四、(10 分)(C. isB. areD.beA. am二、写出下列单词的相应形式。(20分)1. China(形容词)2.hobby(复数)4. Do you wantto Chinatwon?3. ride(ing 形式)3. we(宾格)A. goB. goingC.goes D. to go5. noodle shop便数)6. let s (完全形式)is New York?-It s in the east of America.A. what B.

3、whereC. when D. why7.meet同音词)8. west(K义词)9. knife(复数)10. I have(缩写形式))6.you speak English?No, I cant .三、英汉互译。(10)A. Can B. DoC. Are D. Does1.集邮2.说英语)7.Sam has got a pet dog he often plays with it.3.长城4.放风筝A. butB. andC. or D. so5.春节6.打篮球)8 .Beijinggot about fourteen million people.7.write to 8. go s

4、wimmingA. isB .hasC.have D.does()3.Do you miss China?C. Im sending an email .()9.is my hobby.A. Read B. Reading C. Reads D. Reads()10. What a big map America?A. of B . on C . to D. is()11.I want you to my pen friends.A. is B. am C. are D. be()12.I like football,and.A. read swimming B. read swimC. re

5、ading swimming D. reading swim()13.We say thank you our foodfamily and friends.A. to B. for C. of D. from()14. That nice.A. sound B.sounding C. sounds()15. I can.A. dance B. dancing C. dancer D. to dance五、读句子找答案(10分)()1.How long is the Great Wall? A. Sometimes.()2.What are you doing ?B. It s about 6

6、700 kilometres.()4.Can I write to you ?D. You re welcome.()5.Thank you .E. Yes ,of course六、阅读理解 判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Hello. My name is Lili. I m Chinese .Im twelve years old.Im in Class 1, Grade 6 Jve got a good friend. Her name is Amy .She s eleven .Shs in Class 1, too. I like collecting dolls and drawi

7、ng, but she likes playing football. Miss Wang is our English teacher.Miss Li is our Chinese teacher .We are in Xinhua primary school.() 1.Lili is a Chinese girl .( ) 2. Her good friend is a boy.( ) 3. They are in the same class of the same school.( ) 4. Miss Li is their English teacher.( ) 5. Lili and Amy both like playing football.七.书面表达。(用There be句型简介自己的学校。)(10分)


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