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1、软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,1,1,Chapter 16,软件质量保证,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,2,讨论,软件质

2、量保证为什么重要?,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,3,3,什么是软件质量?,Phil Crosby once said:The problem of quality management is not what people dont know about it. The problem is what they think they do know . .

3、 . In this regard, quality has much in common with sex. Everybody is for it. (Under certain conditions, of course.) Everyone feels they understand it. (Even though they wouldnt want to explain it.) Everyone thinks execution is only a matter of following natural inclinations. (After all, we do get al

4、ong somehow.) And, of course, most people feel that problems in these areas are caused by other people. (If only they would take the time to do things right.),软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,4,4,16

5、.2Elements of SQA,Standards Reviews and Audits TestingError/defect collection and analysis Change management Education Vendor management Security management Safety Risk management,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by R

6、oger Pressman.,5,16.3.1 软件质量保证的任务,编制项目质量保证计划;参与项目的软件过程的描述编写;评审软件工程活动,以验证是否符合规定的软件过程;审核指定的软件工作产品以验证是否遵守作为软件过程一部分的哪些规定。确保根据文档化的规程记录和处理软件工作和工作产品中的偏差;记录各种不符合项报告给高层管理人员;,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,

7、6,6,Role of the SQA Group-I,Prepares an SQA plan for a project. The plan identifiesevaluations to be performedaudits and reviews to be performedstandards that are applicable to the projectprocedures for error reporting and trackingdocuments to be produced by the SQA groupamount of feedback provided

8、to the software project team,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,7,Participates in the development of the projects software process description. The SQA group reviews the process description for compli

9、ance with organizational policy, internal software standards, externally imposed standards (e.g., ISO-9001), and other parts of the software project plan.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,8,8,Role o

10、f the SQA Group-II,Reviews software engineering activities to verify compliance with the defined software process. identifies, documents, and tracks deviations from the process and verifies that corrections have been made.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (Mc

11、Graw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,9,Audits designated software work products to verify compliance with those defined as part of the software process. reviews selected work products; identifies, documents, and tracks deviations; verifies that corrections have been made periodi

12、cally reports the results of its work to the project manager.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,10,Ensures that deviations in software work and work products are documented and handled according to a

13、 documented procedure.Records any noncompliance and reports to senior management.Noncompliance items are tracked until they are resolved.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,11,讨论,如果客户不断改变他想做的事情,是否还有可能

14、评估软件质量?为什么软件工程小组与独立的软件质量保证小组的关系经常是紧张的?这种紧张关系是否是正常的?,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,12,12,16.3.2 SQA Goals,Requirements quality. The correctness, completeness, and consistency of the requirements m

15、odel will have a strong influence on the quality of all work products that follow. Design quality. Every element of the design model should be assessed by the software team to ensure that it exhibits high quality and that the design itself conforms to requirements.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Eng

16、ineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,13,Code quality. Source code and related work products (e.g., other descriptive information) must conform to local coding standards and exhibit characteristics that will facilitate maintainability.Qu

17、ality control effectiveness. A software team should apply limited resources in a way that has the highest likelihood of achieving a high quality result.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,14,14,16.5 S

18、tatistical SQA,Product& Process,measurement,. an understanding of how,to improve quality .,Collect information on all defectsFind the causes of the defectsMove to provide fixes for the process,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyri

19、ght 2009 by Roger Pressman.,15,15,16.5 Statistical SQA,Information about software errors and defects is collected and categorized.An attempt is made to trace each error and defect to its underlying cause .Using the Pareto principle (80 percent of the defects can be traced to 20 percent of all possib

20、le causes), isolate the 20 percent (the vital few).Once the vital few causes have been identified, move to correct the problems that have caused the errors and defects.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressm

21、an.,16,已经证明统计软件质量保证技术确实质量提高,某些情况下,软件组织已经去得了每年减少51%缺陷的好成绩。统计SQA及Pareto原则的应用可以概括:把时间用在真正重要的地方,但是首先你必须知道什么重要。,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,17,17,16.5.2 Six-Sigma for Software Engineering,The term “

22、six sigma” is derived from six standard deviations3.4 instances (defects) per million occurrencesimplying an extremely high quality standard. The Six Sigma methodology defines three core steps:Define customer requirements and deliverables and project goals via well-defined methods of customer commun

23、ication,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,18,Measure the existing process and its output to determine current quality performance (collect defect metrics)Analyze defect metrics and determine the vita

24、l few causes.Improve the process by eliminating the root causes of defects.Control the process to ensure that future work does not reintroduce the causes of defects.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.

25、,19,19,16.6 Software Reliability,A simple measure of reliability is mean-time-between-failure (MTBF), where MTBF = MTTF + MTTRThe acronyms MTTF and MTTR are mean-time-to-failure and mean-time-to-repair, respectively.Software availability is the probability that a program is operating according to re

26、quirements at a given point in time and is defined asAvailability = MTTF/(MTTF + MTTR) x100%,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,20,20,16.6.2Software Safety,Software safety is a software quality assura

27、nce activity that focuses on the identification and assessment of potential hazards that may affect software negatively and cause an entire system to fail. If hazards can be identified early in the software process, software design features can be specified that will either eliminate or control pote

28、ntial hazards.,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,21,讨论和作业,一个正确的程序还能不可靠吗?一个正确的程序还能不表现高质量吗?除了统计错误和缺陷外,还有那些软件特征具有质量意义?给出两个安全性至关重要的计算机控制系统,并为每个系统列出至少3条与软件失效直接相关的灾难。,软件过程与管理chapter16软件质量保证Software Enginee

29、ring: A Practitioners Approach, 7/e (McGraw-Hill 2009). Slides copyright 2009 by Roger Pressman.,22,22,ISO 9001:2000 Standard,ISO 9001:2000 is the quality assurance standard that applies to software engineering. The standard contains 20 requirements that must be present for an effective quality assu

30、rance system. The requirements delineated by ISO 9001:2000 address topics such as management responsibility, quality system, contract review, design control, document and data control, product identification and traceability, process control, inspection and testing, corrective and preventive action, control of quality records, internal quality audits, training, servicing, and statistical techniques.,


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