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1、英语听力课件Develop the students listening ability.以下是小编为大家整理分享的英语听力课件,欢迎阅读参考。英语听力课件Teaching Material: Unit4 Earthquakes (listening)Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge Objects:(1).Let the students learn some useful new words and expressions.(2). Get the students to know about the basic knowledge of earthquakes the

2、 listening materials refers to.2. Ability Object:(1) Develop the students listening ability.(2) Train the students ability to grasp key information while listening.3. Moral Objects:(1) Let the students know the cause of earthquakes and ways of reducing losses earthquakes bring about.(2) Develop the

3、students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.(3) Develop the students ability of dealing with the dangers met in earthquakes.4. Strategy Object:(1) To develop the students cognitive strategy, taking notes while listening.(2) To develop the students communicative strategies.5. Cultural Object:Ena

4、ble the students to know the cause of earthquakes and ways of reducing losses earthquakes bring about.6.Teaching Important Points:Train the students listening ability.7.Teaching Difficult point:Get the students to listen and understand different listening materials.8.Teaching Methods:1.Questions to

5、help the students learn the detailed information about the listening materials.2.Pair work to make every student work in class. Discussion for cooperation study.9.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2. a projector3.the blackboard10.Teaching Procedures:StepGreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.StepLead-

6、in第1-5分钟导入引入老师会用一个问题“How would you feel if your home was suddenly destroyed without warning?”引导学生进入听力材料,让学生对接下来的听力训练的内容有一个心理准备。用问题激发学生的讨论,从而激发学生对回答问题及相关知识的联想。学生通过讨论为接下来的听力任务做好背景知识准备。Students talk about their feelings when their homes were suddenly destroyed without warning.StepListening第6-21分钟听材料听力1

7、. Learn the new words about the earthquakes.2. Listen to the tape to finish Ex.2 and Ex.3.3. Find out the main idea of the listening material.进入听力训练,本课时的重点之一有了前面一个问题引入,再加上前面学过的READING部分,教师可以直接进入主题。让学生听一段录音之后,学生完成几个简单的True or False问题,再听一遍录音,再完成几个细节题,循序渐进,由浅入深,学生可以大概获取听力材料的信息。首先提一些简单的判断题,让学生能够轻易回答,即能够

8、让学生获得成功的喜悦,也可以让学生对材料有个了解。之后,再进入深一些的问题。StepSpeaking第22-25分钟展示信息让学生把听到的信息以说的方式展示出来。教师把学生所听到的材料信息用语句活词语的方式展示出来学生把自己听到的内容,加上自己的理解,通过口语方式展示出来。StepDiscussion第26分钟了解任务了解任务。让学生了解接下来的任务,就是再听一遍录音,获取相关语言信息,再把这些信息运用在口语活动中,做一些预防地震的建议。第27-39分钟任务讨论强化语用意识和交流意识让学生按照自己的观点尽情自由的讨论通过前面的讨论、听力,已经使学生把握了许多相关的信息,接下来的任务就是让他们学会如何运用这些信息以口语的形式表达出来。自己与同伴的讨论。第40分钟任务完成修改完善自己的讨论向全班同学呈现自己的讨论成果。StepSummaryHomeworkFinish the exercises about listening and speaking in the workbook.评价标准1、理解听力材料的大概内容。2、能把所听到的信息运用到口语中。3、借助同伴的启示与帮助,更好的完成任务。【英语听力课件】5


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