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1、10 种世界上最美的花世界上 10种最美丽的花 图 你喜欢哪个?天上人间10 种世界上最美的花The most beautiful flowers in the world are those you like best. I am sure you alreadown, because most human beings like flowers. Their scent and their appearance havvery beginning. We use them to decorate our hair, our homes or our parks and we pflower

2、 essences. Imagine a world where flowers would not exist: it would be really toyou agree? Flowers are very special to me and this is why I created this top“ 10 mosthe world :世界上最美的花当然就是指那些你最喜欢的花,我们大多数人都是喜爱花的,所以我 相己的列表。第一眼相见,它们的花香、花容就让我们为之惊叹。我们用它们来点缀我们 家、修饰我们的公园;花朵制成的精油让我们香气袭人。要是一个世界没有了花,那将淡 无光,不是吗?我

3、对花有着非常特别的情感,所以我列出我的“世上 10 种最美的花1. The Bird of Paradise1. 天堂鸟This amazing flower truly has the shape of a bird and this detail is what makes it speof paradise is really tall: the plant may reach as much as 5 feet in height and the flowas well. The bird of paradise may be found in South Africa. Howeve

4、r, check your locanot only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.这种令人惊艳的花形状很像天堂鸟,正是这一点让它很特别。颜色瑰丽的天堂鸟花非常有 1.5 米那么高,花朵本身有井口那么大 或许你只能在南非看到天堂鸟花,但是,访你就会发现:天堂鸟花不但是世界上最美丽的 花之一,也是最受欢送的花之一。2. The Rose2. 玫瑰Roses are the most celebrated flowers in the world. The big, color

5、ed roses have beenpreferred by all categories of people at any event what so ever. They have many symtheir colors. Roses may not be exotic or new to you, but they sure are among the mthe world and this is exactly why we all love them.玫瑰是世界上最有名的花。几个世纪以来,无论任何情况、任何场合之下,花朵饱满、 直深受各个不同种族人们的偏爱。根据花色的不同,它们有很

6、多的象征意义。玫瑰或许新 鲜,但它们绝对属于世上最美的花之一,这也恰恰是为什么我们都喜爱它的原因。3. Orchids3. 兰花Orchids are also well known and very famous for the wide range of species out thereadaptable, populating all continents, except for the cold one. The unbelievable orchidand as beautiful as rain drops. While considered rare and valuable

7、some centuries agtoday in many homes and offices.兰花也以因其品种繁多而赫赫有名。除了最冷的南极洲外,它们适宜在任何大洲种植。 老如岁月,精美如雨滴。然而几个世纪以前,兰花还是稀有珍贵之物,如今在许多家庭到。4. The calla lily4. 马蹄莲The calla lily is simple, as all elegant things. The splendor of it was acknowledged by named this plant“kallos , which means “beauty . Eventhough it

8、 makes a great houscareful for children and animals: callas are very toxic, if eaten!马蹄莲花集朴素、典雅于一身。它的风采也被希腊人称颂:他们把它命名为“ kallos ,意蹄莲花一种极好的盆栽花,但是你要留心你的小孩和宠物,不要让他们吃 了它,马蹄莲5. The Hyacinth5. 风信子They are spring flowers that decorate many gardens around the world.However, todall year long, thanks to the ef

9、fort of florists who cultivate the wonderful hyacinths. Thflowers, yet very sensitive. Once they are cut, their beauty and perfume will disappeathrive in pots though, so you may enjoy them in the house as well as in the garden.风信子是春天里的花朵,装饰着世界上许许多多的花园。不过,多亏了花卉学家们的努妙的风信子,所以今天,我们能够在一年的任 何时间里看到它们。它们是非常

10、特别的花剪断了,它们的美丽和芳香会迅速消失。它们也 适合盆栽,所以你可以在同时在室内和6. The peony6. 牡丹The large, rich peony flowers look great in gardens and this is exactly why they are ooutdoors arrangements. The beauty of these flowers was appreciated since ages, by common people alike. The emperor of China was so amazed by the powerful

11、scent anpeony that he named it the national flower of his country.花园里花朵大大的、华丽堂皇的牡丹花看上去美极了,这就是为什么我们总能在户外 布亮的花朵数百年来都被花卉专家和普通人们赞赏称颂。中国的帝王惊艳于它浓郁的花香 花。17. The water lily7. 睡莲One of the most famous and beautiful flowers in the world, the water lily is known alis both because of the fact that its numerous

12、species are widely spread and becauseaspect. They were used as love symbols by poets, in their poems, they were painted their picture was taken by many photographers. They are one of Mother Nature s ma 提及世界上最有名、最美丽的花之一,睡莲可谓举世皆 知。这不光是因为它品种繁多、花形浪漫。在诗人的诗歌里,它是爱情的象征;著名的艺 术家绘画它,众多的摄影家们自然母亲的杰作之一。8. Pulmeri

13、a8. 鸡蛋花Pulmeria is the flower of a small tropical tree. This 5 petal flower looks very, very beaeasily cultivated. All it needs is a lot of sun and very little water. It has a powerful penight and this is one of the reasons for which this little flower is so unique.鸡蛋花是热带一种小型树种的花朵。它的5 瓣花非常优美、精致,同时它也

14、很容易栽植光和很少量的水。花香非常浓郁,尤其是在夜间,这也是为什么这种小花如此独特的原9. Cherry blossoms9. 樱花The most treasured flowers in Japan, cherry blossoms are truly wonderful to look at. poetic than a flowering cherry tree . It is not a surprise that Japanese people, with ththeir inclination for beauty and peaceful sights, prefer thes

15、e flowers above all others.樱花是日本最为珍贵的花,看上去也极为美丽。没有什么能比花团锦簇的樱花树更富有丽和平的景象、感性的日本来说,喜爱樱花胜过一 切花朵,这并没什么好惊讶的。10. Gazania10. 非洲菊Last on this list but certainly first on many people s lists, Gazania isone of the most bworld. The strange pattern and the intense colors of this plant made me chose the Gits home region, in South Africa, Gazania is also called the Treasure Flower, probablyamazing, intense, sometimes even glaring combinations of colors.虽然它排在这个列表的最后,但是一定有很多人把它排在第一位,非洲菊是世界上最 美的把戏图案和强烈的色彩,让我把它选在了这个列表中。在它的原产地南非,也被称为 为那让人称奇的、强烈的、有时甚至几种颜色组合在一起的炫丽夺目的色彩。


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