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1、文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑,欢迎下载支持.英语(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 2UnitlPurposeKnowledge aim: To learn to have a conversation about greetings.Ability aim: To train them to act.Ideological aim: To improve the students basic English about introductions.Main points: The way of introductions : How are you, Amy? Im

2、 fine. And how are you ? Im fine, too. Thank you.”Difficult points: To act the conversation.Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, masksTeaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ellen.T: How are you, Kate?S: Im fine. Thank you.St

3、ep Two: New courseT: Please say hello to these friends.( 拿头饰 Sam, Darning, Amy andLingling)S:(带头饰表演)How are you, Amy?T: Im fine. And how are you, Sam?S: Im fine, too. Thank you.(教师引导学生用这种形式来回答)S: How are you, Darning?T: Im fine. And how are you, Lingling?S: Im fine, too. Thank you.T: Please say How

4、are you?” like this with your neighbors.(出示大屏幕)A: How are you,.?B: Im fine. And how are you?A: Im fine, too. Thank you.s:(学生自由练习,然后分组展示)T: Look! Sam and Darning are boys. Amy and Lingling are girls.They are boys and girls. (强调 boys and girls)Team 1, please stand up.S:(第一小队的学生起立)T: They are boys and

5、girls. Team 2, stand up, please.S:(第二小队的学生起立)T: Are you boys and girls?S: Yes.T: Sit down, please Team 1 and Team 2.Team 3, boys, hands up.S: (Boys, hands up)T: Team 4, girls say How are you?”S: ( Girls are saying it.)T: Good morning, all of you, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Ellen.T: Good childre

6、n. Do you want to try to be an English teacher? Look, she isMs smart. You can be her now. Please remember her name: Ms Smart.Read after me.(三遍)S: Ms SmartT:(把头饰戴在一学生头上)Are you Ms Smart?S: Yes, Im Ms Smart.T: Say good morning to the boys and girls.S: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms

7、Smart.T: Who can come to the front and act?Ss: I can, I can.T: Yuanyuan, please. Listen and repeat what she says.( 放录音) S:(听音跟读)Good morning, boys and girls. Tm Ms Smart. Ss: Good morning , Ms Smart.(分别叫2-3名学生表演)T: Do you know? This is Ms Smarts first English class. Listen and watchit. What happened

8、?(看大屏幕)T: Is this boys name Ming?S: No.T: Whats his name?S: Darning.T: Yeah, Ms Smart called the wrong name. He is not Ming. His name is Darning. Yes?S: Yes.T: So the other boys and girls all laugh, Ha, ha ,ha. Its funny. Please open your English books and learn to say.S:(学生模仿跟读)Step Three: Knowledg

9、e extensionT: Look at the pictures and lets act it out.S:(以小组为单位,带头饰,分角色表演)Step Four: ConsolidationT: Next lets sing a song and do the actions.T: ( Play the tape recorder) Please try your best to learn to sing together.S: ( Sing loudly and friendly, and do the actions)Step Five: Sum up and homework.

10、T: Today we have known Ms Smart. And you acted an English teacher in class. Are you happy? You are wonderful in class. But I hope you are great at home, too. Believe me! You can speak English well at school and at home. I have to say goodbye to you. Bye-bye, boys and girls.S: Goodbye, Ellen.Iword版本可

11、编辑,欢迎下载支持.文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.外研版三年级英语上册教案Module 2 IntroductionUnit 1 Im Ms Smart一、教学目标语言知识目标:1 .能听懂会读单词Ms, too, and , boy, girl2 .能听懂会说日常问候用语:Good afternoon/morning. Hello.Hi. How are you?语言技能目标:能流利使用所学句型做简单的自我介绍和日常问好。情感态度目标:学会打招呼。二、教学用具:单词卡片和图片三、教学过程:一、Warmer:1 .“开火车”游戏复习第一模块的语言点。A:

12、Hello, How are you?B: Im fine, thank you. How are you?2 .四人小组,分别扮演Sam, Amy, Darning, Ling人g.相互打招呼。3唱英文歌 “Hello Hello”4.游戏二Good morning用手势做出太阳在早上,下午,晚上等的位置,(如早 上太阳在头右边,下午在头上方,晚上在头左边)。先老师说,学生做动作,然 后老师做,学生说。全班集体起立,说错或慢的同学坐下,表扬坚持到最后的同 学。二、Presentation:1 .介绍Ms Smart,说明Ms, Miss. Mr的用法。2 .教学单词boy, girl。简笔画

13、来教学。然后指着班上的同学,学生快速说出是boy, girl.如老师指一男孩浮生说:This is a boy,老师指一女孩,学生说:This is a girl,三、Practice:1 .游戏:Boy or girl?请一个学生到教室前面来,捂住眼睛,然后再请一个学生到前面来,捏住鼻子, 改变声调对第一个学生说:Hello, How are you?请第一个学生用“Boy. 或“girl” 猜测第二个学生的性别。回答过后,由全班同学用“Yes” or “N。”给出评判。 如第一个学生猜对了,换第二个学生猜;如果不对,则继续猜。2 .戴上Ms Smart的头饰,向全班同学问候,请自告奋勇的学

14、生上来扮演Ms Smart 向全班问候,然后每个学生都扮演Ms Smai向同桌问候。教师抽查。四、Learn the text1 .带着问题听录音:孩子们在哪?为什么老师要叫Daming Ming” ?孩子们为 什么笑?2 .再放一次录音,要求学生边听录音边指着相应的对话泡。3 .再放录音,每句后停顿,让学生跟读。解释“t。”与“also”意思相同。别人 说:I m fine. 时,我们要说:I m fine, too.0五、Consolidation1 .让学生合上书。指着自己书上的人物,挡住对话泡,看学生能否记住人物说的 话。让学生五人一组,朗读课文。2 .做课堂活动用书上练习。六、Homework1 .听课文录音,读课文,2 .向家长或同伴问候。5word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.


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