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1、普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修2UNIT3 COMPUTERS设计说明: 本单元是新课标高中英语必修2 unit3,中心话题是“计算机”,本稿设计的内容是热身和阅读两部分,分两课时完成。为了让学生在学习课文之前能够充分热身,对探究计算机的发展演变过程产生浓厚兴趣,热身部分不仅有丰富的图片及易懂的文字介绍,而且有可行的词汇学习和话题让学生进行讨论,这样能让学生充分热身顺利进入下一环节阅读。由于有了热身部分的充分准备,学生对计算机的了解增加了不少,而课文导入部分出乎意料的设计,能够引起学生极大的兴趣,因而他们在阅读课文时就不会感到枯燥,即使有困难如部分生词也能积极去克服和思考。值得一提还有两个

2、课时的作业布置都是基于课堂活动内容,既是对所学内容的小结也是课堂活动的延续,而且这也符合新课标所倡导的教育教学理念。 学科: 英语 设计教师:厦门市东山中学 许月浅 Period 1: Warming up and speaking of UNIT3 COMPUTERS Teaching aims and demands: 1. To learn some common knowledge about computer. 2. To study some new words and expressions. 3. To practice the students English speakin

3、g. Important To learn some common knowledge about computer and to study some new points: words and expressions. Difficult Some new words and improve the students spoken English points: Teaching Situational way and Task based approach methods: Teaching Multi-media, and projector aids: Write a short p

4、assage to tell people what are the advantages and disadvantages of Homework computer. Teaching procedure notes (设计说明:用一张图片Step 1 Lead in 3 minutes 内容是一个人栽进电脑Show the ss a picture where a man has fallen into a computer. Ask 来夸张而形象地表明人the ss why the man is so crazy. The ss may give various answers. 们对

5、电脑的痴迷程度,因Then the teacher summarizes like that: 此能够引起学生强烈的T:Yes. As we all know that computer now is playing an important 兴趣,借此机会让学生思role in our life. We cant imagine what life will become without st考一下为什么, 他们会 century where computer, especially when we are in the 21产生许多联想,然后老师computers are applied

6、in many fields. 再给予小结把话题引入,Now lets come to learn more about computer. 这就让人容易接受了。) Step 2 warming up 14 minutes (设计说明:先让学生边1. Show the ss some pictures about each part of computer, 看一些简单的电脑零件get the ss to name each part of it. The presentation goes 边说出他们的名称,后在from the easy one to the difficult ones

7、that are not easy 展示一些较难的不常见to name.( 4 minutes) 的,由浅入深介绍相关的 电脑知识, 符合学生的 学习心理过程。) 2. Introduce some people and computer words and expressions to (设计说明:通过大屏幕the ss by showing them on screen: ( 5 minutes) 介绍与计算机发展有关?Charles Babbage(1791-1871), who made the first design of 的重要人物并进一步介computer 绍电脑知识,让学生学

8、习?Alan Turing (1912-1954), who designed the first real computer 的更多一些,满足他们的?Artificial intelligence, means man-made intelligence 求知欲。甚至可以让学生?Transistors: they are a way of sending and storing information 自己来举例。) that only take up a small space. ?A network: it is a number of computers that are joined

9、 together so that they can share information. ?The 1970s: it was when computers became small enough to come into peoples homes. ?The Internet: a world wide information resource where people can do many things. 3. WB.P 56 Listing words and expressions. Exercise 1. ( 5 minutes) (设计说明:与计算机相关知识介绍完后再及时Re

10、ad through the words in the right-hand box below. Use 以一道练习进行巩固,效some of them to name each part of a computer in the 果最好。) left-hand box. (Keys: 1.floppy disc; 2. chips; 3. monitor; 4. modem; 5.CD-ROM; 6. scanner; 7. key-board; 8. printer ) (设计说明:进行口语活Step 3 Speaking activity 14 minutes 动之前先对前一个步骤No

11、w we have learnt much about computer. It is really very 进行小结和说明,以便自然导入下一个步骤。) important and it seems that we cant go without computer. Does it always go like that? I dont think so. You know people also lived a happy life before computer came into use. Look, here are some kinds of “computer” for you

12、to have a look.( 1 minutes) (设计说明:让学生先观1. First look at the pictures on page 17. and think about 察这四样工具,然后再讨three questions: (3 minutes) 论其有无共同点,这样才?What do they have in common? (explain “ have in 有的放矢。也为下文的讨common” means share the same points) 论作好准备。) ?What are the differences between an abacus and

13、 a calculator? ? What about a calculator and a PC, a PC and a notebook computer? 2. Then get the ss to discuss them in groups .They may have various (设计说明:先让学生讨answers. Thus ask one student of each group to record what answers 论然后再进行交流,能够they have when they are discussing. Collect their answers and

14、show 帮助学生获取更多的信them by projector.( 3 minutes) 息,并且在交流的过程中 Suggested answers; 让他们明白合作学习的 ?They all can be used to calculate numbers. 重要性,也达到思想教育? An abacus is not so convenient as a calculator for it is not 的目的。把讨论结果用幻easy to master. 灯片展示,以便学生互相? We can see a DVD on computer but not on a calculator.

15、对比。) We can carry a notebook computer easily but not a desk computer. (2 minutes) 3. Based on what they have discussed just now, ask them to fill in the following chart. Thus they can well prepare for (设计说明:先讨论后填写信息,这样在有文字准the speaking. ( 5 minutes) 备的基础上进行进一步item advantages disadvantages 的讨论时,学生对讨论

16、的an abacus 内容就会更清楚,避免了a calculator 无的放失。) a PC a notebook computer Suggested answers; item advantages disadvantages an abacus Easy to make: Hard to need no master ,slow electricity a calculator Easy to master, Cant display fast VCD, etc a PC Fast, can play Difficult to carry, VCD, get on need electr

17、icity, net, etc etc a notebook Easy to carry, The battery cant computer Fast, can play last long, easy to VCD, get on net, get stolen, etc. etc Step 4 Discussion 10 minutes 1. Divide the whole class into four groups, each group (设计说明:给出4种情discusses a topic. (5 minutes) 景让学生分组进行,然后The topics are: 再交流

18、,以充分利用他们A. When you do mathematical exercises, which one will 讨论的全部信息,学生将you choose? Why? Which one will you not choose? 再一次感受到互相交流Why not? 的好处,从而更愿与人合B. When you want to get on net, which one will you 作。)choose? Why? Which one will you not choose? Why not? C. When there is no electricity and you ha

19、ve to do some calculating, which one will you choose? Why? Which one will you not choose? Why not? D. When you are on a long travel, which one will you take with you to kill time? Why? Which one will you not choose? Why not? They can use the following to express themselves. I think that ;In my opini

20、on ; I believe that; Whats your reason?; Why do you think so? 2. Ask one pair of each group to tell the class what result they have got. (5 minutes) Step 5 Summary 3 minutes (设计说明:以提问的形T:Today we have learnt something about computer. Can you tell me 式提醒学生今天所学的what they are, Who would like to have a

21、try, 内容,如果学生能够当堂T:If you want to know more information about it, you can surf the 回答,则表明他们的学习internet to get it. Think about how computer came into being, and is 效果不错,如果不能,那it developed in a short period? And what computer is applied. 么老师需要给予帮助,以 利对教学效果进行反 馈。) Homework 1 minute Write a short passage

22、 to tell people what are the advantages and (设计说明:用于巩固今disadvantages of computer. 天所学) Period 2:Reading of UNIT3 COMPUTERS:Who am I , Teaching aims and demands: 1( To understand the development of computer 2( To practice the students reading skills 3( To get the students understand the importance of

23、 study information technology. Important To understand the development of computer and to practice the students points: reading skills Difficult To get the students understand the importance of study points: Teaching Situational way and Task based approach methods: Teaching Multi-media aids: SB P20

24、Exercises2-3 Homework Teaching procedure notes (说明:这些数字是与Step 1 Lead in 5 minutes 计算机发展密切相关1(Get the ss to have a quiz: 的几个年份,并将设置Can you work out the answer in one second, 按钮通过大屏幕对这1642+1822+1936+1960+1970=, 些内容进行进一步介绍。) 点击进入: (设计说明:在英语课?1642:Pascal built a mechanical calculating machine,mechanical

25、 上出现计算题,学生会gears, hand-crank, dials and knobs other similar machines followed. 觉得意外,而当他们兴?1822: The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage. 致勃勃地算出答案时,老师再给出自己的答?1936: Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could 案,这会让他们更加吃be made to work. 惊,因为老师的答案似?1960: Computers had new transis

26、tors and became smaller. 乎违背常理,这就引起?1970s:Computers were brought into peoples homes. 了他们强烈的兴趣。导入新课的目的也就达?Now : Computers connect people all over the world together. 到了。学生会要求老师2(No matter what is their answer,tell the ss your answer is : 多介绍一些内容,那么1642+1822+1936+1960+1970=the development of computer

27、老师可再点击这些数You may feel surprised to the result, but when you read the text “who 字上的按钮,顺便分别介绍这几个年份和计am I”, you will understand it. Lets read the passage now. 算机发展有关的背景 资料,以便学生了解的 更多。) Step 2 Fast reading: 6 minutes (设计说明: 通过让Scan the text on Page 18, and judge the following sentences whether 学生快速浏览全文,

28、既they are True or False. 能让他们迅速了解文1. I was made as a calculating machine in 1642 in France.(T) 章大意,而且也锻炼了他们的阅读技巧。这些2. In 1822 I was built to follow instructions from cards with holes, 是非判断题的设置内which was a technological revolution. (T) 容是文章几个重要年3. Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers co

29、uld be made 份所发生的与计算机to work in 1936.(T) 发展密切相关的事件,我们可以看到这些问4. In the 1960s after I got my new transistors my size was not 题的描述只有第4题changed.(F) 是错误的,为什么呢,5. In the 1970s I was brought into peoples homes.(T) 因为我们的目的就是要让学生了解大意,遵循由浅入深的原则。) Step 3 Careful reading : 10 minutes (设计说明:第二次阅Read the text car

30、efully and try to find out the answers to the questions: 读所设置的问题就是一些细节题,但不是以1. What made people think I was not simple-minded? 选择题的形式出现,这(I had “artificial intelligence” which made people think I was not 主要是要发挥学生学simple-minded.) 习的主动性,特别是第2. Who built a “universal machine” to solve any mathematical

31、4题,要学生找出答案的对应句或支撑句,从problem? 一个侧面考验了学生( Alan Turing) 的阅读理解能力。) 3. How people deal with information and communicate with each other around the world since 1970s?( By the Internet) 4. Who am I? Find out the supporting sentences. Key: It is a computer because it describes: A. Then in 1822 I was built a

32、s an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage. B. My real father was Alan Turing. C. However, people thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had “artificial intelligence”. (设计说明:本步骤要Step 4 Discussion 5 minutes 让学生通过讨论文章 Get the ss to discuss how the text was organized. T: How was so much in

33、formation given in such a short space? 的组织脉络,来发现本S: The writing is neat and clear. There are no waste words. It just gives 文是按照时间顺序来us facts in the order of time. It is written in the first person, which will 写的,这样在写作上当interest the readers. When the reader reads it, he will not feel it boring. 他们碰到类

34、似的问题It is written naturally as it happens. 时,也会学着按照时间T: Good. When we should write down what we see and what we find, 顺序来组织文章。同remember to have a chronology of the matter. Then we can have it 时,这也给学生提供了neat and clear. 一次使用英语的机会。) (设计说明:通过听的Step 5 Useful words and expressions 13 minutes 形式再次回顾全文并1. G

35、et the ss to underline what they think are useful and play the tape 画出重要单词和词组,of the passage for them to listen to. They can be words, expressions 以便学习和记忆,并为and sentences. Here are some : 下一步写好文章的概begin as, a calculating machine, be built as, follow 要作了准备。) instructions from, sound simple, a technol

36、ogical revolution, makework, solve problems, simple-minded, artificial intelligence, go back to, the size of, go by, get quick, (1)二次函数yax2的图象:是一条顶点在原点且关于y轴对称的抛物线。是二次函数的特例,此时常数b=c=0.stand there by oneself, be connected by, share information 一年级有学生 人,通过师生一学期的共同努力,绝大部分部分上课能够专心听讲,积极思考并回答老师提出的问题,下课能够按要求

37、完成作业,具有一定基础的学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生的学习习惯较差,学生上课纪律松懈,精力不集中,思想经常开小差,喜欢随意讲话,作业不能及时完成,经常拖拉作业,以致学习成绩较差,还需要在新学期里多和家长取得联系,共同做好这部分学生行为习惯的培养工作。by, talk to, bringinto, be not close enough, communicate with, serve the human race. Then get the ss compare what they have found. And make sure the ss can 166.116.17期末总复习unde

38、rstand the words and expressions above by asking some (2)抛物线的描述:开口方向、对称性、y随x的变化情况、抛物线的最高(或最低)点、抛物线与x轴的交点。(设计说明:关于文章ss to translate them into Chinese. 函数的增减性:的重要词汇在上一步2. SB. Page 19. Discovering useful words and expressions, exercise 1. 骤中已经有涉及,现在Tell the ss to find the words and expressions with the

39、 following 辅以适当的练习能更meaning from the text 好地对知识点进行巩固。) 4、初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受数学在日常生活中的作用,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系,同时获得一些初步的数学活动经验,发展解决问题和运用数学进行思考的能力。3. Explain the word-simple-minded. (设计说明: 重点解释simple-minded: showing very little intelligence 头脑简单simple-minded 这个词,并附带介绍与之相的;笨的 156.46.10总复习4 P84-90同结构的复合词,能帮

40、e.g.:Many people think him simple-minded, but in fact he is 助学生举一反三。) very clever. 结构相同的复合形容词还有: absent-minded, 心不在焉的; open-minded, 虚心的,没有偏见的; narrow-minded, 心胸狭窄的; single-minded, 一 dr 直线L和O相离.心一意的; strong-minded意志坚强的; weak-minded 低能 的愚蠢的; etc. Step 6 Summary 5 minutes (设计说明:让学生以等圆:能够完全重合的两个圆叫做等圆,半径

41、相等的两个圆是等圆。First ask the ss to make a summary of the text orally using the words 写的形式把今天所学and expressions above. They can prepare by themselves and they had 巩固下来,以便学生自better write it down. Finally exchange and compare their summaries to 查。) see how well they have done. 六、教学措施:Homework:SB P20 Exercises2-3 1 minute


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