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1、Unit 2 In the libraryContent二卜 Unit 2 In the library(Period 2)DateTopicIn the libraryStudentsSchoolTeacherTeaching ProcedureProcedureTeacher s activityLearner s activityPurposeWarmer1)、GreetingsSs:(学生边说边做)Stand up.T:Goodmorning/afternoon, class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon, Miss Xie.T: Sit down, please

2、.2)、Free talkT: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you,too.T: How are you ?S: Im fine, thank you .And you?T: I m fine too./ Not so good. /Not bad./ So so.T: How old are you?S: Im .3)、Play a gameT:Lookatthecards.Let s play a game.1. Give orderstoconsolidatetheknowledge in unit 1.2. Use the sentences in

3、 unit one to make new sentences.教师出示上节课 的单词卡片,把班级 分成6组,比赛哪组 抢答的又对又快。进而 引出今天的句型,祈 使句和祈使句的否定 形式。Pre-readingT: Now,I ll show you some pictures.pleasereadthepictures and put theTalk about the picture.出示一幅图,并结合 场景让同学在语境中 习得语百结构 Donicorrect sentence in each picture.T:(指向图一)Liu Tao shouts.What does Yang Li

4、ng say?Ss: Don t shout.T:(指向图二) Liu Tao runs.What does Yang Ling say?Ss: Don t run.T:( 指向图三 )Liu Tao givesYang Ling a sweet .What does Yang Ling say?Ss: No,thank you.Don t eathere.2.t . 进而引导同学 运用到后面几幅图。在此过程中,教师要 引导学生逐步从机械 的接受知识到主动思 考表达。WhilereadingT: Now,Let s play a game. Please take out your signs

5、.Listento me carefullyand pick out the right sign.T:Now,Let s start.(显示电 影院图片)Ss:Don t shout.(学生举起不 要大喊的标志牌)T:显示课堂图片。Ss:Don tshout/eat/run/talk/sleep/drink.T: Now, you can play this game in your groups.b、谈论制作的卡片T: OK. Nowlet s take out the card and cut them out.Drawpicturesbyyourselves.T:(利用投影或直接出示一

6、张图 片)What s on this card?Ss: Watch the cartoon.Ss: Tick the pictures in the cartoon.Look and match.Read and say.通过看卡通快速地帮 助学生记忆 Yang Ling 和 Liu Tao 在图 书馆里发生了什么故 事。通过让学生自读,引 导学生找出本课的重 点句型,并根据所提 取的句型进行文本叙 述,促进学生语言运 用能力的形成。学生通过再次看动 画,模仿语音和语调, 让学生感受到英语的Ss: Don t c、小组活动,谈论制作好的标 识卡片。Read after the compute

7、r.Retellthe text ingroups.TH*日美。丰富话语系统,促进 学生进行课文复述 时,有新的资源生成, 从而激发学生更好地 进行语段输出。PostreadingRecite the wordsHave a diction.巩固所学知识。Assignment1 .抄写句子2+12 .自己回家制作一些标志牌,并用英语在标志牌上书写 相应的句子巩固所学内容,延伸 课堂教学。提升读写能力。DesignUnit2 In the libraryDon t shoutDon t eatDon t run.Don t talkDon t sleep中国人*教&育出版网来*源:人中教# 4斗级服务第一拨清北季一网不首发会员qq专W


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