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1、单元复习(1 ) 姓名:班级:、基础单词hello,hi,Alice,Peter,Kitty,Joe,morning,bag,Miss,Mrs,Mr,goodbye,are,fine,thank, cat,dog,boy,girl,am,yes,no,not,wolf,sheep,wow,egg,fan,l,you,she,he,this,are,my, friend,family,tall,thin,short,fat,is,who,beautiful,father,mother,sister,brother,me, ice cream,juice,Brown,look,look at,ha

2、nd,hair,eye, ear,mouth, nose,face, tail,long, big, small, mum, mummy,dad,daddy,kite,lion. 26 个英文字母的顺序及书写( 重点 ) 二、课文知识点U11. Hello/Hi, I Peter. = My name is Peter. ( 自我介绍 ) 人名首字母大写2. How do you do? ( 你好 !)3. This is Alice. ( 介绍别人 )4. Good morning ( 早上好 ) /afternoon ( 下午好 ) /evening ( 晚上好 ) /night( 晚安

3、) .U2 :1. How are you? =How are you doing? ( 你好吗? )I fine./Fine./Very well. ( 最近很好) /Not too bad. ( 不是很糟 ) /Not very well. ( 过得很糟 Much better. ( 好多了,如:病好了之后) /Just so so. ( 一般 )对比: How old are you? ( 你多大了?)2. -Thank you./Thanks/Thank you very much ( 谢谢 ) .-Youre welcome. ( 不用谢 )3. Goodbye!/Bye-bye!/

4、Bye!/See you! ( 再见 )4. Miss ( 形容未婚的女性,意思为小姐。) ,Mrs( 形容已婚的女性,意思为太太。 ) ,Mr( 形容男性,无论有无结婚,意思为先生。)U31 . Are you Kitty ?( 询问身份 ) /a girl? ( 性别 ) /eight?( 年龄 ) /tall?( 体貌特征 )-Yes,I am.不可缩写)-No,l not.I .(可缩写)2.缩写:Youre=You are, l =l am,He s=He is,Shes=She is(not放在后面表示否定)U41.This is my.(这是我的)This is a/an(这是一

5、个)am, is, are彳系动词)的用法:都是“是的意思。我用am,你用are,Is用于他她它。例如:I am Kitty.You are Peter. She is a girl.陈述句变疑问句的变法: 把句中1的am, is或are提 前到句子的开头即可。例如: You are a boy. Are you a boy?He is JoIs he Joe?I,me,my三者的用法。I (我)常用于句子开头,如:I am a girl. me (我)用于句中)如: This is me.my (我的)后面一般要有词语。如:She smy mother.(名)Brown (姓)。中国名字是(

6、名)放句首放句中后面要接词语I (我)-me(我)-my 俄的)y-武-your (你的)he-him-his 他的)ghe,-her(她)-her (她的)(她)4.is修饰一个或者是数不清的are修饰多个,女口:2 .He/She is my .(他/她是我的 )He/She is .(姓名,性别,年龄,体貌特征)3s he/she ?(姓名,性别,年龄,体貌特征)(他/她是吗? )-Yes, he/she is.不可缩写)-No, he/she isn .(可缩写)isn =is notU51. Who is he/she?(他/她是谁?)-He /Shes .或 He /She smy

7、 2. Who are you?(你是谁?)- Im .3. Who am I?(我是谁?)4. little brother/sister(哥哥姐姐)big brother/sister (弟弟妹妹)5. 中外姓名的区别:英国人的名字是“名在前,姓在后”,如: Peter “名在前,姓在后”,如:Wang (姓)Yuan yuanU 61. Look,this is me.2. My is .= I have a.例: My hair is long.=I have a long hair.(hair不可数,要用is)3. My are.=I have s.例: My eyes are bi

8、g.=I have two big eyes.,女口: This is an apple. My hair is short.These are my books.5.注意mouse和mouth的发音。三、拓展单词:afternoon (下午),evening (傍晚),night (晚上),bow (鞠躬),rain,again (再次),cute,pretty,young,old,head,fly,grandfather,grandmother, fox,fish,elephant,high (高的) handsome ( 帅气的 ) ,sky( 天空 ) ,sea( 大海 ) ,name( 姓名 ) , tiger,in the sky ( 在天 ) ,foot( 脚 ) , leg( 腿 ) ,neck( 脖子 )


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