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1、杭州2013高考命题比赛参赛试题高中历史22013年高考模拟试卷历史卷 考试时间:50分钟左右 满分:100分 第?卷 (共48分) 一、本卷共12题,每小题4分,共计48分。每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。 12(原创)春秋战国时期是中国社会的大变革时期,期间有许多重要的事件发生,下列关于春秋战国说法正确的是 A(在此期间,中国从原始社会过渡到封建社会 B(在此期间,中国从青铜时代过渡到铁器时代 C(在此期间,中国从国家分裂到国家统一 D(在此期间,中国从百家争鸣到文化大一统 【模拟高考的考查要求,每年都有关于先秦历史的考查。本题考查学生对于书本知识的掌握程度和融会贯通的能力,

2、难度系数B。】 13(原创)中国的节日往往具有深刻的文化内涵,下列节日中与宗法制有密切相关的是 A(清明 B(端午 C(七夕 D(腊八 【联系生活,考查学生历史知识应用的能力,难度系数B。】 14.(原创)把握历史阶段特征有助于学好历史。下表反映了中国近现代史四个不同时期阶段特征的主题词,其中1921,1935年处应该填写 18941912年:推翻帝制,走向共和 1921,1935年: 19491956年:民族独立,获得新生 1978,2001年:改革开放坚定不移 A.五四风雷,抗日烽火 B.开天辟地,渐趋成熟 C.国共对峙,走向抗战 D.星星之火,力挽狂澜 【模拟高考的考查要求,考查学生对阶

3、段特征的掌握程度,同时也考查党的十八大这个热点,难度系数C。】 15(原创)有学者认为“古代雅典政治是最深入的民主”, 也有学者认为“古代雅典政治建立在非常不民主的基础上。”对上述论述分析不正确的是 A(论述的角度不同,得出的角度自然就不同 B(民主政治的鼎盛时期,国家为担任公职和参加政治活动的公民发放津贴 C(占人口多数的奴隶没有民主权利 D(雅典民主政治具有很强的欺骗性和标榜性 【模拟高考的考查要求,考查学生对历史知识的识记和应用能力,难度系数A。】 16. (原创)宁波这个最具时代气息的城市,在中国历史上也扮演着重要的角色 A(古代心学的集大成者就诞生于此 B(鸦片战争前夕,宁波是唯一保

4、持与西方交往的中国城市 C(近代中国第一个民主共和国诞生于此 D(改革开放后,宁波作为经济特区是我国对外开放的窗口 【模拟高考的考查要求,考查学生对历史知识的的掌握程度和灵活应用的能力。同时也是对乡土历史的关注,难度系数C。】 17.(改编)一大四学生打算动笔写一篇集中反映20世纪90年代国际局势的研究论文,他给自己的论文罗列了几组关键词。其中最准确的是 A(马歇尔计划、多极化、北美自由贸易协定 B(单极世界、欧洲联盟条约、世界贸易组织 C(单极世界、亚太经合组织、关贸总协定 D(流通领域的欧元、多极化、全球化 【模拟高考的考查要求,考查学生对阶段特征的掌握程度,同时考查学生对具体史实的应用能

5、力,难度系数B。】 18(原创)IQ无限是一项益智类游戏,其规则是根据所提供四个提示,猜答案,每一个提示都与答案有关系。例如 “自称 始祖 楚国 脏话” 答案就是“老子”。下面一组IQ无限 “霸王行动 黄征 两面夹攻 法国加莱 ” 答案是 A、马歇尔计划 B、欧洲共同体 C、阿拉曼战役 D、诺曼底登陆 【提供新的情景,考查学生解决新题的能力,难度系数C。】 19(改编)曹操墓的真伪争辩是近几年考古界的一件大事。 “鲁潜墓志”是确定曹操墓的最重要证据之一,该墓志上详细记载了鲁潜墓与曹操墓的相对位置关系。(右图)从图中可以看出该墓志的字体: A(创始于秦代,字体略长,富于图案美 B(创始于秦代,字

6、体结构平衡对称,整齐安定 C(工整清晰,飞洒活泼 D(变化丰富,奔放跃动 【本题主要考察学生准确描述和解释历史事物的特征的能力,难度系数B。】 20(原创)毛泽东是20世纪的伟人。就近现代中国来说,从20年代到70年代,可以称作是“毛泽东时代”。在这个时代的中国历史舞台上,毛泽东唱了主角。下列关于每个历史关键时刻留下的毛泽东印记,排列顺序正确的是: ?系统论述新民主主义革命?提出人民民主专政学说?主张农村包围城市、武装夺取政权的道路 ?提出无产阶级对民主革命的领导权 A、? B、? C、? D、? 【模拟高考的考查要求,考查学生对毛泽东各个时期思想形成线索顺序的排列,同时也是考查毛泽东诞辰12

7、0周年的热点,难度系数C。】 21(改编)斯塔夫里阿诺斯在全球通史中提到:“启蒙运动”一词源自于以下事实:他们将过去基本上看作是一个迷信和无知的时代,认为只是到了他们的时代,人类才终于从黑暗进入阳光。因为“启蒙运动”( ) A(揭露中世纪天主教会的贪污腐化,要求废除烦琐的宗教仪式,提倡比较简便的礼仪 B(反禁欲主义,要求个性解放,执着尘世,面向现实 C(提出一整套政治纲领和社会改革方案,要求建立一个以理性为基础的社会 D(是自希腊的智者运动以来欧洲出现的第二次思想解放运动 【模拟高考的考查要求,考查学生对一些历史概念的理解,难度系数A。】 22(“在欧洲,统一是反民族主义的,因为它在欧洲意味着

8、国际主义和超国家主义;同时,欧洲的统一概念也不包含它通常所具有的国家统一的政治意义。”体现此“统一”的国际组织是 A(北大西洋公约组织 B(欧洲联盟 C(华沙条约组织 D(欧洲经互会 【考查学生的提取有效消息和准确把握材料关键词的能力,考查对一些历史概念的理解,同时考查欧盟成立20周年这个热点,难度系数B。】 23(原创) 一战期间交战国军需品的生产量变化表 1914年9月 1917年 协约国 同盟国 协约国 同盟国 生铁 16 25 50 15 钢 16 25 58 16 煤 346 355 851 340 造成上表变化的主要原因是 A(第二次工业革命极大地提高了生产力水平 B(同盟国遭受到

9、战争的重创 C(协约国实力增强 D(美国的参战 【考查学生对图标类型材料提取信息的能力和材料辨析能力,难度系数B。】 第?卷 (共52分) 本卷共2大题,共52分。 38.(改编26分)阅读下列材料: 材料一 战争(第二次世界大战)一结束重建导致了巨大的增长(平均年增长率近50%)。欧洲经济从未有如此大的跃进。国际贸易反映了这种新局势。以自由贸易为基础的关税及贸易总协定自1948年起便促进了世界贸易的增长。欧洲在其中具有特殊地位。 法德尼兹?加亚尔、阿尔德伯特等欧洲史 材料二 欧洲人口袋里装着“欧元”,无论到哪个“欧元区”去买东西,都用“欧元”来计算,无形中增加了人们的“欧洲意识”。 陈乐民欧

10、洲文明十五讲 材料三 从肯尼迪政府开始,标准的提法就是“平等的伙伴关系”。华盛顿官方一直表示希望看到欧洲成为一个单一的实体,有足够的力量同美国一起承担领导世界的责任和负担。这是有关这个问题的一套惯用的辞令。美国也没有把关欧之间在伊朗和伊拉克问题上存在的分歧看作平等伙伴之间的问题,而是看作欧洲不服从美国的领导。 美布热津斯基大棋局 材料四 事实上,美国、日本、英国等国负债都很重但是债务危机却发生在了欧元区的希腊等国。这不禁让人怀疑是美国借助金融危机,搞垮欧元从而维持美国霸主地位的阴谋。 王燕、赵杨欧洲债务危机及其对中国的启示 请回答: (1)据材料一并结合所学知识,分析二战后促进欧洲经济恢复发展

11、的“美国因素”。(6分) (2)据材料二并结合所学知识,概括“欧元”对欧洲及国际政治、经济产生的主要影响。(10分) (3)据材料三、四,概括美国对欧洲一体化的真实态度,并结合材料加以说明。(6分) (4)综合上述材料,概括二战后美欧关系的基本特征。(4分) 【考查学生对材料提取信息的能力和材料辨析能力,同时关注美欧关系这个社会热点。】 38(改编26分)阅读下列材料,并回答问题 材料一 1912年3月孙中山发布大总统令内务部晓示人民一律剪辫文,指出男子蓄辫是满清陋习,不仅有碍健康,而且贻笑外邦。经过一百天的剪辫子运动,“查通都大邑,剪辫者已多;至偏乡僻壤,留辫者尚复不少”。为反对民族压迫,作

12、共和新民,要求“凡未去辫者,于令到之日,限二十日,一律剪除净尽,有不遵者,以违法论。” 材料二 民国初年,在浙江海宁乡下,“镇上茶馆里,就有五六个年轻朋友,专门乘人不备,代人剪辫,惹起许多口舌。有的人辫子被剪掉了,抱头痛哭;有的人破口大骂;有的人硬要剪辫子的人赔偿损失”。 严谔声剪辫子 (1)根据两则材料指出,孙中山和海宁乡下部分民众对待剪辫的态度有什么差别。(4分) (2)为什么海宁乡下部分民众对剪辫持这种态度,(4分) 材料三 1912年革命军在街上强行为路人剪辫 1913年剪辫成风,街头剃头匠的生意好起来了 (3)结合三则材料和所学知识谈谈辛亥革命在社会习俗方面的措施,并分析其对近代中国

13、社会生活的影响。(8分) 材料四 对于伟人孙中山,站在不同的史学角度,会有不同的评价: 甲说:“他是民主革命的先行者。” 乙说:“他是中国现代化的光辉先驱。” 丙说:“他是有世界影响的政治家和革命家。” (4)上述观点分别用什么史观来评价孙中山,并就其中一个展开评论。(10分) 【考查多元史观,既是史学热点,又关注民生,切中社会现实。】 2013年高考模拟试卷历史答题卷 一、本卷共12题,每小题4分,共计48分。每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。 题12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 号 答 案 第?卷 (共52分) 本卷共2大题,共52分。 3

14、7、(1) (2) (3) (4) 38、(1) (2) (3) (4) 2013年高考模拟试卷历史参考答案 一、单项选择题 题12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 号 答B A B D A D D B D C B D 案 二、主观题 37、(1)建立布雷顿森林体系(世界银行、国际货币基金组织);成立关贸总协定;实施马歇尔计划。(8分) (2)欧洲:促进欧洲经济、政治一体化;提高欧洲国际地位。国际:挑战美元霸权;促进世界经济区域集团化、全球化;推进世界政治格局多极化。(10分) (3)压制。(2分)在地区利益上压制欧洲;企图利用金融危机搞垮欧元。(4分) (4

15、)扶植与控制交织;合作与竞争并存。(4分) 38、(1) 孙:立法要求剪辫;民众:拒绝主动剪辫(4分) (2)封建观念根深蒂固、对革命持观望态度(4分) (3)措施:剪辫易服、迫令放足、反对迷信;采用公历;采用点头鞠躬、握手等礼节;提倡女权。 影响:革除了一些封建旧俗恶习,促进了民众思想观念和社会风气发生巨大变化,有助于社会生活近代化的发展。(8分) (4)甲是革命史观。具体评价:1、领导了中国历史上第一次比较完全意义上的反帝反封建的资产阶级民主革命。2、推翻了统治中国两千余年的封建君主专制制度。3、提出新三民主义,促成第一次国共合作,推动国民革命进程。 乙是现代化(近代化)史观。具体评价:1

16、、建立民主共和国,推动了政治的民主化;2、促进民族资本主义经济的发展,推动了经济近代化;3、革除了一些封建恶习,推动了社会生活近代化。 丙是全球史观(整体史观) 。具体评价:亚洲觉醒的伟大先驱之一,推动了亚洲民族的觉醒。(10分)(英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic pla

17、n, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough

18、to get a high standard; around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the bottom line . Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first p

19、art introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to gr

20、asp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. and revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines and

21、column 1 by 2015 to strengthen party laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Years, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innov

22、ation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the partys leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the and , reflects the partys 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflect

23、ing the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the partys eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of in based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010,

24、to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, eight prohibition, 52 are not allowed to hard to remem

25、ber, and also difficult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibited provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinary regulations repeat and Criminal law and other

26、laws and regulations repeat; the fourth is to clean the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems, and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres above. is in 1997 based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implementation, to strengthen the construction of the pa

27、rty play very important role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unable to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal law and other countries laws and regulations Repet

28、ition; two is the political discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main discipline for the leading cadres, does not cove

29、r all Party members. Based on the above situation, need to and the two is likely to be more relevant regulations first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of Party discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of Party members and cadres of the party constitutio

30、n of party compasses party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Com

31、mission for Discipline Inspection, on the revised regulations made clear instructions. According to the central deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Disciplin

32、e Inspection 4 review revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations revision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of principle, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the province (area) secretary of the Party committee,

33、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs Department The first party committee is mainly responsible for people, views of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members. Approved by the Central Committee of the Commu

34、nist Party of China, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a notice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commissions of the Party (party), the General Political

35、 Department of the military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitation of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In October 8 and October 12, Central Committee Politi

36、cal Bureau Standing Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the w

37、hole party, embodies the party. Second, and revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision work and implement the partys eighteen, ten eight plenary, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions

38、 on the revised and , highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite in front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advance as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent and . Main principle is: first, adhere to the party constitution to follow. The consti

39、tution about discipline and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the constitution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that no rules, no side round. Party constitution is the fundamental law, the pa

40、rty must follow the general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow the general rules, but also the general rules. the

41、 revision of the and is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of virtue is to adhere to the party constitution as a fundamental to follow, the constitution authority set up, wake up the party constitution and party rules the sense of discipline, the party

42、constitution about discipline and self-discipline specific requirements. 4 second is to adhere to in accordance with the regulations governing the party and the party. The Party of rule of virtue de, mainly refers to the partys ideals and beliefs, excellent traditional style. The revised the closely

43、 linked to the self-discipline, insisting on the positive initiative, for all members, highlight the vital few, emphasized self-discipline, focusing on the morality, and the majority of Party members and the ideological and moral standards. The revised Ji method separately, Ji, Ji Yan to Method, as

44、a negative list, emphasizing the heteronomy, focusing on vertical gauge. Is this one high and one low, a positive reaction, the strict party discipline and practice results transformation for the integration of the whole party to observe moral and discipline requirements, for the majority of Party m

45、embers and cadres provides benchmarking and ruler. Third, insist on to. In view of the problems existing in the party at the present stage, the main problems of Party members and cadres in the aspect of self-discipline and abide by the discipline to make clearly defined, especially the partys eighte

46、en years strict political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline and to implement the central eight provisions of the spirit against the four winds and other requirements into Disciplinary provisions. Not one pace reachs the designated position, focusing on in line with reality, pragmatic and effective. After the revision of major changes, major changes in the and modified and needs to grasp several key problems (a) adhere to according to regulations governing the party and party with morals in combination, for at the present stage, the leadership


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