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1、分词语法填空专项练习I用所给动词的合适形式填空:1. Some thing is wrong with my watch. I must have it ( repair) .2. Did you go to the party (hold)on New Year s Eve?3. I was walking in the street when I heard my name (call).4. The teacher entered the classroom, (follow) by twostudents.5. The television is a newly-(invent) ma

2、chine.6. English is one of the widely (use) language.7. Whatever she said, she couldn t make herself(understand).8. (speak)Englishisdifferentfrom(write)Englishinmanyways.9. (give)more time, Ill work ouht salpl rthoeblemmast .10. Things (see)from a distance appear rather small.11. Children like to dr

3、ink cold (boil) water especially insummer.12. I have read the article (write)by Lu Xun.13. (see)from space, the Great Wall looks like a dragon.14. She found a dog (tie) to a tree.15. Did a man (call)Wang Lin ring me up this morning?16. Travellingis(interest),butweoftenfeel_(tire)when we are back fro

4、m travels.17. When I was passing by I saw them (play) basketball onthe playground.18. The mothers saw their children well (take) care of at thenursery.19. Tell the children (play) there not to make so muchnoise.20. I don t like the photo (take)by your brother last Sunday.21. (take) a deep breath, th

5、ey dived into the water.22. You had better (have)your hair(cut) after school.23. Deeply (touch), I thanked him again and again.24. (close)the windows and the door, the studentsleft the room.25. What surprised me most was to see some of the village people (seat)on the benches at the end of the room.2

6、6. The film was so (move)that allof us were (move)totears.27. (judge) from his looks, he is a kind man.28. Theboy sbodywascoveredwithanationalflag_,(leave)hisface(expose).29. WhenIgothome,Ifoundthegas(burn)butthedoorremained(lock).30. (tell)thatitwasgoingtosnow,theclimbersdecidedtoputofftheirattempt

7、 on the highest peak.31. What s the language (speak) in Germany?32. He had his leg (break) in the match yesterday.33. It was so cold that they kept the fire (burn)all night.34. She s upstairs (write) letters.35. “Cant you read? ” Mary saidangrily (point) to the notice36. Thelecturewasso(inspire)that

8、theywereall(excite).37. Thewheatfieldsareirrigatedbywater(bring)fromapondthroughbamboo pipes.38. This is one of the books (write) by him now.39. The book (lie) on the table belongs to me.40. The poor boy looked to the right and to the left, ( not know) where togo.41. (not know) anything about the ac

9、cident, he wentto work as usual.42. This news sounds (encourage).43. Strictly (speak), the subject belongs to biology.44. Greatly(encourage),theplayerstriedtheirbesttowinthegamefortheir country.45. (make)thatmistakesonce,Ishallnotmakethesamemistakeagain.46. Will you go to the party?Of course I will

10、if (invite).47. (be)a child, Elizabeth enjoyed studying art andmusic.48. The bridge (build) now over the Changjiang River will becompleted atthe end of this year.49. (warn) that there was an accident ahead, the busdriver changedcourse.50. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the tal

11、ks, (add) that hehad enjoyed his stay here.II.填入合适的分词:1. a. Nobody was in the story he told.b. The story he told was very . (interested, insteresting)2. a. Everybody was to hear the news.b. The news is very indeed. (excited; exciting)3. a. The result of the test was rather .b. He was very at the res

12、ult of the test. (disappointed;disappointing)4. a. What he said was very .b. I was very at the sight. ( amused; amusing)5. a. She felt a bit at the sight.b. The situation was a bit . (discourage; discouraging)6. I ve never heard the word (use) in spoken English.7. They often saw the Negro boy (beat)

13、 by his master.8. I ll have the book (b_r_i_ng) over to you.9. Where did you get your watch (repair)?10. If you wish anything (change), please say so.III. 用现在分词或过去分词从头组成句子:1. A teacher is talking in the classroom. She is our teacher of chemistry.2. 2. Here is a book. It was bought by Susan.3. We cou

14、ld see the children. They were playing on the playground.4. Mike entered the classroom, he was covered with snow.5. Peter stood at the gate. He was waiting for his classmate.6. He put on his raincoat because he saw that it was raining.7. When I was learning Japanese, I had some difficulties with pro

15、nunciation.8. As my mother is ill in bed, I can t go to school.分词练习答案:I. 1. repaired 2. heldwritten 9. Given3. called 4. 22. have; cut23.touched24.10. seen11. boiled12. written 13. Seen 14. tied 15. called 16. interesting;tired17.playing 18. taken 19. playing 20. taken 21. Takinglocked30. Having been told31. spoken32. broken46.invited47.36.inspiring; excited 37.brought 38. being written39. lying40. not knowing 41. Notknowing 42. encouraging 43. speaking44. encouraged 45. Having madeBeing48. being built49. Having been warned 50. adding


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