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1、精品资料Unit 4-Part A-习题一、写出下列字母的大写或小写。T H J E G L Q M I Rb d o k n p s c f a:、看图,将单词和相应的图片连线。chair cap ball desk car toy boat map三、看图,选出与图片相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在括号内。A. The car is on the box.B. -Where is my pencil? - It s under your book.C. -Mom, where is my ball? -Look, Its under the chair.D. - Is the book on

2、 the desk? - No, it isn t. It s on the ruler.E. -Is the cat in the bag? -Yes, it is.四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。()1. Where is my bag?A. Im from America.()2. Is your pencil box on the desk? B. OK!()3. What s that?C. It s in your desk.()4. Where are you from?D. Oh, yes!()5. Let s go home!E. It s a toy car.五、把

3、下列句子翻译成汉语。1. Is it under the chair? 2. Silly me!3. Let s go home!4. Where is my boat?5. It is in the desk.6. Have a good time!六、根据图示,从方框中选出对应的单词填入括号内。in on under bag pen1. - Where is my ball? - I2 .-Where is the ? - It3 . -Where is the map? - It4 .-Is the bookthe desk?t sthe desk.son the chair.sthe desk.-Yes, it is.5. - Where is the?-瞪 潴七、凉景列单词类的4 ) /A. o自no D) 2ca1* B: boat,曜 cathJh-Ur34 where B_what 不.who;&。gB$C. car() 5. A. desk _ B. bear C. chair-It s in the pencil box.).underD. ballD. sheD.bagD.map)6. A. pen B. ruler C. toy D. eraser


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