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1、2014 2015 (上)四年级英语检测试题 听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。()1. A. five B. bike C. like()2. A. eight B. eitherC. eighteen()3. A. cat B.cute C.can()4. A. many B. any C. funny()5.A.thirteen B. fourteen C. fifteen()6.A. pineapple B.grapes C.mangoes()7.A.big B. box C.but()8.A.sandwich B.rice. C.noodles()9.A.fly B

2、.fruit C.fish()10. A.would B.like C.coffee二、听录音根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答.(听两遍)()1. A.He s in the bathroom.B.She s in the kitchen.C. It s in the living room.()2 .A. Thank you.B. Yes, you can.C.Yes, I d like some fish, please.()3. A. Yes,I can. B. No,I don t. C. Yes,it is.()4. A. Yes, I d like some pineapples.

3、B. I like this cat.C.I d like some bananas.()5. A. No,they aren t. B. No,it isn t. C. Yes,they can. 三、听录音,完成句子。(听三遍)(10分)1 . How do you have ?2 .AWhatyou?i bi 1 . c imB Id like a of.3 .ACan you?B Yes , I can.4 .AWhat do you?B I some.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译。(10分)1. 这些熊猫 e and look 3. 那只狗 4. Can I help you? 5

4、 . 一杯牛奶6 .two white horses7.在动物园里 8. how many animals 9.喜欢鱼 10.love my bedroom 二、判断下列单词划线部分的字母发音是(T)否(F)相同。(6分)( )1. bag_ good( )2. hurry cherry ()3. look _ruler _ ( )4. football breakfast _()5.lake book _ ( )6. six fox_三、找出不属于同类的词。(10分)()1 、A、kitchen B 、bedroom C、fridge()2 、A apple B、fourteen C、nin

5、eteen()3 、A rice B、panda C、noodle()4 、A basketball B 、football C 、sure()5 、A skirt B 、shoe C、hamburger()6 、A pear B、monkey C grape()7、A horse B、lion C、fridge w w w . k b i.c。m()8 、A these B、this C、that()9 、A dogs B、monkeys C、tiger()10 、A our B、he C、my四、选择正确的答案,把序号写在题前括号里。(15分)( )1. Do you have toy a

6、nimals?A some B any C a( )2. Whose classroom is this? It s classroom.A. we B. us C. our()3.AAnything else? B.A.a glass of milks B.A cup of teaC a glasses of coffee( )4. Can I your new dress? Sure.A. have a look B. have a look at C. look ( )5. We don t have any .A. grape B. orange C. milk()6.Can you

7、play football?Yes, I.A. do B. can C. can ( )7. 一 crayons do you have?Twelve.A. How many B. How nice C. How much ( )8. I eighteen toy dogs.A. hasB. have C. Am ()9.Can you ?A. swimming B. swim C. swims()10. be sad.A.Do B. don t. C. can t.()11.-Can you see the boy the tree?Yes ,I can.A.with B.in C.on()

8、12.I don t have a ball, . A.too B.either C.then()13.-Do you like?-Yes ,I A. apples, do. B. apples , like C. an apple ,do ()14.Can you play?Yes,I can.A.basketball B.a football C.the basketball()15.- you like some grapes?-No ,thank you .A.Do B. Would C. Are五、从n栏中找出与i栏相对应的答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5分)I()I.Can I

9、 help you?A. I have fifteen.()2.Wheres my T-shirt? B.Yes , please.t.someoranges.()3.Do you have any balls? C. Its on the bed.()4. Would you like a cup of coffee? D.No, I don() 5.How manypencils do you have? E. I d like六、连词成句。(IO分)w W w . k b 1.c O ml.you ,like , What, would(?)2. stickers many have d

10、o you how ( ?)3. my, T-shirt, is, new, where, white ( ?)4.big,mango,a,what, (!)5.in,theyre,bag,your.(.)七.排序。(4分)1. Thanks, Dad. Now, I m hungry.2. No, they aren t.3. O,it s in the fridge.4. What about an egg?5. Are they on the sofa?6. No, I d like a cake.7. Dad,where are my stickers?8. Look , They r

11、e in the box. 。八.阅读理解,正确的写“ T”,错误的写“ F”(10分)Tim is my friend.He is in Suzhou now. Weare in the sameschoolHe is a little fat. He has big blue eyes yellow. His nose(鼻子),mouthbig. He likes blue. He likes wearing jeans (牛仔裤).Look at his hand We often play football after classHis hair is not black but(嘴巴

12、)and ears (耳朵)are all(穿)a blue T-shirt and blue(手).He has a football in it.(放学).( )1.Tim is an English girl.( )2.Tim s hair and eyes are blue.()3.Tim s favourite(最喜欢的)colour is blue.()4.Tim likes basketball.()5.The boy with big eyes, big ears, a big nose and a big mouth is Tom.听力文字稿:-,听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

13、1. like 2. eighteen 3.cute 4.many 5.thirteen6.mangoes 7.box 8.rice 9.fish 10.would二,听录音根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答.(听两遍)1. Where, s my red skirt?2. Can I help you?3. Can you jump?4. Would you l ike some pineapples?5. Are those tigers?三、听录音,完成句子。(听三遍)(10分)1 . How many hamburgers do you have ?2 . AWhat_ would you_ like?B Id like a _ glass of_juice.3 .Can you jump? Yes , I can.4 .What do you have?_I_ have some umbrellas.


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