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1、Unit Unit 6 6 An old man tried to move the mountainsAn old man tried to move the mountains Section Section B B 2c 2c Self CheckSelf Check . . 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使对话完整、通顺。 follow, ground, lead, brave, voice A: Hey, Gretel! What can you see on the (1)_? Can you see any bread? B: No, Hansel. A: Thats

2、 too bad. We cant find the pieces of bread. We might be lost. B: What should we do, Hansel? A: Take it easy! Be (2)_! Listen! What can you hear? B: I can hear a birds (3)_. A: Yeah! The bird ate our bread. (4)_ it and then we might find our way. B: You mean the bird will (5)_ us through the forest.

3、A: I think so. B: Great! Lets go! . . 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 marry, stone, silly, voice, nobody, hide, brave, prince Long long ago, there was a prince. There was a big tree in his garden (花园). Many animals lived in the tree. Every morning when the (1)_ woke up, he heard these animals nice (2

4、)_. Every evening he sat on the (3)_ under the tree to enjoy his moms stories. Slowly, the prince grew up. He got (4)_ and had some children. But he began to hate the tree, for it became old and dry. One day he asked some people to cut the tree down. After the tree was cut down, the animals left. Th

5、e prince was sad. He wanted to know where the animals (5)_. He asked many people but (6)_ knew. He thought these people were very (7)_. And he was angry with them. He decided to kill them. Luckily, a (8)_ boy stopped him and explained that it was because of the tree that those animals went away. The boy advised the prince to plant more trees so that more animals would come. 1 答案 . 1. ground 2. brave 3. voice 4. Follow 5. lead . 1. prince 2. voices 3. stone 4. married 5. hid 6. nobody 7. silly 8. brave 2


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