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1、中职英语unit6-weather,Unit 6 weather,中职英语,中职英语unit6-weather,中职英语unit6-weather,中职英语unit6-weather,1.-Whats the weather like today? -Its_.,fine cold cool hot warm sunny cloudy rainly snowy windy,Warming up,中职英语unit6-weather,Warming up,warmgreenrainflower,中职英语unit6-weather,Warming up,hotrainycloudyswim,中职英语

2、unit6-weather,Warming up,coolfruitfarmerleafwind,中职英语unit6-weather,Warming up,coldsnowiceskate,中职英语unit6-weather,Reading,begin和start的用法:一 . 相同之处1. 意为“开始;发生;发起”时,两者可互换。如:Then he began/ started a series of experiments. 然后他就开始做一系列的实验。How did the accident begin/ start? 事故是怎样发生的?2. 表示开始某一动作时,后面跟不定式或动名词所表

3、达的意思是相同的。但当表示开始一项较长时间或经常性的活动时,后接动名词的形式则更为常见。如:The child began crying/ to cry. 那小孩开始哭了。,中职英语unit6-weather,begin和start的用法:一 . 相同之处1. 意为“开始;发生;发起”时,两者可互换。如:Then he began/ started a series of experiments. 然后他就开始做一系列的实验。How did the accident begin/ start? 事故是怎样发生的?2. 表示开始某一动作时,后面跟不定式或动名词所表达的意思是相同的。但当表示开始一

4、项较长时间或经常性的活动时,后接动名词的形式则更为常见。如:The child began crying/ to cry. 那小孩开始哭了。,Reading,中职英语unit6-weather,3. 两者在下列情况下常接不定式,不接动名词( 1 )主语是无生命的事物,而不是人时。如:The ice began/ started to melt. 冰开始融化了。( 2 )当 began 和 start 用于进行时态时。如:The plaster was beginning / starting to fall from the walls. 墙上的灰泥开始脱落了。( 3 )当 begin 和 s

5、tart 后接表示心理状态或精神活动的动词时。如:Mary began/ started to guess what is in the bag. 玛丽开始猜包里有什么东西了。,Reading,中职英语unit6-weather,4. 两者都具有及物动词词性和不及物物动词词性。如:What time do you begin/ start school? 你是什么时候开始上学的?5. begin/ start with 意为“从开始”。如: Which lesson shall I begin / start with? 我应从哪一课开始?6. begin 和 start 均为终止性动词,因此

6、不能与段时间状语连用。如:电影开始 10 分钟了。误: The film has begun/ started for ten minutes.正: The film began ten minutes ago.正: The film has been on for ten minutes.正: Its ten minutes since the film began.,Reading,中职英语unit6-weather,Warming up,warmgreenrainflower,turn/get/become /gobecome 和 get 主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化或

7、指天气的变化和社会的趋势become / get angry, famous, fat, ill, old, deaf, strong, etc. 生气,成名,发胖,得病,变老,变聋,变强,等Its becoming getting cold (dark, cloudy, etc.). 天渐冷了(黑了,多云了等)。2. go 和 come 表示变化时,前者主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化(可用于人或事物),后者则主要指向好的方面变化:go bald (deaf, insane, etc.) 发秃,变聋,发疯等。The meats gone off (gone bad). 肉变味(变坏)了。H

8、er wish came true. 她的愿望实现了。Everything came right. 一切顺利。go 还可用于人或事物颜色的变色,与 turn 用法相同:She went turned blue with cold. 她冻得脸色发青了。,中职英语unit6-weather,3.be good for/at/with/to 1)be good at 意为“擅长”,后接名词、代词或ving形式。例如:Im good at playing chess.我擅长下象棋。2)be good with意为“灵巧的;与相处得好”。 例如:She is good with her hands.她手

9、很巧。He is very good with the children.他与这些孩子处得很好。3)be good to意为“对友好”。 例如:My friend was good to me when I was ill.我生病时我的朋友对我关怀备至。4)be good for意为 “对有好处”。例如:Eating more vegetables is good for your health.多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。,Reading,中职英语unit6-weather,5.busy be busy with sth be busy in sth be busy (in) doing st

10、h .忙于做某事,Reading,中职英语unit6-weather,1.Spring is from _ to _in my hometown.2.The weather is _ in spring in my hometown.3. In my hometown ,we usually plant new trees_.4.Many people like spring because _.,March May,in April,quite cool and windy,it brings hope,Fill in the blanks with the right informatio

11、n from the text “seaaons” to complete the following statements.,Reading comprehension,中职英语unit6-weather,5.I often _on vacation with my friends in summer.6. _is the harvest time in a year.7. Farmers are _in the fields in autumn.8. Farmers are very happy with_ _.9.In winter, it a lot and we have a lot

12、 of _.,Reading comprehension,go to the seaside,Autumn,very busy,their good harvest in autumn,interesting sports,中职英语unit6-weather,LanguageStudy,中职英语unit6-weather,Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words or expressions in the box.,1.She helps her mother do housework after s

13、chool _18:00 _19:00 every day .2. We all like Mary _she is a hardworking student .3.Hello,boys and girls! Lets _to read the text of Unit3 .,from to,because,begin,I.Useful Words and Expressions,中职英语unit6-weather,4.Swimming is my _sport.5.My parents want to _ in a hotel near our school.6.Smoking _not

14、_ your health.7.Please _ your new books here tomorrow.8.Not all of us _ pop music .9.Sorry , I can not help you do it now because I am too _.10.We _help the farmers plant new trees in spring.,favorite,stay,is good for,bring,like,busy,often,中职英语unit6-weather,young-yonger-yongest old older -oldest tal

15、l-taller -tallest small-smaller -smallest,early-earlier-earliest thirsty-thirstier-thirstiest,1. 一般情况下加-er 或est :,2. 以字母e结尾的形容词,加-r 或- st,4. 以“辅音字母y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i”,再加-er 或-est.,bigbigger -biggest fatfatter-fattest,形容词比较级最高级规则,nice nicer-nicest safe safer -safest,3. 重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写辅音字母,再 加-er

16、或-est.,To be continued,II.Grammer focus,中职英语unit6-weather,To be continued,5.部分双音节词或多音节词前面加more ,most.如:interesting more interesting most interestingfamous more famous most famous,不规则变化,两好、两坏、两多、 一少、一老 、一远.,中职英语unit6-weather,To be continued,1. Write down the comparative degree form and superlative de

17、gree forms of the following adjectives and adverbs .small _ _ fine _ _ thin _ _easy _ _well _ _high _ _,smaller,smallest,finer,finest,thinner,thinnest,easier,easiest,better,best,higher,highest,中职英语unit6-weather,To be continued,early _ _ big _ _ much _ _little _ _popular _ _Happily _ _,earlier,earlie

18、st,bigger,biggest,more,most,less,least,more popular,most popular,more happily,most happily,中职英语unit6-weather,To be continued,2.Fill in the blanks with the right degree of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets.,1.The book is not as _(thick) as that one.2.Get up_(early) tomorrow , or youll be late aga

19、in.3.The third question is_ (difficult) of the four.4.Renmin Park is one of _ (beautiful) parks in this city.,thick,earlier,the mostdifficult,the mostbeautiful,中职英语unit6-weather,5.Which is_(large), China Canada ?6.Mikes room is_(big) than Kate.7.Mike is_(clever) than Jack, but Jack studies _(hard) t

20、han Mike .8.The red box is much _(heavy) than the yellow one.9.China is one of the_(large) countries in the world.10. How are you today?-I am _(well) now. Thank you .,larger,bigger,cleverer,harder,heavier,largest,better,中职英语unit6-weather,需要注意的几个问题:,1、比较级前用much,even,far,a lot,a little,any等修饰,表示程度。,eg

21、:Tom is much taller than Jim.-Mom, I was late for school this morning.-Youd better get up a little eariler tomorrow.,To be continued,中职英语unit6-weather,2、the + 比较级 + of the two结构,eg:hes the taller of the two.,3、the + 比较级, the + 比较级,eg:The more you eat,the fatter you are.The busier he is, the happier

22、he feels.,To be continued,中职英语unit6-weather,4、比较级+ and + 比较级,eg:Our country is getting stronger and stronger.Its becoming more and more difficult to find a job in big cities now.,To be continued,中职英语unit6-weather,5、比较级+ than any other +单数名词,Hes taller than any other student in our class.,=Hes the ta

23、llest student in our class.,To be continued,中职英语unit6-weather,6、Which / Who +比较级,A or B?,eg:-Which one is more popular, the radio or the movie? -The movie is.,To be continued,中职英语unit6-weather,三、固定短语,1、more or less (或多或少)eg: Its an hours journey, more or less.2、more than(多于)eg: We have more than ten questions to ask.,To be continued,中职英语unit6-weather,3、less than(少于)eg:My son is less than one meter tall.4、sooner or later(迟早)eg: She will come here sooner or later.5、no longer (不再)eg: Hes no longer a student.,To be continued,


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