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1、浅谈同伴评价在高中英语基础写作中的应用.doc浅谈同伴评价在高中英语基础写作中的应用 澳大利亚教育学者David Boud认为:学生应该有机会在整个学习过程中观察他们的同伴,而且他们观察到的细节往往比教师所看到的更多(Boud, 1986)。因此同伴评价可以成为教师评价的一个有力的补充。有效的同伴评价需要借助合理的评价标准,根据这个评价标准给出一定的评分。一个同伴的评分能激发起更强的参与性和责任感,建立起一个清晰的评价结构,提高学习技能,提供更多的反馈(Weaver and Cotrell, 1986)。笔者在基础写作的教学过程中尝试采用同伴评价的方式,收到了较好的效果。 案例:2011年普通

2、高等学校招生全国统一考试 (广东卷)英语,基础写作:以下是一本图书的基本信息及相关报道。?书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother ?作者:Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁,鄢大学教授 ?出版时间:2010年 ?内容:作者用中国传统方式教育两个女儿的故事 ?效应:引发中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论 相关报道: ?中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售 ?意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法 ?最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛,鄢,鄢和耶鲁录取 ,鄢耶鲁:Yale; ,鄢,鄢哈佛:Harvard 写作内容根据以上信息写一篇图书介绍,内容包括: 1. 图书的基本信息; 2.

3、图书的相关报道。 写作要求只能用5个句子表达全部内容。 评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。 第一步:提取信息(用中文将题中信息分为8-10句) 请看下面两位同学对题中信息的提取。(表1、表2) 同伴评价:两位同学对文中信息提取的内容大致相同,但是通过对比不难发现,S2的信息比S1的更详细、具体、明了。S2确定了每一个句子的主语和谓语,巧妙的化解了冒号在文中的干扰作用,理顺了文中的信息,为接下来的信息表达做好了坚实的铺垫。我要求学生评价同伴的信息提取,并完成表3。 第二步:表达信息(按表2提取的信息) 信息1:书名是 “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”

4、。 S1:The name of the book is“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”. S2:The book title is“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”. S3:The book is entitled“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”. 信息2、3、4:书的作者是Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁大学教授。 S1:The writer is Amy Chua, and he is a Chinese American, and he is a professor from Yale

5、University. S2:Its author is Amy Chua, a Chinese American and professor of Yale University. S3:It was written by Amy Chua, a Chinese American and professor of Yale University. 信息5:书的出版时间是2010年。 S1:The book was published in 2010. S2:It was in 2010 that the book was published. 信息6:这本书讲述了作者用中国传统方式教育两个女

6、儿的故事。 S1:The book is about how the writer educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. S2:The book tells stories that is how the writer educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. 信息7:书的出版引发了大家对中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论。 S1:The books publication has caused about a heated debate as t

7、o whether the traditional Chinese way of educating is better than the American way. S2:The books publication has a heated debate and it is about whether the traditional Chinese way of educating is better than the American way. S3:The books publication has a heated discussion that is about whether th

8、e traditional Chinese way of educating is better than the American way. 信息8:该书的中文版于2011年初开始在中国销售。 S1:The Chinese translation of the book began to sell in China early in 2011. S2:The Chinese version of the book can be bought in China early in 2011. 信息9:意外反应是多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法。 S1:The surprising reflectio

9、n of the book is that most Chinese mothers do not agree to Amy Chuas way of education. S2:Unexpectedly, most Chinese are against Amy Chuas way of education. S3:It is unexpected that most Chinese are against Amy Chuas way of education. :最新消息是17岁的大女儿已被哈佛和耶鲁大学录取。 信息10S1:The latest news is coming that h

10、er 17-year-old elder daughter has been accepted by both Harvard and Yale. S2:The latest news is that her 17-year-old elder daughter has been accepted by both Harvard and Yale. S3:A recent report says that her 17-year-old elder daughter has been accepted by both Harvard and Yale. 通过一句多译的练习和互评,最终确定使用哪

11、个句型来表达信息。学生应根据自身的英语能力尽量使用复杂的句式和高级词汇或灵活运用从句来拿高分。在信息表达的时候,Student2和Student3两位同学的表达明显比Student1同学的句子更高级、更丰富。接下来,评价同伴的信息表达,并完成表4。 第三步:整合信息(按表2提取的信息,整合成5句话) 第1句:信息1+信息2、3、4 S1:The book title is“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”and its author is Amy Chua, a Chinese American and professor of Yale University.

12、 S2:Written by Amy Chua, a Chinese American and professor of Yale University, the book title is“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”. S3:A book entitled “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”was written by Amy Chua,a Chinese American and professor of Yale University. 第2句:信息5+信息6 S1:The book was published in

13、2010 and is about how the writer educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. S2:Published in 2010, the book tells stories about how the writer educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. 第3句:信息7 第4句:信息8+信息9 S1:The Chinese translation of the book began to sell in China e

14、arly in 2011. However, the surprising reflection of the book is that most Chinese mothers do not agree to Amy Chuas way of education. S2:The Chinese version of the book can be bought in China early sinin 2011.But unexpectedly, most Chinese are against Amy Chuas way of education. 2. 图像性质:S3:The Chine

15、se version of the book began to sell in China early (2)圆是轴对称图形,直径所在的直线是它的对称轴,圆有无数条对称轴。圆是中心对称图形,对称中心为圆心。in 2011.But it is unexpected that most Chinese are against Amy Chuas way of education. 第5句:信息10 4.坡度:如图2,坡面与水平面的夹角叫做坡角坡角的正切称为坡度 (或坡比)。用字母i表示,即最后,将五句话连句成篇。(略) 同伴评价:了解基础写作对连贯部分的评分细则。在合并句子的时候,如何找到合并的信

16、息点最为关键。语言方面,重点评价句子的语法结构是否正确、用词是否规范、同伴是否使用了合适的句子结构。在连贯方推论2 经过切点且垂直于切线的直线必经过圆心.面,重点评判5个句子是否构成一篇连贯的短文。Student 2和Student 3在整合信息的时候,巧妙使用了连接词、非谓语动词和复合句中的从句,从而使得整个句子读起来更上档次、更高级。接下来评价同伴的写作,并(二)教学难点完成表5。 4、根据学生的知识缺漏,有目的、有计划地进行补缺补漏。通过多次的教学反馈,此种基础写作逐步推进法帮助了很多平时一到4.坡度:如图2,坡面与水平面的夹角叫做坡角坡角的正切称为坡度 (或坡比)。用字母i表示,即写作就手忙脚乱的学生解决了困难,理清了思路。同时,在作文讲评方面,1. 仰角:当从低处观测高处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为仰角把同伴互评融入到常规的全批、面批之中,采用了量化评价表,加强了学生自主消化的过程,培养了学生的互助学习能力,使得教师在操作上也更有实战性。 84.164.22有趣的图形1 整理复习2责任编辑 魏文琦


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