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1、Unit 6 Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building 重点单词建筑名称:townhouse farmhouse apartment store bank bookstore 1、 parking lot supermarket道路名词:street railway 2、 station road traffic area地区名词:3、Country city countryside community动词:rent post close sleep miss move 4、名词: month end sport service cost air

2、5、形容词:6quiet close colorful noisy fresh、Section AI重点短语6.Like doing sth. 什么种类 1 What kind of2 A townhouse with two floors寻找 7.Look for套两层的排房8.Forrent出租 求租房屋 9.room wanted 3.Live with和住在起个安静的房间 居住在10. A quiet room. 4.Live in打某人的电话。电话号码Call sb. At+5.ln the country在农村重点知识点IIWang Wei, what kind of home d

3、o you live 1. 是好朋友。in? Lucy with her mother often goess a townhouse with two floors. ltshopping(=Lucy often goes shopping with her经常和她妈妈去购物。? mother). Lucy 1) Kind名词”种类,类型“ what kind of在乡下,在农村3. in the country 哪种?What kind of sports do you like?意为“乡下,农村“常用单数形式Country与 the 连用。)拓展:2a kind of 种 many ki

4、nds of iTMicliael is looking for an apartment near 4. all kinds of 各种各样的0 种,迈克正在我套我们学校附近这儿的介词withour school. 3) With two floors两层的。意为“带有,有,伴有”的房间。 寻找。强调寻找的动作; This is a table with three legs,这是张三条look fbr;,发现强调结果腿的桌大 find找到着重指通过分析、调查等弄清find out你 2. Do you li-e with yoiir grandparents? 或查明一件事情。与祖父母住在

5、一起吗?,尤用于意为“出租,招租 1)for rent 1) Eve with意为”与住在一起”,5.,还可以指“被意为“求租”广告。wanted with在这里是“和,与,跟,同”的意思,。Why not play games xnth us?为什么不通辑的” 如:rent sth. from sb. rent意为“租用和我们起玩游戏呢? 2)向某人租用某物)2with还有“有,伴有,带有”的意思,我 We rent our apartment from Mr. Smith. 如:Someone wants to rent a house with们租用史密斯的公寓。furmnire.有人想

6、租带有家具的房几 把某二rent sth. to sb.出租都有表示“和”的意思,3)也可以衣示“with3 ) and和是关系连同,连接两个主语时表示复物租给某人但andShe rents out her apartment to是介词,跟在主语之后,with数形式;而students.她把公寓出租给学生。表示从属关系,不能决定谓语的单复数 或指“家族”“家庭或者成员” 6. family Lucy如:Lucy and I are good friends.和我指 页1页第1第800元求租间安静的双人间,月租低于与居住的房子无关。house指“家庭住宅”,Quiet安静的,寂静的。指“家庭成

7、员1)着重于 房屋这一概念a home请保持安静。,有时也指“出生的城市如:Keep quiet please.共同生活的地方”这是This is a nice and quiet place.或者国家”。清净宜人的好地方。My falily are all tall我们全家人个/都很高。相当于less than,意为“低He has one house in the city.他在城里有幢 2) under多指数量、年龄等。,”房子。于类似的表达还有:)Amonth每月。My home is in the country.我家在农村。3each每小时,(房子),房 every hour/ea

8、chhouran hour 区别:home (家)里有 houseper day/every day/a day 每天,/(house)里住着家庭成员(family)o7. Looking fbr a quiet room fbr two people 月。/每天/周 dayAreek;month800 per month underSection B重点短语Isee a doctor看医生Look for a store寻找个商店In front of our building在我们楼房的前面post letters 寄信On the street corner 在街角处 buy thing

9、s 买东西Post office 邮局 buy books 买书 Parking lot 停车场 borrow books 借书/末端在的尽头Railway station火车站at the end of在右边keep money存钱on the right之间and在park buses停车Between附近Live next to 住在take trains乘坐火车重点知识点IIsvery完整结构是“ itlWouldyoulikemetohelpyou?需要我帮友好。此句是省略句,kind of sb. to do sth.做某事某人真的很友好。忙 吗?Road, lives at th

10、e end of Elm 4. Ms. Smart意为“想要某人Would you like sb. to do sth.先生居住在榆树路的尽头。去做某事”,相当于 want sb. to do sth. Smart做名词,end 回答方式主要有以下几种:Thanks. That at the end of 在尽头。you. fine./ That,s very kind of would be 做动词时,意为 end 意为“末尾,终点Thank you for your help. / Yes, please, by the end ”结束,终止,与 finish 同义。of 意为“到为止”

11、,用于表示时间。rest would liketo have a for a short 如: I“最后,终于相当于 at last. time.=I want to have a rest fbr a short time.我 in the end 表,示 5. There are no houses on the right, but there 想休 息会儿。右边没有房但是有棵大树。附近有(商店)吗? lsatalltee2AethereanyneaIhee?或相当于notaan no在此用作形容 词,any在句中用作代词,指代stores,以避免。后面直接跟可数”意为“没有,无与前文重

12、复。not any,你名词的单、复数形式,以及不可数名词。噢,3. Oh、止s very nice of you. Thank you.-t ra book on the deske.g.真好。谢谢你。 There isnThere is no book on the desk.意为“友好的,亲切的,善良的“相NiceI don t have money m my purse. 。当于 kindI have no money in my purse./It*s very nice of sb.意为“某人真的很善良 Section C重点短语I页2页第2第in an apartment buil

13、ding 个安静的社区 A quiet community 在栋公寓大楼里服务中心a community service center社区 运动中心sports centerin our community在我们社区做体育运动do sports Many Old people许多老人 在我家附近许多有小孩dose to my homeMany famHy with young children在超市后而 behind the supermarket的家庭 远远离,离友好farfromBe kind to对 求助向callfor helpeach other互相,彼此过着丰富多彩的生活 have

14、 a colorful life 许多高大的建筑物 a lot of tall buildings重点知识点IIarea.我们这片区域有个社区服务中心。L There are many old people living here.有许,不可数名词。通意为“服务” (1) Service多老人 居住在这儿。what is常指旅馆、商店等提供的服务。如:状语 某处有某There be+sb./sth. + Ving +那家新开的宾hotel?service in that new人、物正 在the馆服务如何? in the tree. a) There is a bird singing com

15、munity service center社区服务中心在树上有只小鸟在唱歌 意为“帮 助” 2) Service注意:当这种句型的主语是人或动物(帮某人的忙。/动物Do sb a service时,句子的语义相当于“某人+be+doing sth.。 如:)Area”场所,地方 ”(32. Many people with young children live here. Please eat in the dining area .请到饭厅用餐。 The shopping area of the city城市的购物区。许多有孩子的家庭住在这儿。6.Ourschoolisnotfarfrom

16、here.、表示人或物的特征)意为“带有 With(“具有”我 们的学校离这儿不远。small and a lot of tall buildings 3. There are 远的,远方的Far乡村Afar country在我们社区有很gardens in our community.远方的国家/far fromnot far from here离这儿不远 多高大的建筑和小花园。与near,用来相反。离远,;1 () a lot of = lots of许多的大量的我家 修饰名词(可数名词复数形式或不可数名词)a) My home is not far from the schoolscho

17、ol. of a lot students in the There are 离学校不远。(=many)call sb. for help向某人打电话求助7.There was a lot of snow last year. (=much) 我们过着 E富多彩 8. we have a colorful life There*s a lot of rice in the bag. (=much)的生活。life 过者种什么样的生活 名词(2Lot 一块地,场地。”Live a /an restaurants shops and 9. There are many 停车场 Parking lo

18、t4. Behind the building, there is a sports center,我家附近有许多商店和饭close to my home.楼房后面有个体育馆。馆Sports此处为形容词,意为近,靠近。Closeto离 “体育的,有关体育活动的。如:sports shoesshe closed the gate “关闭,Close动词关”。如:运动鞋,sports clothes运动服,sports她随手关闭了身后的大门。behind her. meeting运动会The shops close at ten.商店十点打洋。注意:sport。“亲密的,近的”形容词,Close为

19、名词,意为“运动,体育运动他是我亲密的朋友。He is my close friend.5. there is a community service center in our Section D页3页第3第I重点短语many houses with big yards搬到Move from to从 许多有大庭院的房子Miss country life怀念乡村生活其中些人In the countryside 在农村 some of these people the cost of living 生活贽重点知识点 IIMany people are moving from the 1.这本书的

20、价 The price of the book is high.。等 countryside to cities for work. 格很高。高温、高速、 为工作,许多人正从农村搬到城市 a high speed/temperature/price高价。Move移动,搬家,挪动。不及物动词。For如:还可指离开地面的高度和距离。5) highwork为了 1:作 For这里我示为了,因为“ They want to move to Beijing.架子太The shelf is too high for me to reach.高了,我够不着。 move 常见短语:move in(into)迁

21、入 cost可以说时达价格高低不(from )to(从某处.)搬到某处。6)表a high/low/expensive/cheap,但可以说 cost Countryside 和 country 的区别。lot.泛指 物农Countryside是不可数名词,Now some of these people miss country life.则用来表达区别城市、城4.村:country (即城市、 城镇以外的地区)。如今些人开始怀念乡村生活镇的农村theyinteresting but and 2. Cities are large 意为“思念,怀念;错过“,动词。1) missmuch.ve

22、ry I miss my grandmother 如:are noisy.城市既大 又有趣,但是太过嘈 杂。我非常想念我的奶奶。Noisy形容词,意为“吵闹的,反义词I missed the early bus.我错过了早班车。1)通 常用于未 quieto, 2)注意:Miss 意为小姐 t be noisy. Please be quiet.DonMiss Smith.婚女性的姓氏前。如:空气清新,2) Noise名词“噪音,杂音,喧闹声 The akis fresh and life is quiet. 0不要再图书library.生活宁静。the t Donake noise in馆发

23、出噪音。人们喜欢住在哪儿。2. People like living therelike doing sth.喜欢、享受做某事。后接名词或动词的likeing形式。e.g. He likes reading novels,他喜欢读小说。3. The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is不但交通拥挤high.,而且生活费用高。在“)heavy “拥挤的,大量的,重的1此衣示“交通拥堵的吗,繁忙的。heavy heavy如:traffic 交通拥挤/大雪大雨rain/snowthe cost 2)。的究用意为the cost of ”生活费of living=the living cost表”花费,成本”高低时只能用cost)3修饰。high/low低廉的住/housing, of cost the high/low昂贵房费用“价格高,消费高,温度高形容词,high) 4页4页第4第


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