山东省东营市第二中学六年级英语上册《Unit6 The story of rain B》学案 .doc

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1、东营区二中六年级上册英语导学稿课 题Unit6 The story of rain Section B课 型新授课执笔人六年级英语组教师寄语A lazy youth, a lousy ago. (少时懒惰,老来苦。)学习目标1.知识目标: 掌握并会用 Lets learn 和Lets talk的单词,短语与句子.2.能力目标:通过听和读的训练培养学生用英语描述出种植一种植物的过程.3.情感目标: 培养学生热爱花草的美好情感和自己动手种植花草的业余爱好。 一. 知识链接第一部分:.亲爱的同学们,你能从下面方框的选项中给上面的句子找到相应的翻译吗?1. Where does the rain co

2、me from? A那时你应该做什么呢?2. It comes from the clouds. B我打算明天种棵花.3. What can you see in the picture? C那个你要怎么样去做?4. How do you do that? D雨是从哪里来的?5. What should you do then? E它来自云朵。 6 Im going to plant a flower tomorrow. F你能从图片中看到什么呢?第二部分: 单选( )1. Where does the rain come from? It comes from_.A. the clouds

3、B. the vapour C. the water( )2. Where does the cloud come from? It comes from_.A. the clouds B. the water C. the vapour( )3. Where does the vapour come from? It comes from_.A. the clouds B. the water C. the vapour( )4. My plant has two green_. A .leaf B .leaves C .the leaf( )5. My plant is one _old!

4、 A. month B. the month C. months二知识呈现 Section B Lets learn 1. 读一读,译一译,背一背。seed_ soil_ sprout_ plant_2. 默一默 种子s_ 土壤s_ 嫩芽s_ 植物p_3. Number and say练一练: 亲爱的同学们,乐乐想参考下面的种植说明种向日葵,可是文字给打乱了顺序,你来给下列过程排排序吧!( ) First, put some soil in a pot.( ) You can see the sprout in a few weeks.( ) Do you know how to plant

5、a sunflower?( ) Water the seed, put it in the sun.( ) Then, put a sunflower seed in the soil.( ) You can see a big plant in several months.( ) Wait for the sunflower to grow.Section B Lets try Section B Lets talk1. 读一读,背一背,看哪组背得快。2. 翻译句子:今天下午你打算干什么?_我打算在我们的花园里种一些花种子。_那个你怎么做呢?_很容易。首先把种子放在土里。_然后你应该做什么

6、呢?_给它们浇水,几天之后,你就可以看到一个嫩芽。_3. 默一默,看谁写得又快又准。Teacher:_ Zhang:_Teacher:_Zhang:_ Teacher:_ Zhang:_ Section B Lets play Tell how to plant a tree.( 小组内演练或两人对话)-How do you plant a tree?-First, dig the soil. Then, put the plant in the soil. Next, water it. Finally, wait for it to grow.练一练:请你思考植物种植的过程:用上first

7、 , then, next, finally .First, we have the seed.Then, _Next, _Finally, _Unit 3- Unit 6 句型练习:用所给词的适当形式填空1. He likes _ ( make ) planes.2. He _ ( live ) in the city.3. Does he _ ( live ) in the country?4. I _ ( have ) a friend.5. What is _ ( you ) hobby?6. Three boys _ ( like ) playing football.7. One

8、girl _ ( like ) collecting stamps.8. There _ ( be ) a stamp show on Sunday. 9. Lets _ ( go ) together.10. Can he _ ( go ) with us.11. I am happy _ ( have ) a new pen pal.12. Tell _ ( I ) something about you.13. Australia must _ ( be ) fun.14. I like _ ( play) the violin and _ ( write ) emails.15. Wh

9、at is _ ( your mother ) hobby?16. My uncle _ ( watch ) TV every evening.17. Mrs. Wang _ ( teach ) English.18. Do you read _ ( newspaper ) after lunch?19. My mother teaches _ ( I ) math.20_ ( she ) father works in a school.21. She _ ( go ) to work by car.22. Alice and her sister _ ( be ) twins.23. He

10、r sister Ann _ ( watch ) cartoons on TV.24. Alice usually _ ( play) at the park.25. Alice _ ( say ) her family is _ ( come ) to China soon.26. I am _ ( excite ).unit 51. I teach _ ( lesson ).2. He is _ ( a ) engineer.3. Where _ ( do ) he work?4. My brother _ ( take ) me to school.5. What are you goi

11、ng to _( be )?6. Amy _ ( be ) going to be _ ( a ) artist.7. She is an _ ( act ) on TV.8. He _ ( write ) the TV show for my aunt.9. She is _ ( real ) beautiful.10. How _ ( do ) you go to work?11. He _ ( help ) sick people.12. She cleans streets. She is a _ ( clean ).13. She likes _ ( draw ) pictures.

12、14. She _ ( design ) cars.15. He helps the bank _ ( use ) their money well.16. She often helps tourists find _ ( they ) way.17. He likes working with _ ( number).18. He goes to work by bus, but he likes _ ( walk ) home.19. How _ ( excite ).Unit61. Where does the rain _ ( come ) from?2. How do we _ (

13、 save ) water?3. First, dont _ ( waste ) water.4. What can you _ ( see ) in the picture?5. The rain comes from the _ ( cloud).6. How can the water _ ( become ) vapour?7. The sun _ ( shine ) and the water _ ( become ) vapour.8. Its a _ ( sun ) day.9. He _ ( feel ) very hot.10. Nice to _ ( meet ) you

14、again.11. Can you help me _ ( go ) up to the sky?12. Wait for a flower _ ( grow).13. You can see a sprout in several _ ( day).14. What are you going to _ ( do ) this afternoon?15. Im going to plant flower seeds in _ (we ) garden.16. What should you _ ( do ) then?17. Put the seeds in the soil and water _ ( they ) often.18. My plant _ ( have ) two green _ ( leaf ).19. I water it every day and make sure it _ ( get ) lots of sun.20. My plant is one _ ( month ) old.21. It _ ( have ) no flowers.


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