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1、2010年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试(义乌市卷)英语试卷2010年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试(义乌市卷)英语试卷 考生须知: 全卷共8页,7大题,77小题。满分为120分,考试时间100分钟。 1.2. 本卷答案必须做在答题纸的对应位置上,做在试题卷上无效。 3. 请考生将姓名、准考证号填写在答题纸的对应位置上。并认真核准条形码上的姓名、准考证号。 温馨提示:请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现 试卷I 说明:本卷共有4大题,55小题,共80分。请用2B铅笔在“答题纸”上将你认为正确的选项对应的小方框涂黑、涂满, 一. 一、听力(本题有15小题;第一节每小题1分,第二.第三每小题2分,共

2、25分) 第一节:听小对话,请从A.B.C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。 1. What does the girl like? 2. What is the weather like today, 3、Which sport does Tom like best, A. B. C. 4、How did Mary come to Yiwu, 5、Where does the dialogue probably take place, - 1 - 第二节:听长对话,请从A.B.C三个选项中选择正确的选项。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第67两小题。 6. What is the woman g

3、oing to do, A. To have dinner. B、To give lessons C、To post a letter 7/. Whats the probable relationship between the two speaker, A. Strangers B. Husband and wife C. Mother and son 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第810三小题。 8. What are the two speakers talking about ? A. A camera B. An MP4 C. A mobile phone 9.How much do

4、es it cost ? A. ,400 B. ,500 C. ,600 10.Why did Mother buy it for the boy? A. Because it was his birthday B. Because he helped his mother do the housework C. Because he got the first place in the English competition 第三节:听独白,请从A.B.C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。 Summer Camp Where to do: 11 How long to stay: 1

5、2 days Who to go with: 13 When to leave:on 14 July What to do:learn English and 15 11. A. England B. Australia C. American 12. A .12 B.14 C. .20 13. A. Miss Wang B. Miss Li C. Miss Zhang thth14. A. 2nd B.5 C. 12 15. A. go sightseeing B. go boating C. go fishing 二.单项选择(本题10小题;每小题1分,共10分) - 2 - 请从A.B.

6、C.D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 16. Mike,could you come and give me hand? OK,Mum. Im coming now. A. a B. an C the .D 不填 17. .The land in the southwest of China is in great need of . Yes ,it hasnt rained for a long time there. A. milk B.tea C coffee .D water 18 .The famous writer Willian Shakepeare was born 1

7、564. A. in B. on C at .D of 19 It is a good habit for us that we should never todays work till tomorrow. A put on B. put off C put up .D put down 20 - Have the students in Yushu returned to school yet, -It is reported on TV that . A. the weather is becoming better B. most of the factories were destr

8、oyed C people have given lots of money to them .D all the schools have started lessons again 21 - do you read English newspapers, st -I read 21 Century every day. A How long B How often C How many .D How much 22 It to drive after drinking wine. A. is allowed B. is not allowed C is made . D is welcom

9、ed 23. Zhou Yang is skating. She won a gold medal at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. A good at B weak in C tired of D angry with th24. China beat Australia 1:0 at the 17 Womens Football Asian Cup last night. -Really, A Thats a pity. B Dont mention it C Im glad to hear that D Youre welcome 25 What wou

10、ld the mascot(吉祥物)of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai probably say in - 3 - the picture on the right, A Running can keep you healthy B Welcome to Shanghai,China C Animals are our good friend D Water is very important for all of us 三. 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意。然后从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项 I was waiti

11、ng for the bus when I met the woman. “You look 26 . Come and sit here,” she said. “ 27 are you going?” “I dont know.I just want to catch a 28 and see what it will be like at the end.” “Im afraid youll see 29 there. Why dont you enjoy the sights on the way?” “How can I do that while my hearts 30 ?” I

12、 asked sadly. My best friend had left me. The woman seemed to understand my feeling. “Dont cry, little girl. Ive had a similar experience to you. Thirty-five 31 ago, my husband left our three children and me. I was deadly sad. I decided to kill myself and the children, so I took 32 to the sea. 33 ,t

13、hey seemed to know what would happen, so they 34 loudly. Their cry suddenly woke me 35 . How could I 36 my hope to live for one of lifes problems? After that, I worked hard to raise the children. Now they all live 37 and one of them has his own family. Then the woman gave me a 38 , “We should never

14、wait for the door to 39 before us. We should find the key to the 40 or try to find another way” The bus came and I got on it with a smile 26. A. tired B. excited C. happy D. well 27. A. What B.How C. Where D. When 28. A.train B. bus C. boat D. plane 29. A. nothing B.everythingC.something D. anything

15、 - 4 - 30. A. smiling B.breaking C. singing D. dancing 31. A. days B. weeks C.months D. years 32. A.her B.them C. him D. it 33. A.So B. Or C. Besides D. However 34. A. laughed B.talked C. spoke D. cried 35. A. inB. out C. up D. down 37. A. give away B. give up C.get up D. stand up 37. A. happily B.

16、sadly C.badly D. hopeless 38. A. cry B. shout C. hit D. smile 39. A. open B. close C. lock D. mend 40. A. classroom B. office C. door D. shop 四(阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项 A LOST ON MARch 8 NEAR MAN Lady is a black catonly Help me find my pet catSTREET. BLACHE IS 8 YEARS

17、 6 months old. Her mother She is 6 years old. She has OLD,BUT HE LOOKS YOUNG . misses herIf you know long white hair and a long HES BLACK AND WHITE WITH where lady is, tail. Her name is Snowball LONG EARS.REWARD FOR CALL ANN,303-2720C all Mark at 630 -4789 INPORMATION CALL SAM,598-3985 41. How old i

18、s “lady”, A.6 months old B.3 years old C.6 years old D.8 years old 42. if you find a black and white dog with long ears, please call . - 5 - A.630-4789 B.598-3985 C.303-2720 D.725-6982 43.The above are probably used for . A. showing the pets B. teaching the pets C. looking for lost pets D. asking fo

19、r the way BMy name is woof. You think that we have a great life,right,WrongI am going to tell you why. First of all,we are bored. Bored. bored. And bored. Do you ever think about what a dog does all day, Nothing. Nothing at all. Our owners are busy,you know,working,away from home all day. So what ar

20、e we supposed to do,Watch the going to school,house or apartment,Sure. That is like watching paint dry or grass grow. Boring. Thats why we get so excited when our owners come home. We bark and run around and act as if we are very happy. But we only do this because we are bored all day. If we are luc

21、ky,our owner take us for a walk. Then there is the food. We eat the same food,meal after meal,day after day,week after week,month after month. HelpWould you like to eat the same thing all the time,No,you would not. So what makes you think we dogs like it,We dont. We hate it. Another thing-television

22、. Another thing-television. Dogs hate television. Our owners watch these stupid programs,hour after hour,night after night. Are there any programs for dogs on television,No. Not a single one. So what can we do,What else can we do but sleep,And so we sleep. We dogs are not lazy,we are bored. 44. Woof

23、 may be a . A. boy B. girl C.dog D.cat 45. From the passage,we know that Woof . A. lives a great life B. is busy every day C. likes the food very much D. hates watching television 46. How many points does Woof complain about, A.1 B. 2 C.3 D.4 - 6 - C Recently,a solar powered(太阳能动力的)plane took to the

24、 sky for the first time. It had passed an important test on the way to travel around the world. The plane took off from an airport in Switzerland(瑞士)at 45km an hour. It slowly rose above the fields and into the sky. “There has never been an airplane of that kind that could fly never an airplane so b

25、ig, so light, using so little energy,” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project. During the 90-minute flight, the plane did several turns. It climbed nearly 1.6km above the countryside. Engineers plan to test a night flight before July. Then they will use the results of the tests to build a se

26、cond plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012. The plane flies at 70 km an hour. That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. Piccard and pilot Andre Borschberg will take the plane around the world. The pilots will keep the plane in the air for up to five days at a time

27、. “We want to fly it day and night with no fuel (燃料),” Piccard said 47. How long did the first flight of the solar powered plane last, A. 45 minutes B. 60 minutes C. 70 minutes D. 90 minutes 48.Whats the most special about the plane, A. It uses no fuel B. Its the fastest plane C. It can fly highest

28、D. Its the heaviest plane 49. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ? A The plane goes much faster than a car B The plane took off at a speed of 45km an hour C Engineers plan to test a night flight before July D The plane will fly in the air or up to five days at a time 50.Whic

29、h column(栏目)of a newspaper may the passage come from, A. Food and Health B. Scientist and Technology - 7 - C. Culture and Communication D. Sports and Entertainment D Different countries have different customs. When you travel to another countries,please follow their customs,just as the saying goes,“

30、 .” Very often people who travel to the United States forget to tip(付小费).It is usual to tip porters who help carry your bags,taxi drivers and waiters. Waiters expect to get a 15% tip on the cost of your meal. Taxi drivers expect about the same amount. In England,make sure to stand in line even if th

31、ere are only two of you. Its s a good idea to talk about the weather. Its important to respect lines there. Ita favourite subject of conversation with the British. In Spain,its a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone invites you for dinner. People have dinner very late,and resta

32、urants do not generally open until after 9 pm. In Arab countries,men kiss one another on the cheek(脸颊). Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. It is polite for you to do the same. In Japan,people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time.

33、When a person gives you a card,dont put it into your pocket right away. The person expects you to read it. Dont forget to be careful of your body language to express something In conversation. A kind of body language that is acceptable in one culture may be impolite in another. 51. When you travel t

34、o the USA,you dont need to tip . A. porters B. waiters C. 70 minutes D. 90 minutes 52.The missing sentence in the first paragragh should be“ .” A. Love me,love my dog B. He who laughs last laughs best C. When in Rome,do as the Romans do D. Where there is a will,there is a way 53.The underline word“p

35、orters”in the passage means . - 8 - A. 搬运工 B.清洁工 C.接线员 D. 售票员 54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ? A. In Spain,People usually have dinner very early B. In England,Its a not polite to talk about the weather C. In Arab countries,men kiss one another on the cheek D. In Japan yo

36、u should not read the business card as soon as you get it. ,55. Whats the best title of the passage , A. How to Tip B Body Language C When to Have Dinner D Advice to International Travellers 试卷II 说明:本卷共有3大题,22小题,共40分。大题请用0.5毫米及以上的黑色签字笔书写在“答题纸”的对应位置上。 五、词汇运用(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分) A(根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出短文空白

37、处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Chen Huan:Glad to meet you,Mr Zhu. Welcome to Yiwu TV Station to tell your 56 (故事)of doing business. Mr Zhu: Thank you. Id like to say something that happened thirty years ago. Chen Huan:At that time,you didnt have 57 (足够的)ood to eat. Mr Zhu:Right. So I 58 (去)out to do business to

38、make money by exchange sweets for chicken feathers,old shoes and so on.I had to get up very 59 (早)every morning and travel a long way on 60 (脚). Chen Huan:It must be a special experience for you. Mr Zhu:Yes. During that time,I was often tired and hungry 61 (没有)anything to eat.,especially on those 62

39、 (寒冷的)winter nightsdut now everything is better. I own a big factory with hundreds of 63 (工人). And I can 64 (卖)my products to the world in a modern market. Im sure my - 9 - business will be better and better in the future. Chen Huan:How moving! Hard work makes a successful businessman. Youre really

40、a great example for the 65 (年轻的)people in Yiwu. B.用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次。 Busy swim hardly three ourselves 66. Fathers day is on the _Sunday in June. 67. The traffic during the rush hour is much _than usual 68. We must learn to look after _ when we are alone at home. 69. _is good or our healh. 70

41、. When I got to the op of the high mountain,I could_walk any more. 六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题;每小题1分,共5分) 中学生上网一直是备受关注的热点话题。某班就这一话题组织了一次主题班会。以下是几位同学的观点,请仔细阅读下面内容,完成信息记录卡。 Li Hua:Surfing the Internet is very exciting. We can do lots of things,such as playing games,listening to music,chatting with our friends and

42、so on. I really enjoy it. Wang Gang:I like surfing the Internet,too. Because I can learn a lot from it. I can get the latest news all over the world. I also can find the information I need so that I can spend less time on my homework Zhang Jie:Its hard to say. I agree that the Internet is helpgul to

43、 our study. But its not right to spend too much time on the games. And some information on the Internet is bad for our mind. Whats more,surfing too much does harm to our eyes. In a word,we should use the Internet in a - 10 - right way. Names Opinions ?play games Li Hua ?listen to music ?chat with 71

44、 ?get the lastest news Wang Gang ?get useful 72 ?do homework 73 ?be helpful to our study Zhang Jie ?dont spend too much time on the games. ?be bad for our mind and 74 ?use the Internet 75 71. _?_ 72. _?_ 73. _?_ 74. _?_ 七、书面表达(本题有2小题;76题5分,77题15分,共20分) 76.你即将告别朝夕相处的初中老师,请选择5门学科,给这些老师分别写一句最想对她/他说的话。下

45、面所列学科供参考。 注意:范例可以适当参考,但不得抄袭;句中不得出现真实的人名和校名. English Chinese Maths Science PE Art Music IT. e.g. My dear English teacher,your class is really interesting. ? ? ? ? ? 77.请你选择最喜欢的一门学科,以My favourite Subject 为题,写一篇短文,说说喜欢这门学科的理由,以及平时是怎样学习的。 要求:1.词数80左右 2.叙事清楚,语句通顺,语意连贯。 - 11 - 3.文中不得出现真实的人名与校名。 浙江省2010年初中

46、毕业生学业考试(义乌市卷) 英语参考答案和评分细则 一、听力测试(本题有15小题;第一节每小题1分,第二.第三每小题2分,共25分) 第一节 1.B 2. A 3.C 4. B 5. B 第二节 6.C 7 A 8.B 9. A 10. C 第三节 11.B 12. B 13.A 14. C 1 5. A 二. 单项选择(本题10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 16. A 17.D 18. A 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.B 23A 24. C 25.B 三. 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 26.A 27.C 28.B 29. A 30.B 31.D 32.B 33.

47、D 34.D 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.D 39. A 40.C 四(阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 41. A 42.B 43.C 44.C 45.D 46.C 47.D 48.A 49. A 50.B 51. C 52.C 53.A 54.C 55.D 五、词汇运用(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分有拼写或语法错误的不给分;大小写错误不扣分) 56.story/stories 57.enough 58.went 59.early 60.foot - 12 - 61.without 62.cold 63.workers 64.sell 65.young 66.third/3rd 67.busier 68.ourselves 69. Swimming 70.hardly 六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题;每小题1分,共5分73和75小题回答合情合理即给分,如有拼写或语 法错误酌情扣分)71.our friends/ friends 72.information 73.faster/quickly/more quickly/better/easily 74. eyes75. in a r


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