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1、商务英语口语教学大纲(商务英语专业三年制适用)一、课程的性质和目的课程性质:商务英语口语是商务英语三年制专业的一门专业职能必修课。要紧目的:本课程以实现“有效为主,够用为度”的教学目标为主线,遵循“从现实 生活语言表达入手,着重培育学生的有效语言交际能力和独立思维能力”的原那么, 使学生通过系统训练,能够“说得出,说得对,有思想,有内容”,从而达到调动学 生学习爱好,循序渐进地提高学生英语交际能力和解决问题能力的教学目的。二、课程的大体要求课程教学的大体要求教学环节包括:课堂教学及习题课、课外作业、考试考查等。1 .课堂教学:采纳启发式教学,培育学生试探问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力; 引导学

2、生通过实践和自学取得知识,同时增加讨论课、现场课及答疑等教学环节。2 .教学辅助资料:商贸英语系列教学光盘。3 .习题课安排:本课程教学中每单元均安排有必然课时,结合各章节后的习题,有 针对性地进行训练和讲评,并按期进行教学测评。三、理论教学内容Unit 1.重点:Looking for a Job难点:What do you think of job-hopping? Do you think it is modern man s ambition, or greediness, or for challenges?Unit 2.重点:Making an Appointment难点:Ther

3、e is a saying goes like this, uwhen in Rome do as the Romans do” .How do you understand it? Do you think that foreigners in China should follow the Chinese customs?Unit 3.重点:Business Dress Code难点:Business attire for a male or femaleUnit 4.重点:Job Interview难点:Questions related to the jobUnit 5.重点:Comp

4、any Orientation难点:If you were an employer, what can you think of to make your new employees feel at home?Unit 6.重点:Job Responsibility难点:Make up a dialogue with your partner, talking about the jobs and job responsibilities of your relatives and friends.Unit 7.重点:New Employee Training难点:Out-of-class a

5、ctivity: interview 3-5 people on their training experiences at work. The possible interviewee can be anyone, who can speak some English. Work in your group and design interview questions. Give a report after your interview.Unit 8.重点:Office Politics难点:Is it appropriate to compare office politics to a

6、 game? Why? If office politics is not a game, why are there rules for it?Unit 9.重点:Business Conference难点:Guide to better minutesUnit 10.重点:Business Ethics难点:Conflicts occur wherever there are people. Solving conflicts needs good communicative skills.Unit 11.重点:Small Business难点:Suppose you are to qui

7、t your present job and start a small business of your own, what sort of business do you want to choose? Discuss with your partner the possibility of running the business, list your doubts and ask your partner for advice.Unit 12.重点:Time Management难点:Time management skills (four zones)Unit 13.重点:Marke

8、t Research难点:Do you agree with some analysts who predict that the Internet will soon be the primary market research tool? Please give some reasons.Unit 14.重点:Sales Promotion难点: Advertising is considered as one of the most effective promotion activities. Have you ever felt at a loss when facing so ma

9、ny ranges of commodities at the supermarket?Unit 15.重点:At the Exhibition难点:Why visit an exhibition?Unit 16.重点:Receiving Business Clients难点:The art of receiving customersUnit 17.重点:Scheduling Visitors* Activities难点:Business management skills: the meeting agendaUnit 18.重点:Entertaining Guests难点:Role-pl

10、ay,unit 19.重点:Business Orientation难点:How to establish business relations?Unit 20.重点:Talking about Products难点:Product presentation strategiesUnit 21.重点:Visiting a Plant难点:Situational DialoguesUnit 22.重点:Making Inquiries难点:Pair work: work in pairs to make up several dialogues about making an inquiry.U

11、nit 23.重点:Making Offers难点:Pair work: work in pairs to make up several dialogues about making an offer.Unit 24.重点:Price Negotiation难点:Negotiation strategies四、课时分派序号课时课题4Looking for a Job4Making an Appointment二4Business Dress Code四4Job Interview五4Company Orientation六4Job Responsibility七4New Employee T

12、raining八4Office Politics九4Business Conference十4Business Ethics十一4Small Business十二4Time Management十三4Market Research十四4Sales Promotion十五4At the Exhibition十六4Receiving Business Clients五、大纲说明(-)有关说明本教学大纲适用于三年制商务英语专业。本课程分三、四学期教学,每周2课时,共计64课时。(二)学生成绩学生成绩由考试成绩和平常成绩两部份组成,平常成绩依照学生的平常表 现和作业等综合因素形成。学生的考试成绩占学期总成绩的80%,采纳统一命题、统 一阅卷的方式。学生的平常成绩占学期总成绩的20%。(三)命题考试1 .难易程度本课程考试采取口语对话考试,考试内容在要求“了解”的教学层次上占 20%左右,在要求“明白得”和“领会”的教学层次上占30%左右,在要求“把握” 和“熟练”的教学层次上不得少于50%。2 .命题题型本课程考试题的题型要紧有口语对话、读英语短文、自编对话等。六、建议教材与参考教材张丽华总主编,世纪商务英语口语教程(II、III),大连理工大学出版社,2004


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