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1、海外中小学汉语教材Chinese Teaching Materials for Overseas Primary and Secondary Schools 海外中小学汉语教材 Chinese Teaching Materials for Overseas Primary and Secondary Schools标准中文系列 Standard Chinese Series 标准中文系列教材是专门为中国赴海外留学人员的子女和其他有志于学习中文的青少年编写的中小学汉语教材。整套教材包括学生用书、教学指导手册、练习册、生字卡片、词语卡片。 课文内容丰富多彩,练习设计实用有趣,特别注意培养学生的自学

2、能力和创造意识,帮助学生更好地学习汉语,了解中国特有的文化和风俗习惯。语法点由易到难,螺旋上升,听说读写互相结合。整套教材标准规范、系统性强、分级合理、循序渐进,配有精美的图画或照片,图文并茂。 Standard Chinese is a series of primary and secondary school teaching materials specially compiled for the childrenof Chinese students studying overseas and also for those foreigners who wish to learn C

3、hinese. The whole set consists ofstudents books teachers guides workbooks Chinese character cards and word and phrase cards. The texts are rich and colorful in content the exercises are practical and interesting and are designed to foster studentsindependence and creativity in learning Chinese and i

4、n understanding Chinas unique culture traditions and customs. Thegrammar points are graded gradually from easy to difcult and listening speaking reading and writing are inter-linked. Thewhole set is standard and systematic and is logically graded. 3 海外中小学汉语教材 学生用书(配有CD-ROM) Students Book With CD-ROM

5、 标准中文学生用书共3级9册,每册30课,供海外1-9年级(6-15岁)学生使用。通 过学习本教材,学生将学会汉语拼音,掌握2000个左右常用汉字,6000个左右常用词,300 个左右基本句;具有初步的听说读写能力,有一定的自学能力;能用中文处理日常事务, 并为进一步学习中文和了解中国文化打下坚实的基础。 为了方便广大师生使用本教材,2003年我们出版了中英双语版标准中文,其中第 一级和第二级六册学生用书全部改编成中英对照形式,供各地师生选用。 为了适应学习者的要求,2006年起,标准中文修订版开始逐册推出。标准中 文修订版兼顾对中文感兴趣的外国孩子的学习需求,减轻学生负担,降低学习难度,提

6、高学生学习兴趣,练习形式更加丰富、生动、活泼。目前,已出版1-3册。 The nine Students Books of Standard Chinese are divided into three levels. Each volume has 30 lessons. They are foroverseas students in Grades 1-9 aged 6-15. The students will master Chinese pinyin around 2000 commonly-used Chinesecharacters 6000 commonly-used word

7、s and 300 key sentences. They should acquire a basic ability in listening speakingreading and writing and several independent learning skills. They will be able to use Chinese to deal with daily matters. Thegoal is to give them a solid foundation for further learning of Chinese language and Chinese

8、culture. In 2003 the Bilingual Version of Standard Chinese was published. Thecomplete set consist of six volumes including the students books for therst and second levels. In order to meet the demands of ourlearners we started to work on revisingStandard Chinese from the beginning of2006. The revise

9、d editions consider therequirements of foreign children interestedin learning Chinese lighten the learnersburden and make things easier. The exercisesare also richer and more lively in form. Atpresent Standard Chinese Revised Edition1-3 have been published. 教学指导手册 Teachers Guide 标准中文教学指导手册共9本,和各册学生用

10、书相配套,主要用来说明每课的教 学重点和教学策略,供教师教学和家长辅导时使用。 There are nine Teachers Guides for Standard Chinese forming a set with each volume of students book. They are chiey used to explain the focal points of each lesson and the teaching strategies. They help the teachers in their teaching and the parents when they

11、coach their children. 4 Chinese Teaching Materials for Overseas Primary and Secondary Schools练习册 生字卡片 词语卡片Workbook Chinese Character Cards Word and Phrase Cards 标准中文练习册与一、二级学 生字卡片与标准中文(修订 词语卡片与标准中文(修订生用书配套,各册分A、B本(单数课 版)配套。可以用来进行课堂教学、复 版)配套。可以用来进行课堂教学、复放在A本中,双数课放在B本中),全 习巩固、字词游戏、学生自学字词等。 习巩固、字词游戏、学生

12、自学字词等。套共12册。可作为学生的课后作业使 每张卡片分正背两面。正面的主体是生 每张卡片分正背两面。正面的主体是生用,教师也可有选择地在课堂上使用。 字,标明了汉字的书写笔顺及部首;生 词,生词下是对应的英文翻译。背面主 字的拼音和笔画数置于背面。 体是图画的形式,展现的是生词的意 The Workbooks of Standard 义,其右上角是生词的汉语拼音。Chinese form part of series of level- The Chinese Character Cards ofone and level-two Students Books. Standard Chin

13、ese Revised Edition The Word and Phrase Cards ofThey are divided into Book A and are in conjunction with the textbooks Standard Chinese Revised EditionBook B. Book A contains exercises which can be used in classroom are in conjunction with the textbooksof odd numbered lessons and Book B teaching rev

14、iewing words games which can be used in classroomcontains exercises of even numbered and self-study. The obverse side teaching reviewing words games andlessons. The whole set consists of of each card is the new character. self-study. The obverse side of each12 books. They are mainly used for The rad

15、ical and the order of strokes card is the new word and the Englishhomework but the teacher can also observed in calligraphy are indicated. equivalent in smaller size. The reverseselect some exercises to be used in The pronunciation and the number side is the picture indicating theclass. of strokes o

16、f a Chinese character are meaning of the word the pinyin are at indicated in the reverse side. the top right corner. 5 海外中小学汉语教材快乐汉语系列 Kuaile Hanyu Series 快乐汉语是中国国家汉办重点规划教材,使用对象是海外11-16岁中小学生,曾被国家汉办评为“2006年度最受欢迎的国际汉语教材”。 全套教材共3级,包括学生用书、教师用书、练习册,词语卡片、教学挂图、CD等。该教材从设计、编写到制作出版,力图做到符合11-16岁学生的心理特点和学习需求。该教

17、材重点培养学生在自然环境中学习汉语的兴趣,同时能够为以后的学习和提高打下坚实的基础。 另外,快乐汉语已由国家汉办主持开发成为一套多语种系列入门教材,包括学生用书、教师用书、练习册、词语卡片、教学挂图,并配有CD。该教材共有45个语种的版本,包括英语版、法语版、德语版、俄语版、西班牙语版、阿拉伯语版、韩语版、日语版、泰语版、蒙古语版、意大利语版、瑞典语版、芬兰语版、希腊语版、丹麦语版、葡萄牙语版、荷兰语版、乌克兰语版、柬埔寨语版、印地语版、越南语版、缅甸语版、老挝语版、波兰语版、乌尔都语版、挪威语版、捷克语版、斯洛伐克语版、罗马尼亚语版、保加利亚语版、塞尔维亚语版、克罗地亚语版、阿尔巴尼亚语版、

18、波斯语版、匈牙利语版、冰岛语版、菲律宾语版、尼泊尔语版、印尼语版、马来语版、僧伽罗语版、土耳其语版、斯瓦西里语版、豪萨语版、希伯来语版等。 Kuaile Hanyu is part of a major project sponsored by Hanban. It is a set of Chinese teaching materials speciallycompiled for the middle school overseas students aged 11 to 16 which has won “2006 Most Popular International ChineseT

19、eaching and Learning Material ” by Hanban. Kuaile Hanyu consists of three levels with a students book a teachers book a workbook ash cards wall charts andCDs at each level which has been designed compiled produced and published to suit the psychological level and learningrequirements of students age

20、d 11 to 16. The emphasis is on enabling the students to learn Chinese in natural conditions andto arouse their interest in Chinese so as to lay a solid foundation for their studies. Besides Kuaile Hanyu is a beginning teaching materials of multi-language developed by Hanban including a studentsbook

21、a teachers book a workbook ash cards wall charts and CDs. The books will be published in different versions of45 languages including English French German Russian Spanish Arabic Swedish Finnish Korean Japanese ThaiDanish Portuguese Mongolian Italian Greek Ukrainian Dutch Vietnamese Burmese Persian C

22、zech Slovak CroatianNorwegian Filipino Serbian Cambodian Hindi Laotian Polish Urdu Romanian Bulgarian Albanian HungarianIcelandic Nepali Indonesian Malay Sinhalese Turkic Swahili Hausa and Hebrew. 6 Chinese Teaching Materials for Overseas Primary and Secondary Schools学生用书(配有CD)Students Book with CD

23、快乐汉语学生用书以话题为主线,分为3册,共24个单元。每册书的课文根据等级不同,对相同的话题在语言内容上逐步拓展,表达形式上逐步丰富,难度上逐步推进。全书针对性、系统性强,内容有趣,贴近学生生活。 Kuaile Hanyu has topics as the main theme. There are threeStudents Books in the whole set with 24 units. The same or similartopics in lessons of different levels are compiled in accordancewith their le

24、vel both in language and in content. The wholebook is well compiled with interesting content closely relatedto the childrens daily lives. 教师用书 Teachers Book 快乐汉语教师用书共3册,与各册学生用书配合使用。内容主要包括:(1)提示 教学步骤、训练方法及练习答案;(2)拓展教学材料;(3)提示语言知识点及文化背 景;(4)提供单元测试题;(5)提供要求书写的汉字卡,供学生练习汉字书写使用。 There are three volumes of

25、 Teachers Books for Kuaile Hanyu which are used in conjunction with the Students Books. Each volume contains: 1 appropriate steps and methods in teaching along with keys to the exercises 2 expansion and elaboration of the teaching materials 3 tips about the language and notes on cultural background

26、4 test questions for each unit 5 and Chinese character cards for characters that the students are required to write out. 7 海外中小学汉语教材 练习册 Workbook 快乐汉语练习册共3册,与学生用书配合使用。主要作为学生的课后作业使用,教 师也可以有选择地在课堂上使用。练习册内容丰富,设计科学,形式活泼。 There are three Workbooks which are companions to the Students Books. They are used

27、 mainly for homework but the instructors can select some exercises to be done in class. The Workbooks are rich and lively in content designed scientically and varied in form.词语卡片Flash Cards 快乐汉语每册学生用书都配有一套词语卡片,第一册102张,第二册127张,第三册93张,以帮助教师指导学生认读生词、领会词义、练习发音等。 Every Students Book of Kuaile Hanyu has a

28、 set of flash cards.Volume One has 102 Volume Two has 127 and Volume Three has 93.The teacher can use them to help the students in their pronouncing andunderstanding of the new words and phrases. 教学挂图 Wall Charts 快乐汉语教学挂图与学生用书配合使用,共8张, 包括数字、时间、日期、天气、食物、房间、用品等主题。 Wall Charts of Kuaile Hanyu are used

29、in conjunction of the Students Books. There are eight pictures altogether including numerals time dates weather food room and articles of daily use. 8 Chinese Teaching Materials for Overseas Primary and Secondary Schools 教学示范片 Demonstration Lessons 快乐汉语国际中小学176.186.24期末总复习汉语教学示范片由中国国家汉办与人民教育出版社联合制作。

30、 本片以快乐汉语135.215.27加与减(三)4 P75-80教材为基础,选择具有丰富国际汉语教学经验的优秀教师主讲。本片兼 备示范与教学功能,既可以满足汉语教师进修的需要,也可以直接应用于课堂辅助教学,还可以 作为电视教学片使用。 本片共8张光盘包含24个课例和相关教学资源,随盘附有快乐汉语国际中小学汉语教学 教案集。 DVD program Kuaile Hanyu: 5.二次函数与一元二次方程Demonstration Lessons of International Chinese Language Teaching for Primary and Secondary Schools

31、 is collaboratively contributed by Hanban and Peoples Education Press. The program is based upon the textbook Kuaile Hanyu andlectured by experienced Chinese instructors who are familiar with international Chinese language teaching. It can serveas demonstration lessons and can also be integrated in

32、actual teaching. It will not only meet the needs of the professionaldevelopment of Chinese language instructors but also be directly in CAI classrooms. It can be a TV teaching program toowhich enables learners to learn Chinese with the instructors in the videoed classes. The whole set of it includes

33、 8 DVDs 24 demonstration lessons in total and related teaching resources. Accompanyingwith it Happy Chinese: Lesson Plans of International Chinese Language Teaching for Primary and Secondary Schools hasbeen published. 9 海外中小学汉语教材跟我学汉语系列 Learn Chinese with Me Series 跟我学汉语是中国国家汉办重点规划教材,专为海外15-18岁青少年汉语

34、学习者编写,曾被国家汉办评为“2006tanA的值越大,梯子越陡,A越大;A越大,梯子越陡,tanA的值越大。年度最受欢迎的国际汉语教材”。全套教材共12册,包括学生用书、教师用书、练习8、加强作业指导、抓质量。册各4册,还配有CD、生字卡片、词语卡片等辅助材料。目前开发有英语、德语、泰语三种版本。 该教材以培养海外学生学习汉语的兴趣为主导思想,吸收当前汉语(1)三角形的外接圆: 经过一个三角形三个顶点的圆叫做这个三角形的外接圆.作为第二语言习得研究的最新成果。教材在内容的安排上自然、有趣,语法点的出tanA的值越大,梯子越陡,A越大;A越大,梯子越陡,tanA的值越大。现顺序以表达功能的需要

35、为基础,并用话题为线索来编排语言素材,从而带动交际能力的培养。 另外,跟我学汉语已由国家汉办主持开发成为一套多语种系列入9、向40分钟要质量,提高课堂效率。门教材,包括学生用书、练习册、生字卡片、词语卡片,并配有CD。该教材共有4553.264.1生活中的数3 P24-29个语种的版本,包括英语版、法语版、德语版、俄语版、西班牙语版、阿拉伯语版、30 o45 o60 o韩语版、日语版、泰语版、蒙古语版、意大利语版、瑞典语版、芬兰语版、希腊语版、丹麦 语版、葡萄牙语版、荷兰语版、乌克兰语版、柬埔寨语版、印地语版、越南语版、缅甸语版、老挝语版、波兰语版、乌尔都语版、挪威语版、捷克语版、斯洛伐克语版、.


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