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1、-精品范文推荐- 九年级英语unit5课件九年级英语unit5重点短语与句型归纳Unit5 Topic1China attracts millions of tourists from all over the worlh.【重点短语】1.It has been+时间段+since从句It is+时间段+since从句时间段+has passed+ since 从句自从以来已经多长时间了2.know very little about 对几乎不了解3.places of interest 名胜古迹4.all over the world 全世界5.a great number of 许多,大量

2、6.the second longest 第二长7.the birthplace of 的发源地8.fetch sb. sth.= fetch sth. for sb.为某人取某物9.in detail 详细的10.millions of 数百万11.be worth doing sth. 值得做某事12.run through 流经13.lie in 位于之内lie on 和紧挨着,相邻lie to 隔相望,不相邻14.a/the symbol of 的象征15.imperial power 帝王权利16.play an important part/role扮演重要的角色17.stretc

3、h fromto从延伸到18.jointogether 把连接在一起19.wear away磨损,消耗20.seperatefrom 把与分开21.bringinto把带入,使达到22.be regarded as 被看做23.the home of 之乡24.the largest number of 最多数量25.along/together with 和一起26.begin to do sth. 开始做某事27.since then 自从那时起28.be similar to 与相似29.the pronunciation of 的发音30.the same as 和一样31.be fa

4、mous for 因为而著名【重点句型】1.Chinais a great country with about 5000 years of history./Chinais a great country (which/that) has about 5000 years of history.中国是一个有着五千年历史的国家。2.It is a book with details aboutChina./It is a book (which/that) introducesChinain detail.这是一本详细介绍中国的书。3.And some of them are very fam

5、ous, such as Mount Tai, Mount Huang, Mount Song and Mount Emei.并且他们中一些非常著名,例如泰山,黄山,嵩山和峨眉山。4.That correct! 非常正确!Unit5 Topic2He is really the pride ofChina.【重点短语】1.in the field of 在领域2.be born 出生3.wise sayings 至理名言4.the importance of 的重要性5.receive/get/have a good education接受好的教育6.at the age of 在岁时7.tr

6、avel around 环游8.search for 搜寻,搜查9.good rules of behavior 好的行为准则10.in ones thirties 在某人三十多岁时11.the rest of 剩余的12.pass away 去世13.set up 建立e to an end 结束15.be proud of/take pride in 为感到骄傲be the pride of 是的骄傲16.play an important role/part扮演一个重要的角色17.succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事18.more than half a century

7、 earlier than比早半个多世纪19.die of 死于(内因)die from 死于(外因)20.sail to 航行到21.graduate from 从毕业22.as well as 和,又,和一样好23.make contributions to 为作出贡献24.from then on 从那时起25.in charge of 主管,负责26.be honored as 被誉为27.the father of 之父28.have great influence on 对有好的影响29.depend on 依靠,取决于30.be used for 被用于31.at the end

8、 of 在末32.the method of 的方法【重点句型】1.Could you tell me more about him?你能告诉我关于他更多的吗?2.Its hard to believe.很难相信3.What a great explorer!多么伟大的探险家!4.He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior.他是一个对人的本性和行为有很多真知灼见的伟大的思想家。5.He was also a famous philosopher whose sayings have influenced many people in different countries.他也是一位著名的哲学家,他的至理名言对不同国家的许多人产生了影响。6.When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them.三人行,必有我师。7.He who learns but does not think is lost, he who thinks but does not learn is in danger.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。


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