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1、牛津上海版小学英语五年级下册期末复习试卷(附答案)、英汉互译1.英汉互译(1) tidy up(2) twice times(3) do a survey(4) in the future(5) in front of(6) 照相(7) 戴眼镜(8) 做运动(9) 在那里(10) 把表演出来二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。A shoesB . skirtC. hatD. size_A colourB. pinkC. whiteD. brown_A askB. cryC. magicD. visit_A wearB. giveC. cleverD. nodA pairB. greatC. bea

2、utifulD. tiny三、单选题1.This wallet is.A. mineB. myselfC. my2 .Nobody typhoon. Because it is dangerous .A. likesB. doesntlikelike3 .Here are some English books , pleaseA. pick up themit up4 .Whose bag is this ? It is.A. SuesB. SuesC. Sue5.It is raining now .A. heavierB. heavilyC. heavy四、写出下列单词的第三人称单数。C.

3、B. pickC. pick them updofeelhearknockgocry五、读句子,选择合适的单词完成句子。I.The giant finds the children in his garden . He is very . (sad /angry/ hungry)2The giant builds a wall around hid garden . (tall /great /high)3 .Mis s Spring brings beautiful flowers and birds , but she does not bring tothe giants garden

4、. (some/any/ lot)4 .A giant in a big house with a beautiful garden . (live /lives /living)5 .Children play in the garden . (like /likes to/like to)六、句型转换1 .按要求改写句子,每空填写一词。(1) My new friend is Tony.(改写成一般疑问句)Tony new friend?(2) These pencils are mine. (对画线部分提问) pencils are ?2 .按要求改写句子(1) I study hard

5、 and I read a story book.(用 will 改写成一般将来时)(2) She will wear a red skirt. (改写成否定句)(3) Mr Black will live in Canada in the future.(对画线部分提问)七、补全对话A、Can you fly kites ?B、What about you ?C、What can you do in fall ?D See you .E、Why do you like fall ?F、Which season do you like best ?G What time would you l

6、ike to go ?Tom Hi , Mike .Mike: Well , in China I like winter best , because its not very cold .Tom I like fall best .Mike: Tom Because I can fly kites .Mike: Yes , I can .Tom Lets fly kites together .Mike: OK , see you .Tom 八、连词成句(1) it , Chinese, is , important , festival , an(.)(2) red , colour ,

7、 is , Nian , of, the , afraid(.)(3) packets , red , them, children , often , with , get, money some, in(.)(4) the , hows, at, the , weather, Festival , Mid-Autumn(?)(5) beautiful , fireworks , like , the , much very , they(.)九、阅读理解April FoolsDay is a day to play jokes on others . No one knows how it

8、 began,In France , people callbut people think it first began in FranceEach country celebrates April FoolsDay differentlythe April fools April Fish . They tape a paper fish to their friends backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout April Fish! ”In the UK , people play jokes only in

9、the morning . You are a “noodle” if someone fools you .In the US, people play small jokes on their friends on the first of April . Theymaypoint downto your shoe and say, “Your shoelace iS untied . If you believe them and look down , you are an April fool then(1) ( )The Chinese meaning of April Fools

10、Day is A.感恩节B.复活节C.愚人节(2) ( )People often0n April FoolsDay .A. eatnoodlesB. play jokesC. ta pe a fish(3) ( )In France , people call the April fools ” .A. AprilFishB. anoodlea fool(4)()People inplay jokes only in the morningC.that dayB.A. theUSFranceC. the UK(5)()In the US , people usually play jokes

11、 on their friendson .A. Aprillst2nd3rd十、写作题Mr Yang得了重感冒,你有什么建议?请至少写5句话。B. AprilC. AprilMr Yang has a cold . He should答案解析部分 一、英汉互译1 .【答案】(1)整理(2)两次(3)做调查(4)将来(5)在前面(6) take a photo wear glasses(8) do exercise(9) over there(10) act . out【考点】汉译英,英译汉【解析】【分析】(1)根据动词词组tidy up表达打扫,整理可知,故填写整理。(2)根据twice表达两

12、次;times表达次数可知,故填写两次。(3)根据动词do表达做;a survey表达一份调查可知,故填写做调查。(4)根据介词固定搭配in the future 表达在将来,在未来。故填写将来。(5)根据介词固定搭配in front of 表达在 前面。故填写在 前面。(6)根据汉语意思可知,要使用动词固定搭配take a photo 表达照相。故填写take aphoto。(7)根据汉语意思可知,要使用 wear动词表达穿戴;glasses表达眼镜。故填写wear glasses。(8)根据汉语意思可知,要使用动词词组 do exercise 表达做运动。故填写do exercise 。(

13、9)根据汉语意思可知,要使用固定搭配 over there 表达在那边。故填写over there 。(10)根据汉语意思可知,act动词表达表演;out副词表达出来 要使用固定搭配act out 表达。故填写act out 。【点评】考查英汉互译。二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。【答案】D; A; C; C; A【考点】名词,形容词,动词【解析】【分析】A.鞋子;B.裙子;C.帽子;D.尺码,不符合的是Do A. 颜色; B. 粉色; C. 白色; D. 棕色,不符合的是A。 A. 问;B. 哭;C. 魔幻的;D. 拜访,不符合的是C。 A. 穿;B. 给;C. 聪明的;D. 点头,不符合的

14、是C。 A. 双; B. 不错的;C. 美丽的;D. 小的,不符合的是A。【点评】考查单词词义及词性。三、单选题1【答案】 A【考点】代词【解析】 【分析】句意是这个钱包是我的。根据句意可知,要使用名词性物主代词mine 表达我的钱包。myself属于反身代词;my属于形容词性物主代词表达我的。故选 A【点评】考查代词辨析。2. 【答案】 A【考点】动词【解析】【分析】句意是没有人喜欢台风。因为它是危险的。根据句意可知,nobody这个不定代词表达否定含义没人;属于第三人称单数形式。其后动词要使用单三式likes 。故选A。【点评】考查动词单三式。3【答案】C【考点】动词【解析】【分析】句意是

15、这是一些英语书,请把它们捡起来。根据句意可知,要使用动词词组pick +人称单词宾格+up表达捡起;拾起。books是名词复数形式,要使用宾格人称代词 them 来指代。故选C。【点评】考查动词固定搭配。4. 【答案】 B【考点】名词所有格【解析】【分析】句意是这是谁的包?它是苏的包。根据句意可知,要使用名词所有格表达属于某人的物品。故选Bo【点评】考查名词所有格。5. 【答案】 B【考点】副词heavily【解析】【分析】句意是现在雨下得非常大。根据副词修饰动词用法可知,要使用 表达雨下地大修饰动词rain 。故选B。【点评】考查副词。四、写出下列单词的第三人称单数。.【答案】does; f

16、eels ; hears; knocks; goes; cries【考点】动词【解析】【分析】动词的三单形式是在动词后加 s,其规则是:一般词尾加s;以s, sh, ch, x,。结尾的加es;以辅音字母加y结尾改y为i加es。have的三单是has。 故答案为 does;feels ;hears ;knocks; goes;cries 。【点评】考查动词三单形式的规则。五、读句子,选择合适的单词完成句子。1 .【答案】angry【考点】形容词【解析】【分析】句意:巨人发现孩子们在他的花园,他很。 sad译为“悲伤”;angry 译为“生气的;hungry译为“饥饿的”,根据课文内容,可知答案

17、填angry。【点评】考查形容词词义。2 .【答案】tall【考点】形容词【解析】【分析】句意:巨人在他的花园边建了一堵墙。tall译为“高的;great译为“伟大的,巨大的,high译为“高的,high比tall更高,根据课文内容,可知此处 选 tall 。【点评】考查形容词词义。3 .【答案】any【考点】代词【解析】【分析】句意:春小姐带来美丽的花儿和小鸟,但是她没有带到巨人的花园里。some用在肯定句中,译为“一些”,any用在否定和疑问句中,译为“否定”,没有 10t单 独使用,一般是a lot ,这是个否定句,故选any。【点评】考查some与any的用法。4【答案】lives【考

18、点】连词【解析】【分析】句意:巨人住在一个有着美丽花园的大房子里。巨人 a giant是主语三单,故动词用三单形式,故答案填lives 。【点评】考查动词的三单形式。5.【答案】like to【考点】动词【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们喜欢在花园里玩。喜欢做某事是“ like to do ”,主语是 children 是复数,故答案填like to 。【点评】考查动词like的用法。六、句型转换(1) 答案】(1) Is ; your(2) Whose these【考点】疑问句【解析】【分析】(1)句中有be动词,变一般疑问句,只需将be动词提前,主语第一人称改为第二人称,and 变为or。故答案

19、是Is , your。(2)句意:这些铅笔是我的。对 mine提问,可知问的是“这些铅笔是谁的”?这是个特殊 疑问句,句首要用特殊疑问词 whose,故答案为 Whose these。【点评】考查一般疑问句与特殊疑问句的结构。2【答案】(1) I will study hard and I will read a story book.(3) She wont wear a red skirt.(4) Where will Mr Black live in the future?【考点】陈述句,疑问句【解析】【分析】(1)句意:我学习努力,我读了一本故事书。要求改为将来时,只需在动词前面加wi

20、ll即可,答案为 I will study hard and I will read a story book.(2)句意:她会穿一件红色的裙子。句中如果出现了be动词或情态动词(can、will等),变否定只需在这些词后加 not,故答案为She wont wear a red skirt.(3)句意:布兰克先生将来会住在加拿大。对Canada提问,可知问的是“布兰克先生将来会住在哪里?”特殊疑问句需要先写特殊疑问词where,随后将原句改为一般疑问句即可。故答案为 Where will Mr Black live in the future?【点评】考查了句子的时态,一般疑问句及特殊疑问句

21、的结构应用。七、补全对话【答案】F; B; E; A; D【考点】情景交际【解析】【分析】A、Can you fly kites ? 你放风筝吗?B What about you ?那你呢?G What can you do in fall ?你在秋天能做什么?D See you .再见。E、Why do you like fall ? 你喜欢秋天吗?F、Which season do you like best ?你最喜欢哪个季节?G What time would you like to go ? 你想要什么时间去?(1)根据下旬 Well , in China I like winter

22、 best表达主人公最喜欢冬季可知,此处要询问主人公最喜爱的季节。故选 F。(2)根据下旬I like fall best表达主人公最喜欢秋季可知,此处也要询问对方最爱的季节。故选Bo(3)根据下旬Because I can fly kites因为我能放风筝可知,此处要询问喜欢秋天的原因。故选E。(4)根据下旬Yes, I can 肯定回答可知,此处要表达can引导的一般疑问句。故选 A。(5)根据上旬See you表达再见可知,此处要表达 See you。故选D。【点评】考查补全对话。注意根据上下句句意来选择合适的句子完成对话。八、连词成句【答案】(1) It is an important

23、 Chinese festival.(2) Nian is afraid of the colour red(3) Children often get red packets with some money in t-hem(4) Hows the weather at the Mid-Autumn Festival ?(5) They like the beautiful fireworks very much.【考点】陈述句,疑问句【解析】【分析】(1)句子符号是句号,可知这是个陈述句。故答案为:It is an important Chinesefestival .句意:它是一个很重要

24、的中国节日。(2) be afraid of是固定短语,意思是“害怕,故答案为:Nian is afraid of they in them . 句意:孩子colour red .句意:Nian害怕红色。(3) 答案为: Chil dren often get red packets with some mone们经常得到红包。(4)句子符号是问号,可知是疑问句,how是疑问词,故放句首。故答案为:Hows the weather at the Mid -Autumn Festival ? 句意:中秋节的天气怎么样?(5) very much是起的,放在旬末,故答案为: They like t

25、he beautiful fireworks very much句意:他们很喜欢美丽的烟花。【点评】连词成句考查的是学生的语感以及句子的结构,在平时的学习中,一定要多朗读课 文。九、阅读理解【答案】(1) C(2) B(3) A(4) C(5) A【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】介绍了愚人节在各国的情况。(1)题干意思:April FoolsDay的中文意思是。fool是傻瓜,愚弄的意思,故选 C。(2)题干意思:人们经常在这一天。从文中第一句April FoolsDay is a day to playjokes on others 可知这一天是开他人玩笑的一天,故选B。(3)从 In Fr

26、ance , people call the April fools April Fish可知答案选 A。(4)从文中 In the UK , people play jokes only in the morning 可知只有英国人只在 早上开玩笑,故选Co(5)从文中最后一段In the US people play small jokes on their friends on the firstof April .可知美国人在四月一日跟朋友们开玩笑,故选 A【点评】考查对文章细节的理解能力,根据题干关键词在文中寻找答案即可。十、写作题He should wear warm【答案】(参考

27、范文)Mr Yang has a cold . He should go to see the doctor clothes He should drink a lot of warmwater Heshould have a good rest Heshouldnt go to bed late He should take some medicine 【考点】其他【解析】【分析】给得了感冒的人一些建议,可应用 Heshould句型,如Heshould go tosee the doctor ; He should drink more hot water 等等,应用本单元学习过的词组代入句型中即可。【点评】考查对本单元句型和词组的应用,在平时的英语学习中一定要多多积累好词好句型。


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